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Jedi Knights: Masters of the Force


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"Take him patiently, Lyla," Gavin muttered. "Briana will help you, but I'm not staying."


"Can you handle him, Lyla?" Briana asked with a frown. There was no way she'd leave Gavin to himself. "I have to go with Gavin."


"No, Briana," Gavin began.


"Yes, Gavin," Briana interrupted. "I'm going with you."


They advanced slowly on Ajunta Pall, attacking in unison, just enough to get past him and slip away. The Sith Lord laughed and turned back to Lyla.


"Your friends have abandoned you," he grinned. "What now?"




Meanwhile, Gavin led Briana into the Valley of the Sith Lords and straight to the tomb of Marka Ragnos.


"This is where you wanted to go?" Briana demanded, staring at the door of the tomb. Gavin nodded.


"All of the ancient Sith Lords are being raised," he said. "Juhn-Kai Ryu is dealing with Tulak Hord. Strider Flamehart is dealing with Naga Sadow. Lyla and Sawyer are dealing with Ajunta Pall, though I suspect Sawyer will run off looking for that woman. It falls to us to confront Ragnos."


"Right," Briana muttered. "Well, at least we're both here."


They entered the tomb.

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Ajunta Pall got back up, and gave Sawyer a hateful glare.

- "You will wish you had not done that, now allow me to show you the true power of ancient Sith Lord" - Ajunta said throwing rays of lightning at Lyla and Sawyer which Lyla attempted to stop with her sabers.


- "Is that...all...you've got?!" - Lyla shouted.

Ajunta laughed loudly at what Lyla said.

- "Well then It falls on lightsaber skill" - Ajunta said igniting his saber and attempting to charge against them, Lyla spun in the air and attempted a series of spining slashes and jabs which Ajunta blocked, until she threw him with a force push at Sawyer's feet.




Ragnos was already waiting for Briana and Gavin, as he saw them enter his toomb he was ready, standing at the center of the great hall with his saber in hand.


- "Welcome to the hall of death...I am Marka Ragnos a true Lord of the Sith" - Ragnos said.


((Take it from there WJ and good luck, just don't kill him to quickly :) ))

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Ajunta stared at Sawyer and smiled.

- "Do you really think it would be that easy?" - Ajunta said and moved in a blur, and came up behind Sawyer pushing him hard against the wall.


Lyla charged at him and started fighting with him.

- "You don't grasp the situation, even as we speak behind me the mercenary group is installing the device on every ship, you cannot stop us" - Ajunta said.

- "We can try...Sawyer, go and stop them, the woman must surely be supervising the install, I'll keep him busy" - Lyla said spinning her sabers.

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Delta remained on the Mandalorian command ship during the battle, his help wasn't really needed since the Jedi were leading the Mandalorians. Instead Delta went to inform his commander of the situation and what he'd found out so far.


"Delta, what's going on? Why are all these ancient Sith Lord's still alive, they died centuries ago." The commander asked.


"I'm not sure commander," Delta said, "The Jedi don't seem to be surprised though and it's not the first record of Sith Lord's rising from the dead."


The commander nodded understandingly, "So how has your mission been so far?"


"It's not really too complicated, the Sith have come back and the Jedi are trying to stop us, I'm acctually surprised that our help was requested."


"Yes, me too." The commander agreed. "No matter, let's return to the command deck. I'm sure everything will be revealed in time."


When the doors to the command bridge were opened Delta and the Commander were shocked at what they saw. The entire crew was dead and a dark robed firgure stood in the middle of the room with his back to the two Mandalorians.


"Who is that?" The commander stuttered in shock.


Delta however had overcome his surprise by now. "Just some Sith who's about to meet his end," Delta said demeaningly.


Darth Apathy turned around slowly and removed his hood, "Ah, the commander and his body guard finally return. I was very disapointed when I first arrived to find the command deck commander-less." He started to slowly step forward, and ignited his lightsaber.


Delta drew his blaster rifle and squeezed off a rapid volley of shots. With ease apathy deflected all of the shots and some back at Delta. When Delta ducked to the side avoiding the deflected shots Apathy rushed forwards and slashed down at the Mandalorian.


Delta let the lightsaber hit his left pauldron and moved in closer to the Sith elbowing him in the stomach. Apathy's knee came up and struck Delta in the chest hurting his knee on the armor more than he hurt Delta.


Noticing the effects Delta pressed harder and threw sevral punches and kicks at Apathy. After blocking all the blows Apathy sent Delta across the room with a well landed kick to the ribs.


Even before Delta had hit the ground he fired a mini rocket from his guanlet at the Sith. With ease Apathy used the force to steer the missle to the left and charged forward. As Apathy lunged through the air with his saber arching towards Delta he caught a glips out of the corner of his eye the Mandalorian Commander charging at him. It was too late, Apathy was so used to sensing danger with the force that when the Mandalorian's helmet's blocked out their thoughts it was impossible to sense them.


The mini rocket Apathy had so casually diverted exploded on the transparasteel veiwport of the command deck diminishing it to shards. A second later the mandalorian commander's kick sent Apathy crashing through the veiwport. Darth Apathy barely grabbed onto the viewport's frame in time. Blood dribbled down the side of the wall as bits of remaining broken transparisteel cut into Darth Apathy's hand.


Pulling himself back into the command deck Darth Apathy leapt forwards and landed in front of Delta and the commander. That was too close he thought to himself. Igniting his saber once more he prepared to combat the Mandalorians.

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Sawyer nodded and ran off. He paused.


"Hope you can handle this guy." Then he kept running. He found the woman overseeing the install, berating the mercenaries on their speed.


"It's over Allea!" He drew his blaster and quickly shot the mercenaries standing around her. She turned.


"You can't be that stupid, Fir." she said. "You think these are the only devices that are going to be used? You can't stop us now."


"You're bluffing."


She shrugged. "Maybe. But I know you, you couldn't live with yourself if I'm not."


"Yeah well." He aimed his blaster. "I've changed these last few ye-"


A shot rang out and Sawyer's blaster flew out of his hand, demolished. He cursed, and found a sniper taking aim again. He pulled the sniper off his vantage point with the force, killing him. He turned, and saw that Allea had taken that opportunity to run. He cursed and chased after her.

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Strider has put up an impressive display against Naga Sadow. The Sith Lord was breathing heavily, unable to match Strider's superior skill with a lightsaber. Naga growled at Strider and attempted to strike at him again. Strider was faster, and ended up knocking Naga clean off his feet with his foot and pinning him down with his lightsaber. "It's over, Naga," Strider said confidently.


"This is only the beginning!" Naga said, and in a blur was back on his feet and retreated out of the room.


Strider deactivated his lightsaber and drew his handgun and took aim at the retreating Naga, shouting after him, "You didn't get a souvenier!" A loud shot rang out and Naga let out a shout of pain as the bullet pierced his left arm. He recovered and continued fleeing until Strider couldn't see him anymore.


Strider holstered his pistol, knowing fully well he would face Naga later. As he walked towards the exit of the temple, he raised his comlink, "This is Strider..Naga's retreated. Does anyone else need assistance?"

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"Hmm..." Gavin said thoughtfully. "Yes, the name does sound familiar... but I just can't place it." He turned to Briana. "Does the name 'Marka Ragnos' mean something to you?"


"Sort of reminds me of that old kook that possessed Tavion only to be killed by Jaden," Briana answered. Ragnos snorted.


"Pure luck," he said. "Not to mention the fact that Tavion was a weakling. This is my body you see before you. I will not be beaten again."


Before entering the tomb, Briana had twisted the hilt of her saber, so what came out was the shorter green blade. Ragnos laughed.


"You expect to defeat me with a midget blade?" he demanded. Then, he ignited his saber and watched as Gavin drew his twin sabers.


Briana attacked quickly and Gavin followed up. Together, they kept Ragnos on his guard. He brushed Briana's saber lightly out of the way and prepared to strike a killing blow only to find that one of Gavin's sabers had filled the gap. He kicked Gavin in the chest, knocking the young man back against a wall. Briana knew what she had to do.


"Wha..." Ragnos gasped, backpedaling rapidly as Briana's stubby green blade suddenly flickered, reached the standard saber length, and darkened to violet. In the moment of his surprise, she attacked again, injuring his leg.


"Dual-phase," he grunted moving away. "Impressive."


He ran, leaving Briana and Gavin standing side by side staring after him.


"Observation," Briana said quietly. "Ancient Sith Lords are cowards."


"Agreed," Gavin chuckled. "But I get the feeling we'll be seeing him again."


"Come on," Briana sighed. "Let's regroup with the others."

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Juhn-Kai exit the toomb and sensed the battle between Lyla and Pall, Sawyer chasing after the woman and Strider with Naga, the twins against Ragnos, but he knew there was nothing to be worried about, all of the others were completely capable of halddling the sith lords especially Strider, the question was, what about Kresh?


- "Here I am Kai Ryu!" - Kresh jumped over a ledge and fell infront of Juhn-Kai.

- "Kresh, Ragnos's pupil" -Juhn-Kai said.

- "Correct Kai-Ryu, it always puzzled me how you were able to be in every war this galaxy got involved in, but this one even you or Strider cannot stop" - Kresh said.

- "Really? I know what you plan to do... resurrect Plagueis? Sidious? Even Futi Darklighter, the first dark Jedi? Why so many? All of you have always been at each others throats for power, so answer me this, do you know which of you will rule over the others?" - Juhn-Kai asked.


Kresh looked confused for a moment then Juhn-Kai grinned at him.

- "You have not decided yet, how about Darklighter, he's the oldest, or Ajunta Pall, he was one of the first Lords of the Sith, or Hord? the deadliest lightsaber duelist?" - Juhn-Kai said enfasizing the word deadliest in a mocking tone.

- "You seek to confuse me Juhn-Kai, just as you did Naga when you turned him against me" - Kresh said.

- "Confuse you, believe me when I say Sadow's ambition sought out to destroy you, but what good it do for him, Nadd came in to picture and ruined everything for you" - Juhn-Kai said.


- "A mistake I will correct" - A man said jumping down beside Kresh.

- "Freedon Nadd, how was Dxun? it has been always a little to warm and humid for my taste, I sure hope you got no mold on your brain, I wouldn't want to fight you impaired" - Juhn-Kai said.

- "Hilarious remarks, but enough comedy, I assure you I'm in top condition" - Freedon Nadd said.

- "Well then, shall we dance" - Juhn-Kai said and turned on his lightsaber.

Freedon Nadd and Ludo Kresh turned on their sabers and charged at Juhn-Kai, with a small movement Juhn-Kai moved in ablur to be behind Kresh throwing him against the wall and got Nadd on the back, this made the sith lords even angrier and charged at him again, Nadd and Kresh did a series of slashes and jabs and Juhn-Kai blocked them with ease with one hand.


- "You came back from the grave for this? I must say I'm dissapointed you used to fight better than this" - Juhn-Kai said grinning at both.

Nadd and Kresh scoffed the anger swelling even more within their eyes.


The battle continued and Juhn-Kai sent then flying back to the ground with force lightning.

- "Lighting...is a dark side power" - Nadd said.

- "You forget there was a time when I was not a jedi" - Juhn-Kai said.

- "Yes, Morbiöus, that reminds me of something, we are bringing back one other that you forgot to mention, one that you know all to well" - Kresh said.

Juhn-Kai thought for a moment and it hit him.

- "Val-Kan" - Juhn-Kai said.

- "Yes the great Val-Kan who you confronted on the unkown regions on the planet you destroyed with your battle, the one you knew since childhood as I recall" - Kresh said.

- "Val-Kan's body was destroyed with the planet, it is impossible to bring him back" - Juhn-Kai said.

- "Oh it is actually quite simple, you see, here at the Academy we kept vials with blood samples and Val-Kan's blood as yours were precious, so we conserved his, yours got destroyed, but we used his to create a body for him and infused the biomechs with samples of us" - Kresh said.

- "So that's why they are so weak" - Juhn-Kai said mocking them.

Nadd scoffed.

- "And when his body is finished we will take him to the Academy on Yavin IV and destroy the son of the chosen one" - Nadd said.

- "Skywalker, I won't let you, me and my friends will be there to stop you" - Juhn-Kai said.

- "Really? What are you gonna do, even as we speak the ships are ready and they are departing each to one core world, you can not protect them all, you may have many jedi but not enough to stop an army" - Nadd said.

- "I'll find a way, I've always found a way" - Juhn-Kai said.

- "Well until then" - Nadd said and with Kresh's help they brought down a series of pillars over Juhn-Kai to distract him while they got away.

- "Got to get back with the others" - Juhn-Kai said and ran to where Lyla was, the ships were already taking of and activated their cloaking devices passing the mandalorian blockade and jumping into Hyperspace.


Freedon Nadd and Kresh's presence were no longer on the planet, as well as Sadow's and Ragnos's, only Ajunta Pall and he sensed he was already leaving, Hord was long gone now.



Ajunta Pall started fighting again against Lyla, she spun behind him and slashed constantly and he blocked, she force pushed him againsta a wall and he recovered quickly.

- "Enough child, we will continue this in another time in the meantime practice more, I want to fight you at your best" - Ajunta said pushing her against the wall and he ran away.


As soon as Pall ran away his presence was no longer felt, he was gone.

- "I'm tired of hitting the wall, it's always the wall" - Lyla said and got up, when she got up she sensed Sawyer was still chasing the woman, and Juhn-Kai arrived there with her.


- "Good to know you're okay, had a run in to with Pall? Vicious man" - Juhn-Kai said.

- "They are moving now, none of them are here any more" - Lyla said.

- "But Sawyer is still chasing after the woman, we must offer assistance" - Juhn-Kai said and ran inside the toomb to look for Sawyer.

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"Hey!" Gavin called. He and Briana ran up to the others.


"We fought Ragnos," Briana told them. "I managed to catch him by surprise with the dual-phase function of my lightsaber, but he ran off... I won't be able to trick him with that again."


"But we're both convinced he'll want another fight," Gavin finished. "We're tracking him. We'll sneak on whatever ship he boards and confront him a second time... may the Force be with you all."


((Don't follow them or try to persuade them to stay with you... the group is bound to split up... each of us has a different story to tell. May the Force be with you :D and we'll regroup later. ))

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Sawyer kept chasing after Allea. He was forced to dodge many traps, from elaborate illussions to simple things like tripwires and fake floors. Finally he caught up to her.


"It's over. The sith that were revived are being killed, the machines that were being installed on the ships are now destroyed, and the army of biomechs is being decimated. "


She laughed. "That may be so, but I still have my paycheck to cash." She paused "Why don't you come along with me? It could be just like old times. Except without your father."


"If I remember correctly those old times were ended when certain words were exchanged-"


"But this time it could be different"


"-also, certain blaster bolts."


"You'll never forget about that, will you?"


"The injury? Eventually, the betrayal? Never."


Suddenly the force warned him of danger. He leapt to the left, and barely avoided a shot that she had fired from a hidden blaster behind her back. Instead of hitting him, the shot hit his saber. It fizzled and he threw it on the ground.


"Now it's an even fight." Said Allea. She lunged at Sawyer.

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(((BTW, I was wondering if you got my reply message Flamehart?)))


- "May the force be with you Brianna and Gavin" - Lyla said and she saw them run off.

- "I must leave as well, I will track Hord and go you stay here and give directions to everyone as to where the sith lord they confronted went, I must fight Kresh and Hord before they awaken someone from my past, good bye and Strider will know where the Sadow and Nad went, Pall will go to Yavin, go there he will expect you there" - Juhn-Kai said and left on a sith ship to follow Hord and Kresh as they headed to Coruscant.


- "Yes Juhn-Kai may the force be with you" - Lyla said and waited for Strider to arrive where she was and go to Sawyer.

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Darth Apathy kicked the Mandalorian commander into the wall and spun around kicking Delta off his feet. Apathy plunged his lightsaber inbetween the seems in the commander's armor, killing him.


"NOOOOO!" Delta shouted and leapt forwards slashing at Darth Apathy with his retractable wrist blade.


Apathy fell back and clutched his wounded arm, blood slipped between his fingertips and dripped on the floor. "You would same the same fate too Mandalorian, if I were not so pressed for time." He jumped asside of another slash from Delta, rebounded off the wall, and kicked Delta in the back. "Till next we meet," Darth Apathy said before slipping out of the command deck.


Delta jumped up to his feet and moved to chase after Darth Apathy. The sith however had left a thermal detenator and it's explosion threw Delta into one of the control stations of the command deck. As smoke steamed from his armor he climbed to his feet, he was defeated, his commander killed, and his attacker escaped.

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((Yes I did, but I didn't have the chance to reply. Will do so after this post)).


Strider was seen heading back towards the group. A remaining series of Biomechs was still in his path, and he was seen hacking and slashing them to pieces with incredible ease and speed with his lightsaber and sword. It wasn't long before he made it back to Lyla, and informed her that Sadow had escaped. "I'm...not quite sure where Sadow would retreat to. I need a bit to think. Certain old memories have been clouding my judgement since the battle and I need a few moments to sort things out and get my train of thought back," he said.

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((Hey JM :)


Name: Havok

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: Young, wears a dark cloak

Homeworld: None

Rank: None

Equipment: A custom forged Darksythe (A long bladed (approx 5ft) silver LS beam froms at a 90 degree angle from the top of a crooked black staff coated in cartosis, which also resonates an energy field around it. There are two handles on the staff which he wields the weapon in the manner as a Sythe), A short bladed blue lightsaber

Bio: Created with the genes of Jedi and Sith and as well Dark Jedi from his time, his path of the dark side is a bizzare and a mysterous one. But none the less his appearence to be someone who is in his earily teens, one glance into his eyes shows a glimpse of secrets that he could have been seen for millina past...




I take it this is all on Korriban right?))


*Darth Apathy had lost his persuers, but it wasn't long before he met up with another...*


*This newcomer stopped him in his tracks, an arua of the dark side coursed through him like the ever so countinuious waves of water crashing on a beach as the tide was rolling in. His hood was down, consealing his appearence, but his hand on his tall weapon shown to be from a young individual... He spoke with a voice that was young, but how it was spoken sounded is if he were possesed by someone who is much older, wiser maybe, but none the less, couldn't have been from this boy.*


Newcomer "Is that a Sith?? Running away?" *Takes a few steps closer* "If I weren't surprised I'd mistake you for a coward!" *A moment passes* "Well? What have you? Say something... Coward."

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((Welcome Scar))

Lyla looked at Strider for a moment.

- "I have to head out, Sawyer will finish up with the woman soon, Juhn-Kai said Pall will hit the Yavin Academy, he also said that he was going after Kresh and Hord because they were going to revive Zuti Darklighter the first dark jedi and someone else from his past, but I have to go, may the force be with you" - Lyla said.


Lyla ran to a ship and sped through the atmosphere following behind Ajunta Pall's ship.

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((I just realized alot of people have custom titles, is it something you get after so many posts or what? I mean, Registered User doesn't even show up under mine anymore :p ))


Strider nodded at Lyla and lifted his comlink, speaking into it, "Don't mean to interrupt ya Sawyer, but when you're done, we've got a loose Sith by the name of Freedon Nadd at Onderon. I'm heading to Corellia to take care of Naga Sadow."


With that, he left for the main spaceport, cutting apart any remaining Reborn or Biomechs that may still be on the planet. A large, sleek black starship landed into one of the hangars, its automatic weapons clearing the hangar of any Sith soldiers. Strider waved his hand as he approached it and the entry ramp for it opened. Strider sat down at the cockpit and the entry ramp closed. He was welcomed by the familiar voice of his ship's onboard computer, "Welcome back aboard the Ragnarok, Strider. Where to?"


Strider simply answered, "Corellia. I've got a score to settle."

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((When you have 1k posts you get a custom title. It's strange that you don't even have a title and strange that Registered User is a title, it never used to be. You've been around since May 2002 and you don't know that?


Anyway, what should the Mandalorians do? They don't have enough forces to fight a war or anything.))

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((I've been told before, I just couldn't remember. I thought it was odd that I didn't have anything at all to begin with :p. I may have been around since May 2002, but I was away for almost a year and a half of that, so I didn't know if things'd changed either. As for the Mandalorians, I dunno they're pretty competent, they could go to one of the planets being targetted and help them defend it.))

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((Hey Scar.))


Sawyer and Allea fought hand-to-hand. Sawyer was trying to take her alive, so they were evenly matched. Finally Sawyer kicked Allea down to the floor.


"That's it. I'm tired of this. You can't win. You can do this the hard way or the easy way."


"Let me guess, the easy way is I go peacefully?"


"No, the easy way is I kill you, and you stop bothering me."


"I see you still have the same social skills."


"That's right."


"Well I could go...." Suddenly she took out a knife, jumped up, and stabbed him in the shoulder. He suppressed the pain with the force, and pulled her back with the force when she tried to run. She was knocked out. He grabbed her and began dragging her back.


He passed some Mandalorians, who for a moment paused in surprise at seeing a jedi with a knife jammed in his shoulder dragging an unconcious woman.


"You guys get paid for staring?" Said Sawyer. "I thought Mandalorians were supposed to fight, but ogling is okay too"


The mandalorians quickly hurried back on their way. Sawyer sighed and kept walking.

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"There he is," Gavin whispered. Marka Ragnos was no longer limping and was just boarding one of the ships. Briana nodded, but when Gavin prepared to hurry up behind the Sith Lord, Briana stopped him.


"Wait until the ramp closes," she whispered. "Then, I'll find us another way in."


Gavin sighed and watched as Ragnos boarded the ship. The ramp slid shut and Briana ran toward the ship.

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