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Jedi Knights: Masters of the Force


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Strider moved towards Apathy, his arms now moving to his custom offensive stance, swinging swiftly with his blade, his arms almost moving in a blur. He faked a horizontal attack from the left, and almost instantaneously, his arms seemingly followed by an after-image of them, his lightsaber was suddenly coming from the right at Apathy. He wasn't quick enough, and knew Apathy would probably block it, but it would give the Sith a good idea of what kind of saber combatant he was up against.

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Lyla was under the rocks, she was unconscious on the floor, blood still streaming down her face, then she felt warm, she saw an image of a man with long silver hair, and white with black armor and robes, his face wasn't clear, but she could hear him speak.


- "Wake up Lyla, no... you're not meant to die here" - the man said.


She woke up under the rocks to tired to pull them away and used what little strength she had to pull some off of her.

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((If the Sith withdraw or anything give me a signal so Darth Apathy knows to withdrawl.))


Darth Apathy moved to parry the initial attack, after the fake he continued the flow of his lightsaber over his head and around to his right clashing with Strider's lightsaber. Darth Apathy pulled Strider into a saber lock, "Well, I've studied every Jedi fighting style ever archived and that was something new." He smiled, "Allow me to show you something new."


Darth Apathy pushed out of the saber lock and dropped his lightsaber on the ground, the blade closed and it's red glow faded and disappeared. Charging forwards Darth Apathy leapt off the wall evading Strider's lightsaber in the air and landed behind him. In one fluid motion he rebounded and struck Strider square in the back with both feet sending the older man flying through the air towards a lightsaber witch Darth Apathy now levitated and ignited with the force.




Delta had been watching everything that was going on from hiding, when the Sith Lords left he pursued them but remained hidden. His Mandalorian armor would hide him from the force so they could not sense that he was behind them.

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((You guys keep referring to Strider as an older man. Yes hes old, but he appears in his 20s, so I'm assuming the only way they're telling he's old is by his wisdom))


Strider twisted himself in midair, the blade missing him narrowly, before making a small flip and landing on his hands and knees. He stood up brushing himself off. "Impressive..." he said, deactivating his lightsaber and placing it back on his belt. He grabbed the levitating blade and deactivated it, then tossed it back to Apathy. He didn't draw his lightsaber again, and instead, drew up his hands in front of him. "Let's go. Use your blade all you want, I'll take you on with my hands."

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((Oops sorry, I forgot about you're appearing old. Someone refered to you as older so I just assumed you were. Anyway you are older so it worked the way I used it but I'll be sure to refer to your youthful appearence in any personal situations. Oh and someone said, "Why don't you try fighting someone your own age." While Apathy was fighting Strider. I think it was jokemaster, not sure. ))


Darth Apathy caught his blade and put it on his belt, "I think I should prefer a fair fight." He assumed a martial arts stance.

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Strider smirked, "Oh trust me, it would be quite fair enough if you had your blade out, but suit yourself," he said, assuming his own custom unarmed stance. He waited for his move. Strider didn't like to end up on the offensive first, and waited for the Sith to make his move.

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((My character refers to Strider as an old man sarcastically, since most people who don't know him automatically assume he's 20-something. ))


Sawyer grabbed Gavin.


"If you go, I'm going with you. We can't split up."


The woman, meanwhile, improvising quickly, began setting another trap around Briana, hoping they'd soon come to find her.

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((Princess Lyla, since I'm chasing the Sith do you want to control them or should I, because I don't know what you have in mind for them so I don't want to ruin your plot ideas.))


Darth Apathy glared at Strider, "Don't be cockey boy." He moved in slowlsy and threw a few weak kicks to test out Strider's reflexes. Circling his opponent he watched the other warrior carefully.

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((Well Mandy only the woman with some biomechs will stay behind to complete the weapon, the sith have to prepare to welcome Ludo Kresh and Naga Sadow and the other ancient sith so you can control them for now if you like until they reach Korriban to greet these other sith lords))

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((Okay so I'll chase them to Korriban.))


As Delta pursued the Sith he saw them enter a hanger and board a ship. Before the ship could take off Delta shot a tracking dart into it. After the ship took off Delta used the controls on his wrist guanlet Delta activated his ship and brought it around and into the hanger. He boarded his ship and took off in pursuit of the Sith. Locking onto their signal he downloaded their hyperspace coordinates and followed them.


After they were both in hyperspace Delta took the time to examine the coordinates, Korriban was the location.

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Strider did more than show him his reflexes. As soon as the first kick was in the air, Strider took advantage of the fact they were only mere weak kicks, stopping the first one with his hand, then delivering a swift, harsh kick to Apathy's other leg, at the shin, pulling on the leg he had grabbed onto right after, knocking Apathy onto his back. He let go of his leg and stepped back, waiting for Apathy to arise again. "I know that's not all you have, but don't test me, I know very well what I am doing."

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Darth Apathy flipped up and before Strider had finished his sentance pulled the older man forwards with a force pull and unleashed his strongest kick into Strider's chest knocking the man so hard into the wall that it cracked. Apathy rushed forwards without another word or pausing to give the other man time to recover, Darth Apathy had one thing on his mind now. He was tired of this show of strength, he was going to end this.


((While defending from this charge Apathy will assult you with every part of his body in pure rage and raw power. If you've seen Unleashed you'll know what I mean.))

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Strider grinned upon seeing this, wiping blood that had come from his mouth upon contact with the wall, and knew this would be a time to give him a taste of what his real power was. He leaped off of the wall and landed in front of Apathy, blocking and defending against everything he threw at him, his body moving so swiftly it once again left an after image of his last visible position. A brief red glow seemed to form around Strider just before he delivered a devastating blow to Apathy's chest, causing Apathy to stumble and sent a searing pain through his body. Strider then delt a blow to the left side of Apathy's face, causing his head to turn, then swiftly dropped to the ground and delivered a spinning kick, knocking Apathy off his feet. He rose to his feet just as swiftly and delivered an elbow-smash into Apathy's stomach, sending him crashing into the ground with such force that a shockwave of dust and whatever else may lay have been on the stone floor emitted. Strider's lightsaber was in his hand in an instant and activated, poised at Apathy's neck. "I don't like the sight of blood. Especially when it's my own," he said while looking at his hand he used to wipe the blood. He looked down at Apathy, then deactivated his lightsaber and began to walk away, in the direction his fellow Jedi had gone. "We will meet again. You do not deserve to die here so soon," he said in a low tone, putting his hilt back on his belt as he walked away.

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Darth Apathy lay on the floor for several minutes, he was defeated, shamed. Then the faint sound of footsteps tapping on stone was heard as a dark figure approached Darth Apathy. A voice came from the dark figure, "That one is more powerful than we had expected, perhaps I shall deal with him myself later." The figure looked down at Darth Apathy, "Get up and come."


Darth Apathy rose as if he were not even injured, but inside he was bruised and wounded. The effort of moving normally with injuries was great but Darth Apathy enjoyed the pain and walked on following his master. They walked partway down the hall and then a secret door opened to wich they both disappeared into, and it sealed shut behind them.

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Lyla stood there for a minute and said.


- "What ever the woman here is doing, I sense she's about to finish it, so it is best if Gavin goes to find Briana and Sawyer and I go see what they're up to and stop the woman if we can".


Lyla felt the fight between Strider and Apathy ended and she smiled.


- "Strider will join us soon, so I guess we better get to it, if someone has another bacta pack Gavin should take it and tend to Briana, the mission has to be completed, we've had enough distractions as it is" - Lyla said.

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It wasn't long before Strider had caught up to the rest of the group. He knew that Apathy had been picked up by his master, and would worry about that later. It wasn't long before he was standing directly behind the group, not a single one of them noticing he had already arrived, and he spoke, "Hi guys, sorry I'm late."

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((Thanks, I'm working on the last part of Chapter 5 later today, hoping to get it up later tonight or by tomorrow. On with the RP!))


Strider nodded in acknowledgement with Lyla's plan, "I have a few patches with me, I'll go with Gavin and make sure Briana is safe. If you sense that woman doing something, it's likely she's setting up a trap for us to get Briana. Try to stop her, we'll see if we can get Briana out of there while her attention is distracted."

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