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D20 or realisted combat

Windu Chi

D20 or realisted combat  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. D20 or realisted combat

    • realisted combat=real Jedi Knight experiance
    • D20=computer experiance
    • I am not sure
    • no comment

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I agree with Achilles! :)


I absolutely hate WotC and their D20 system, but it is the system for KOTOR and it's sequels, to do otherwise would be sheer folly! ;)


No Jade Empire is free will you do all the work not the computer. :lsduel:

Incorrect, though you do have some combat options like combos and defence, and control over your PC's postition, it is still a turn based RPG combat system.

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i didn't like the d20 when i first started playing kotor, but i developed a fondness for it after i reached a certain level of familiarity. jedi knight-style realism works fine for FPS with ranged weapons, but lightsaber/melee combat is far too much of a headache unless they were to improve on jedi academy by leaps and bounds. d20 offers more deliberate control and allows combat to move at a far less hectic pace...and, as achilles said, it's now a part of the kotor experience. if they retained it unchanged, i wouldn't complain.

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well, i'm still not quite so sure as to why some people don't like the combat in Kotor. it was simple and elegant. so it wasn't a button mashing affair like JA or JO, what's the big deal?? no elegance, and you hardly had any control over exactly what you were doing when hacking away with your lightsaber.[/rant]

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well, i'm still not quite so sure as to why some people don't like the combat in Kotor.

Woah! Hold on a moment.


Let's look at this fact: The only thing I ever did for KOTOR is praise it's melee system which I just want a bit improved (new animations and so). The only thing that I really complained about the combat was the Ranged system, which was bad.


The Melee system is excellent in KOTOR, and it should be just a little more tweaked and improved.


And before you start defending the Ranged combat system, here's an advice: DON'T defend it. You'll lose your valuable time and energy. The Ranged combat in KOTOR is JUNK; plain, simple, accurate and efficent. :xp:

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D20 system, just because ease of use. It's good to know you can beat your opponent, but leaving it in the hands of the user just means you'll get n00bs dying all the time. "Ish soooo pr0, I need hacks, yadda yadda..."


The story is the key to Kotor aslong as that is correct the D20 system should remain for me personally.

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D20 all the way


the system is perfect for a RPG which is what Kotor is theres no need to go fiddling with the combat!


If its not broke dont fix it!


i really dont understand why people want the saber flailing combat of JKA the combat really was elegant in Kotor every hit connected


oh as for the range combat being crap i really dont see it? i've had great fire fights using it!

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ok the combat in kotor or tsl were never week points not everybody liked it but that doesnt bother me to much as it would be boring if everybody was the same, however i am bored of continuous threads discussing the matter its almost as agravating as coming on these boards and finding 'another' wich lightsaber do you use thread/poll. However this doesnt help the arguement so i'll add this titbit the d20 combat system is part of kotor so i dont mind seeing it in kotor 3 but if it evolves to a higher functions as long as it still feels kotorish i wont mind that to but remember obsidian did say if they were going to do another kotor game they were going to create a new games engine for it to make it easier for them to use, so roll on kotor 3 and lets see what they come up with

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however i am bored of continuous threads discussing the matter its almost as agravating as coming on these boards and finding 'another' wich lightsaber do you use thread/poll.



Actually, this thread is amazingly new. For the first time, it doesn't involve people jumping at each other's throats.




I don't have to express my opinion as my post count will indicate on which side of the fence I'm standing.

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I love the Jedi Knight series and the JO/JA style of combat, but I would much rather they stay with the d20/rpg fighting system for KOTOR. I think it would be a disservice to change the style to an FPS system. Most RPG players do not want a lot of twitch gameplay. Both styles of games cover different genres and each do well in their own way.

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Keep the same system, they have had it that way in K1 and 2, so I seriously doubt, as Achilles said, that they would risk losing a lot of fans. Personally I didn't mind it, I thought it was fine. It would be nice to have a little bit more control, but it definitely isn't the combat system I am really wanting to be worked on in KotOR III, there are many things farther up on my list.


Oh, and by the way, I knew your opinion by looking at the poll choices. "Real Jedi Knight Experience" versus "Computer Experience"? It is not that way, you have to fight using the KotOR system the same way as JK, just a different combat system. You can't just let your character do it on its own. If you ask me, you kind of made a rather bad description on your poll, regardless on what you point of view is. And again, I have JA, and I am about to get JO, and I like them, but KotOR in NOT a Jedi Knight game.

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I know it would be a big change, but what would you you think about Fable combat system in kotor?

I think that would be a monumental mistake! The game that finishes up the KOTOR Trilogy must stay with the game system that the first one used, to do otherwise would be folly.


Even of OE does make the third installment, and makes their own engine for it, trust me the game will be based off of WotC D20 system, and the gameplay will be very much as it is in the other 2 games... though it might be a tad more visually pleasant. ;)

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not that i suck at games like acadamy or anythin but i reckon they should keep the current system due to it uneeqness and it actualys give people a chance to survive if their carachter kinda is on the weak side of the physical spectrum


if they changed it would become like an rpg of acadamy which would suck

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