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Getting rid of T3


Should T3 be in KOTOR # or should he be replaced.  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. Should T3 be in KOTOR # or should he be replaced.

    • Keep T3
    • Get rid of him (T4)

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Ok I got sick of reading so I might remake arguements but whatever. First dont take examples from the DS ending of TSL... because it sucked. I always play through as a DS counsoler and I just sat there and went... what the hell?!? I mean it was deeply upsetting.


Second HK-47 is the man... period... he is the man. If anything they should talk more about him... his thing on how to kill jedi was frieken awesome. I think there needs to be more of him being blatently evil. And the pacifism chip was cool too. Like I wanna see a sideclip of him taking target practice on kreia because shes "obsolete technology" or something


Third if you wouldve said scrap T3 when I was on Taris I woudlve said thank you but after TSL no way. I had him at my side and did max upgrades the dudes dex and con gets ridiculous. And him becomming more like R2 made him mad cool. He needs to become even more glitchy and like R2. Like I want him to do some of the stuff R2 did in Ep3 and act more like him. How sweet would it be if he launched you a lightsabor?


If anything they shouldnt have had GOTO in this game... he was stupid and an unwanted driod. Mad props for him looking like the turtore driod in Ep4 but there was no circular ball of useless on the falcon. 2 driods thats it. Also all he did was bring more unanswered questions like the HK50s. Didnt HK give me something to help find them and then we didnt ever do that not even a little bit. I hate the unfinished buisiness in Knights 2. Seriously great game but dissapointed with unfinished buisiness.

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  • 5 months later...
Hmmm... When are we ever told that Janice Nall built T3? Go look at the official website, or elsewhere: "Origin is unknown." You are never told that Janice built him, she just had him. Quite a difference.


Actually, she did build him. Canderous says that Davik had the droid custom built by Janice Nall. This is when he sends you off to buy the droid from her.

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This has been beat to death, and then some, but;

Getting rid of T3 is crazy, thats like letting the empire get their death star plans back then letting them melt R2 and Luke getting a G5, and just saying"Oh well" nuhuh, no way keep T3 he has become one of the essential elements of KOTOR.

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I dont think we should get rid of him. But, unlike HK, he doesnt really have a personality. In Kotor 1 he was beyond useless. You couldnt even talk to him.

In Kotor 2 he had that Bastila scene, which was nice, and he could at least talk.


However, if we could only keep one droid, i would prefer HK-47.

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I suppose you don't want to get rid of HK though, do you. TOO BAD!!! They are a package deal, just like R2 and 3PO. I am definitely not with you :dissaprove:


Maybe they will let you decide whether he will stay or not, for the T3 haters like you, but he will be there.



I'm with this guy. Getting rid of T3 would be like getting rid of R2. It just wouldn't feel right.

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Don't rid us of the noisemaker. Both of our beloved droids gotta stay.


However, i've never had any real "use" of T3, except the parts where he is neccessary. I always chose a Jedi, or HK-47 before T3. But even so, i agree with the Astromech-lovers, T3 stays, he's got his own importance to the KotOR-series.

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I won't disclose my vote, but if you will all take note of my avatar? :rolleyes:


T3 was never, from the moment Davik Kang commisioned his construction, a "standard" atromech droid. He was purpose-built, just like HK47 was, simply for a different purpose. (hacking, cracking, and generally having his way with unsuspecting computer systems)


In my playthroughs, T3 typically leads the mission onto G0-T0's yacht. Sometimes I'll take Mira, sometimes Visas, sometimes Bao Dur, but ALWAYS T3-M4.


He has, in his own way, more personality than Bao Dur, and CERTAINLY more than the Disciple! And if you watch the cutscenes, he does have a distinct personality and sense of humor. I can almost picture him doing that casual stroll while whistling thing that typifies innocence when you're questioning HK on certain events.


I'd as soon play K3 without lightsabers as without T3.

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