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What are those?


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i dont think its republic.. just for the fact that there is a cruiser in the water in the forground.. the one in the backround is ment to be far away, past the horizen of the planet... it would have to be atleast 350 times the size of a republic cruiser... let alone be taller then the one in the forground... to me it just looks wrong.

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i dont think its republic.. just for the fact that there is a cruiser in the water in the forground.. the one in the backround is ment to be far away, past the horizen of the planet... it would have to be atleast 350 times the size of a republic cruiser... let alone be taller then the one in the forground... to me it just looks wrong.


True, though it seems to sport republic colors. Faded, but red-ish and white nonetheless.

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They also could be old rakatan ships, after all whe don´t know since when are those ships there. I remenber that when I got closer to them (ther closest I could) they looked like ships, with metal pannels and so on, not like towers.


If they had been Republic ships, they would know that there were lost some big ships, so when the Republic comes to help you they sould say something, shouldn´t they?

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No, Doctor, I wasn't assuming that. If they did land vertical, that is still one big ship. Those big "tower" thingys go WAY up in the air, so it would have to be pretty long.


Of course, as I am wondering right now, it kind of seems strange that three would be clumped together like that. So what if those three tower thingys are like vanes sticking out of an engine? If so, that ship is HUGE.

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They wouldn't be towers: they look nothing like the Rakatan temple that we see. If they were, where would Malak choose to set up base? The small temple, or the mammoth towers? That being said, I suppose they must be old Rakatan Ships, as lord ignarn said. The Republic would indeed notice if ships of that scale went missing (though presumably they would be under Revan's control if they crashed on the Unknown world, supposedly when he first discovered it. So, the Republic would never know).



I just looked at them in game: It's really pretty hard to tell. They look like ships...and towers. Probably part of some kind of orbiting space station type of thing that...well, I don't know. Not your average ship, for sure. Maybe they're Mandalorian warships.



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Nope, even the Protoculture ships don't look ike that.


The Tri-Towers does have some red on them, but the style differs from the Republic one in (relative) front view.


For some reason I think its from the same ship rather than three similar ships of the same class. Whatever it is its a HUGE vehicle. I fon't think its Rakatan Creation though... or the colors should have faded off. That, and the structure style is not too Rakatan.


With the condition the Unknown Planet, any ship going close enough will get Marooned... so it can be anyone's ship. From Republic to Sith to the Gizka Empire.

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^That is what I'm saying. I kind of wonder what it would look like underwater, if it is kind of an iceberg kind of thing. We only see about 1/5 of it.


Whatever it is, that thing is huge, which is why I said the thing about the "shock wave." :)


EDIT: Did anyone else notice in the StarWarsKnights screenshot it seems like there is land surrounding them? But the wierd thing is, it doesn't really look like they are projecting out of the ground, almost like they are coming out of a body of water in the middle of the island.

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