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Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)


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I think their should be multiple water maps and each faction should have it's own water units. What types do you think they're should be?



-Light Scout Ship

-Medium Assault Ship

-Heavy Assault Ship

-Transport Ship





-Light Scout Ship: Mini-Sub

-Medium Assault Ship: Manta droid subfighter

-Heavy Assault Ship: Trade Federation gunboat, Trade Federation submarine

-Transport Ship: S-TRN

-Crusier: Trade Federation Sub-Carrier


Rebel Alliance

-Heavy Assault Ship: Amphibion

-Crusier: Leviathan Submersible Carrier



-Medium Assault Ship: Wavewalker

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lets face it. lucasarts screwed us all. Yeah its a fun game and all,but does'nt anyone notice that the game seems all thrown together! It seems like they just took models from the first game, prettied them up, moved em around and made jedi. Woop-De-Do! space combat is about the only "NEW" feature in bf2. I think they could have easily done heroes in space. like the milleneum falcon can only be driven by han solo,and if a normal soldier tries to get in...THEY CANT! the battlefield 2 engine is great i think, there should be squads and voice in swbf2! And the same exact troops from the first swbf!! troops need more variety. let me finish what i was gonna say in the beggining. lucasarts screwed us all in the fact that they got everyone hyped up because, 1. its got the star wars label on it. 2. space combat was gonna be this big new view of the game. and 3. they are not gonna make a 3rd game, because the first game was such a hit with everyone,they just thought they would get everyone excited about a sequal,so they threw together a kicked up version of the first game, sat back in there big Lazyboy chairs, and watched as they milked the game to the public...and it worked. there not gonna make a third game because they KNOW that the second was a dissapointment, they just wanted a quick dollar.


oh and please excuse my spelling, lol kotor was the best!

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You couldn't do squads though, you'd all get wiped by one grenade. I mean, the idea would be cool, but not with "Battlefront 2-Turbo!"


Also, I prefer the idea of it being the grunts that win the war. I mean, there's too many heros, It's turning into a Jedi Academy "Team Deathmatch" mod.

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I think that the squads should be improved. They should act like a military fire team. Of course the Rebels would be a little bit more Gung-ho and reckless, but they shouldnt just bunch up, which is useless, and why I rarely use squads. And I've noticed only a few of my suggestions are being discussed. At least a simple yay or nay with a sentance or two of reasoning would be appericated, so I don't think I'm talking to my self.

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I don't really know much about squads. Sounds like a way to try to improve teamwork. Sadly it seems that while a game like battlefront is the most fun when played with a friend, or a group of friends. Sadly online it's hard to get people to cooperate if they just don't feel like it.


And I've noticed only a few of my suggestions are being discussed. At least a simple yay or nay with a sentance or two of reasoning would be appericated, so I don't think I'm talking to my self.


Yes it seems like there's alot of ideas being thrown around, and the subject changes rather quickly. I attempt to comment on most ideas, but some just seem to slip away. Or I don't really have much to say about it. Like water battles: they sound pretty cool, but I don't have much of an opinion on it or anything really significant to add.

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Okay, I will comment, Lord Zack. Naval combat sucks. Ever seen any destroyers or naval frigates doing "cool" maneuvers recently? While a Battlefield 2-style amphibious vehicle (like the speedboat) is probably cool, I think that in most cases, it'd probably cooler if there was scope to play as infantry!


Saying that, an aquatic version of "space levels" could be pretty funny, where you take subs down to an aquatic city to claim it, while they're trying to wreck a naval command centre above it. Still gives you scope to invade the other guy's base and do some horrific sabotage tricks as well.

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I think the assault vehicles would be pretty fast and at least some what powerful. The frigates and crusiers could bombard the shore. And are are you saying capital ships in space are manuverable? :vsd:


Of course this would only be a few maps, but it would be cool.

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Uhm, if you guys keep complaining about CPs being taken too fast, and no skill/strategy used whatsoever, join a clan, and join a Passworded room with only them. You learn that the game becomes more fun without these n00by chipmunks. Pucker up, because you bought this game, and nobody told you to.

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I think the A.I units should take out the greatest threat, not neccessarily the player. Space battles should stay, as should heroes. You should be able to replay campaign missions as often as you want. The Hunt mode should stay, and they're should be more options for using natives. You should be able to spawn as for example a Wookie Warrior on Kashyyyk for the Republic or Rebellion, or Geonosian on Geonosis for CIS. You could play the native as a neutral faction (for example Tusken Raiders), with soldiers, heavy troopers, snipers and possibly a special class. Also, what do think of a seventh Jedi class?


^ I disagree, if a map is interesting it should be included. Of course, I think Polis Massa and Dagobah didn't live up to they're potential.

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What made SBFI famous were the CP system, and SBFII screwed it up pretty bad. The climax CPs were flushed down the toilet. If you want a game where all you do is stick guys out somewhere and let 'em shoot each other, play halo.


And I agree with lordzack, if the map would be fun to play, I think it should be included. It's not like people are going to refuse to play it because it didn't appear in the movies exactly like that.

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think the A.I units should take out the greatest threat, not neccessarily the player.


YES! I totally agree. It gets quite annoying (not to mention unrealistic) when a group of bots and a tank all go after one lowly sniper.


As for SWBFIII I think I would like to have most of the good old stuff included (Space battles/the ground maps/heroes too I suppose) but maybe expand or improve on them a bit.


Especially in terms of maps/locations. I would like to see most of the old locations return, but I don’t want the same old maps, I want vast improvements and revisions. A few new maps and some incremental improvements might have been fine for SWBFII but for III I want more of a feeling of a brand new game.


Yes, Theed was a good map. But wouldn’t it be better if the city was expanded, to invade it with MTT’s and maybe storm the palace? Yeah, Hoth was cool, but how about a more epic feel? More AT-AT’s and an expanded tunnel system complete with collapsible areas and a wampa den. I liked Utapau as much as the next guy but the new version should have you spawning from a capital ship and landing a gunship on the platforms.


The maps would keep the old feel from the original games, maybe the same basic design, just expanded or some CP placement improved. Other less popular maps would either be scrapped, or hopefully redone in a better way (Poli… do I need to say it?)

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Yeah, another thing that they messed up on in the making of SBFII was that all of the bots stop what they're doing to try to kill you, except on space battles. If the AIs are shooting at another bot it's really stupid when they immidiately start shooting at you instead even if the bot is only a couple feet away.

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That is true, when you're storming an area by yourself while your other unit is like made up of four to eight guys and they are attacking a CP, it is really annoying to watch the enemy unit stop attacking the ten man unit in their faces just to kill you when you are like almost fifteen feet away from them...

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Of course in a new game some changes in game play and graphical improvements would be nice. More accurate models/skins for units/weapons, and some variety returned too the different classes. Nothing game breaking, just minor differences, still the same basic six classes. Although I do think the officer needs his role redefined. Give him a purpose, like being better at (or essential to) CP capturing.


I am partial to the idea of a changeable sixth class, maybe something that varies depending on the map. For example, the rebels get an actual commander and their special class becomes an “Alien Ally”. Basically a unique unit that changes from map-to-map. The most common two are the bothan spy and wookiee smuggler, but there are a few others. Some unique seventh classes representing locals, or elite warriors would be nice as well. For example ARC troopers on Kamino, generic Jedi on Geonosis, Gungan warriors on Naboo, Crimson guards on the death star, etc.


I would really like to see some cool scenarios to. Stuff that was in the movies but wouldn’t really fit in an average battlefront style map. I know this has probably been done already in several games, but I still think they would be a neat addition to battlefront, as it would allow players to reenact them from any viewpoint. Some ideas are:

Trench run

Geonosis: Arena battle

Order 66 (jedi vs clones hunt mode)

Liberation on Naboo (Space fight/Palace skirmish/Gungans vs trade federation)

Battle over the sarlacc pit (something reminiscent of the skirmish from episode VI)


Aside from this some customization options would be nice too. Like the ability to fiddle with reinforcement points/# of units for each side, turn units on and off (even units not normally playable on a map), set limits on certain units, switch around CP ownership before the beginning of the game, change which heroes are on the map, if any, among other things. Of course the best thing would be the simple easy to use level editor.

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I think that is a great idea especially the hero selection because even though I liked having Han and Chewie and Leia, basically non jedi heroes, I found them too weak and available on certain cool maps inwhich the heroes are unbalanced, like in Tantive IV if you select the Empire you get Vader, but if you're the Rebels you get Leia with a teeny tiny blaster, so it is unfair, you should be able to switch the hero, maybe put Vader against Luke or stuff like that...

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Defintely a Death Star Exterior Level. Now that would be cool. How about Luke's X-Wing, Darth Vader's Tie Adavnced And The Millenium Falcon as Space Heroes for that battle? that would be good.


Piloting Capital Ships- That would be cool. Just run up the stairs to the command deck, press a button to enter the pilots seat and fly your ship into a better position.

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