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[FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey

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Lol, good chapter Jasra. Although if Bastilla caught cute, beautiful little Ithra holding onto Rade's arm and claiming to be his wife she might get a but upset. ;)


Yeah, I would imagine there'd be some Dark Side emotions showing up if Bastila saw them together. Erm,... and I don't think Ithra's sister Kye would be too pleased either (seeing as she just tried to kill Rade in the previous chapter.) ;)



Think you could arrange a date between me and Ithra? ;)


Well, PM me a character name and a description and I'll try to work you into her very busy schedule. ;)


Thanks for reading and commenting. Next chapter will be up today sometime.

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I've been swamped with some craziness in my volunteer job so I haven't been able to read as much lately, so I'm way behind. I enjoyed it much, I thought the battle scene seemed fine. I was wondering where Jolee was during the fight at first.

"Mr. and Mrs. Vaganza" :lol:

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I just have to say that this fic is right up there as one of my favorite three I have ever read Jasra. Those three would be :Plight of darkness: :Adventures of Jolee Bindo: And then yours, in no particula order :)


Also I am glad to see you are almost at the 3,000+ view mark as well. Kind of funny how we stated our fics about the same time and they have pretty much walked hand in hand as far as how many times they have been viewed and posted in. I am happy for you.


Can't wait for the next chapter!

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((@RP--Thanks! I've enjoyed writing my story as much as I've enjoyed reading yours. :) Thanks for all of your support over the months I've been writing this.


@ Jae--Vaganza... Glad that brought you a smile. I was inspired by the way Daniel (Robin Williams) generated the name for his 'character' in 'Mrs. Doubtfire'.


And, here's the next chapter...


Which would have been posted earlier, had there not been some maniacal Sith Lord practicing his Force Lightning skills in the local area last night. Hmmm.... or maybe it was just a large thunderstorm. Hard to tell.


Anyway, enjoy!))




“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Your Highness,” Bastila said, bowing to Queen Talia and her advisors.


“We are always happy to render assistance to a Jedi,” Queen Talia replied. “How can I help you?”


“Well, I’d like to be allowed access to some of your archives. In particular, those that deal with trade relations between Onderon and Jantessa.”


“Jantessa?” Queen Talia looked a bit confused. “We’ve had strained relations with Jantessa in the past, but....”


“Their Sith occupation,” Bastila said. “I know.”


“Is that what the Jedi are investigating?” Queen Talia enquired. “For the Jantessans tell us that they have overthrown the Sith, and have eliminated their presence from their planet. I have even heard that they are considering joining the Republic.”


“That’s what we are investigating,” Bastila said. “We want to verify their claim of sovereignty before they apply for Republic inclusion.”


“I see.”


Bastila could sense the tension mounting in Queen Talia and her advisors. Even though Queen Talia was an ardent supporter of the Republic, since the Mandalorian and Sith wars a growing number of Onderonians had become dissatisfied with maintaining Republic membership. If Jantessa joined the Republic, it would certainly help strengthen Queen Talia’s position. But if evidence of any misdealings regarding Jantessa were discovered and disclosed now, and Jantessa’s bid to join refused, Onderon’s loyalty to the Republic might also become suspect and jeopardise their reputation in the Senate. It could be the tiny spark Talia’s opposition needed to start a civil war.


“Why haven’t the Jedi asked the Jantessans themselves for this information?” Queen Talia wanted to know.


“We have,” Bastila disclosed. “But because of the Jantessan’s stringent regulations regarding ‘outlanders’ we were allowed only… limited access to their records during our visit. There is still a percentage of the Jantessan population that does not feel joining the Republic would be beneficial,” she added, hoping to generate a sympathetic response.


Queen Talia nodded. “Jantessa has always been rather exclusive in regards to outsiders,” she agreed. “I would like to help you, but there are other factors I must consider.”


“In no way would the Jedi allow their findings to impinge on Onderon’s sovereignty or standing in the Republic,” Bastila quickly assured her. “We would be very discreet.”


Queen Talia motioned for one of her advisors to approach her. After a few exchanged whispers, she said, “Very well. I will allow you access to the Palace Library. You will find your requested archive files there. If you wait outside, someone will escort you shortly.”


“Thank you, Your Highness. You have been most kind.”


Bastila bowed and then left the throne room to join HK in the antechamber.


“Well, I got us access. Now we just have to wait for an escort.”


“Statement: My earlier suggestion to you of blasting through the library door would have been far more time efficient.”


Bastila looked at the droid, then shook her head and sighed. “Rade must do something about those defective protocols of yours.”


“Objection: There is nothing defective with my protocols! All of my programming and analytical systems are in perfect working order.”


“Oh, of course they are,” she said sarcastically. “But blasting through the doors of the Palace Library is hardly what I would consider to be conducive to maintaining good diplomatic relations with a planetary government experiencing strained ties with the Republic.”


“Observation: Had you specified the requirement for diplomatic discretion in your original query of …” HK’s voice changed to mimic Bastila’s. “…’Now that we’re inside the Palace gates, all we have to do is figure out a way to get into the Palace Library’…” His voice changed back to its normal tone. “…I would have suggested a more appropriate solution.”


“Such as?”


“Answer: Sabotage of their internal security systems, quiet strangulation of the library security staff, or perhaps even a well-timed explosion as a diversionary tactic to gain entry. Or, a combination of all three.”


Bastila let out an annoyed sigh. “I’d prefer to wait for our escort, thank you very much.”


“Statement: As you wish. However, we are wasting time.”


“Somehow I prefer wasting a few minutes to igniting another civil war.”


There was a brief moment of silence.


“Observation: Your preference for pacifism is obviously derived from your defective meatbag protocols. Query: Perhaps the Master can rectify this when we return to the ship, by pressing his mucus-coated lips against yours again in the cargo hold. You always seem more agreeable after those encounters.”


Bastila opened her mouth to protest but didn’t have time to retort, as at that moment their escort arrived to take them to the Palace Library.




“The feeling I had is getting stronger,” said Ithra as she and Rade made their way to the main gaming tent. “I think we’re heading in the right direction.” She scanned the crowd. “Still don’t see Co… I mean, the man we’re looking for.” She lowered her voice. “It may not be wise to speak his name in case others may hear it,” she whispered to him.


“Good thinking,” Rade whispered back, then grinned with amusement. “Let’s go put some credits on our RegiDisc’s first, then we’ll cruise the crowd.”


Rade put 100 credits on each of their discs, enough to enter a few card games, but not enough to attract any attention. They milled through the crowd of happy gamblers, passing by low ante Pazaak tables and rows of….


“What’s this?” Ithra had stopped in front of a lugjack machine. “It’s very bright and colourful,” she commented. “Is it a game?”


“It’s a lugjack machine,” he said. He put his Regidisc in the slot, then pulled the handle on the side of the machine. There were three ‘wheels’ displayed on the screen began to spin, then stopped one by one, showing three different symbols across the centre line.


Ithra stared at it, obviously expecting more to happen. “Is that all it does?”


Rade nodded as he took out his card. “Yup.”


Ithra looked around at all the people around them quite happily inserting their discs and pulling the handles as some of the machines played short happy little tunes. “Then is this one broken? All the other machines seem to be playing music.”


“No, it’s not broken. It only plays music when you win. And the odds of winning on these things are pretty low.”


Just then a Twi’Lek approached them. “Are you, erm….” He motioned to the machine near Ithra and Rade.


“Oh, no,” said Rade, shifting Ithra out of the way. “Go ahead.”


Ithra watched as the the Twi’Lek inserted his card, then pulled the handle just as Rade had done. Again the wheels spun, but when they stopped this time, two of the symbols on the centre line matched. The Twi’Lek smiled as the machine played a brief but jovial tune and the message ’pay 10 credits’ flashed on the screen.


“He just won ten credits,” Ithra said to Rade.


“He did.”


“Just by matching two symbols?”




“And all he has to do is pull the handle?”




The Twi’Lek joyfully pulled the handle again. The wheels spun, then stopped, and again the simple tune played and the Twi’Lek smiled happily as another ten credits was added to his RegiDisc account.


“He won again,” Ithra said to Rade.




A third time produced no result.


“Well,” Rade said conclusively, patting Ithra on the shoulder. “Winning streak’s over. C’mon. We should head off and see if…”


But the wheels had spun for a fourth time, and now produced two different matching symbols on the pay line. A longer tune played, and the Twi’Lek let out a whoop of joy as ‘pay 25 credits’ flashed on the display.


“So, the amount he wins, is dependent on the types of symbols, not just the matching of them?”




“And would it play a longer tune if he matched three symbols?”


Rade sighed. “Probably.”


Ithra’s brow twitched.


“But it’s a waste of….” But Ithra had already moved to the next machine and inserted her RegiDisc. Rade sighed. “…credits.”


Ithra pulled the handle then watched the spinning wheels. The first wheel stopped on a purple circle with a gold bar across it. Then the second wheel stopped on the same symbol. Then the last wheel stopped. The machine started to belt out an entire orchestral movement as the message ‘pay 1000 credits’ flashed in large font on the display screen. Ithra smiled broadly and joyfully clapped her hands. “Look, I wo…”


Ithra was cut off as Rade quickly snatched her card out of the machine and was hurriedly ushering her down the aisle towards the Pazaak tables.


“What are you doing?!” Ithra protested, dragging her feet. “I won!”


Rade stopped, then looked around to see if anyone was watching them. “You cheated,” he accused her in a hushed whisper as he pointed a finger at her. “You used the Force to make those wheels stop at the right places, didn’t you!”


“I did not!”


Rade gave her a hard look. “Would you keep your voice down? I don’t want people to start staring.”


“I didn’t,” Ithra quietly hissed at him. “It was just… beginner’s luck.”


Rade gave her a disbelieving look. “Luck, huh?”


“Luck.” Ithra stared back at him with her large, innocent looking violet eyes. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I only wanted to try it because it was something new and it looked like fun.”


Rade sighed. “Look, we’re trying not to attract attention, remember? And we’re not here to play. We’re here to find… you- know-who and you-know-what. Now, c’mon.”


Ithra nodded, and she started to walk with Rade towards the Pazaak tables. “But when we’re done can we come back and…?”




“Not even for a little while?”








Ithra sighed glumly.


“You’re supposed to be following your ‘feeling,’ remember?” Rade reminded her.


She bit her lip. “I’ve… I’ve lost it.”


“That’s because you’re concentrating on spinning wheels and computer generated tunes instead of on the reason we’re here,” said Rade. “Now, c’mon. The person we’re looking for isn’t going to be wasting his credits on lugjack.” He led the way to the card tables, keeping a watchful eye on Ithra who was lagging behind, longingly eyeing the lugjack machines over her shoulder.


“I should have taken Mission,” he grumbled to himself.


“I heard that,” Ithra said.


“Good,” Rade growled. He spied two seats at an open Pazaak table in the middle and headed for them. “Hurry it up then. The tournament’s about to start.”

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Oh my gosh!! ROFL ROFL!! This had to be one of the funniest conversations I have ever read in these forums...


“Answer: Sabotage of their internal security systems, quiet strangulation of the library security staff, or perhaps even a well-timed explosion as a diversionary tactic to gain entry. Or, a combination of all three.”


Bastila let out an annoyed sigh. “I’d prefer to wait for our escort, thank you very much.”


“Statement: As you wish. However, we are wasting time.”


“Somehow I prefer wasting a few minutes to igniting another civil war.”


There was a brief moment of silence.


“Observation: Your preference for pacifism is obviously derived from your defective meatbag protocols. Query: Perhaps the Master can rectify this when we return to the ship, by pressing his mucus-coated lips against yours again in the cargo hold. You always seem more agreeable after those encounters.”


Great stuff Jasra. Also I think I would have given in if Ithra did this to me..


“Luck.” Ithra stared back at him with her large, innocent looking violet eyes. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I only wanted to try it because it was something new and it looked like fun.”


At any rate, this was a great chapter that really showed your skills at writing interactions among the characters. Can't wait for the next chapter Jasra, keep up the good work.

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Good. No offense, but I'm glad it's taking a while. Gives me time to catch up on the rest of the fic. :xp:


Looks great, Jas. I don't think you have a problem with fight scenes at all. Better than mine... mine are all the same. At least yours have variety.


Me likes. Great story so far. Now that I'm semi-caught up, I can't wait for more. :p

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Yay Congrats Jasra! You've passed the 3,000 view mark! Woo hoo cake and a party for Jasra!!!


Thanks, RP! That's the best birthday present yet! ;)


@WJ--Well, I've been on holiday for the last week, too (but at home mind, not exciting metropolitan San Fran! (wow!) ) so that's why I've been able to write so much of late. Tomorrow I start back to work though, so the next few updates probably won't be daily. But I'll try my best to get at least one chapter a week. ;) ) I've got some stuff written now, but need to iron out a few things before posting.


Thanks for reading though!

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Bad news. Next chapter probably won't be until the weekend. Had to format my hard drive and the two chapters I had nearly finished are now lost. (Well, not lost completely. They're still in my head, and on bits of notepaper, just not on the computer. ;) ) Promise I'll have something by Saturday though.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Read through the entire story today. Brilliant.

This is the best Kotor story I've read so far. Such an intelligent plot... great!


I'm now cought in it...now where's that promised next chapter? I will remain in front of my computer and press "refresh" untill it is posted.

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Well, yes, it has been a while since I've updated. A very long while now that I look back on it. And I am feeling sort of guilty that I haven't finished this up. So....


Took me a little while to get back into the story, but I'll post what I've got now. Hopefully, I'll finish up another chapter by the end of the week. (Bar no major computer glitches, ISP problems, severe weather, or family obligations. ;) )




Now sitting at one of the tournament Pazaak tables next to Rade, Ithra studied the cards in her sidedeck carefully. There were seven other players doing the same, all preparing their strategies and trying to glean any information about each other before the game started.


After a contemplative moment Ithra said, “So, Rade, let me just confirm something. I have to choose four of these cards to play with, and the aim of this particular game is to accumulate a total value in the hand equal to twenty?”


A heavy set man with a large moustache who sat opposite Ithra at the table couldn’t help but overhear her. “That’s right, little lady,” he confirmed with a scheming grin starting to appear on his chubby face. “Twenty, without going over.”


“Or closer to twenty than the other players,” Rade said, while he eyed the stranger suspiciously.


The man purposefully ignored Rade’s glaring stare and leaned in closer. His smile changed, becoming slightly more predatory. “This, erm, your first tournament, miss?”


Ithra looked up from her cards without expression. “Actually, it’s my first game.”


“Oh?” The man reached in his pocket and set more credit chips in front of him on the table. His smile grew broader. “Well, the best of luck to you.”


“Thank you,” Ithra replied politely. “And I wish the same for you.”


“You’re not supposed to wish other players luck,” Rade said to her. “You want to win so that we can get to the higher stakes tables.”


“Don’t be rude,” Ithra said, mildly annoyed. “I do apologise,” she said to the man. “My husband can be quite single-minded when it comes to money.”


At the word 'husband', Rade rolled his eyes. Ithra was really getting into her role--a little too into it for his tastes.


“Oh, we’re all single-minded when it comes to that,” the man replied. “But your husband’s right, miss. Only the top three winners can go through to the next round.” He chuckled. “And you’ll need all the luck you can get to win against me.”


“I will win,” Ithra said confidently. “I’ve got the best sort of luck.” She looked askance at Rade, then chose her four cards from her sidedeck, and then smiled sweetly at the man across from her. “Beginner’s luck.”


The man, as well as a few of the other players who had been listening to the conversation, chuckled at her comment. Rade, on the other hand, wasn’t laughing.


“This isn’t lugjack,” Rade whispered into Ithra’s ear. “This is Pazaak.”


Ithra stared back blankly at him.


“You’re not playing against a machine.”


Ithra blinked.


“There is a human factor involved in this game.”


Ithra’s eyebrow arched slightly.


Rade rolled his eyes, then leaned in closer to her ear. “People can cheat.”


“Even after all we’ve been through, you still have so little faith in me, dear.” Ithra let out a tiny sigh. “Sometimes I wonder why I married you.”


To Rade’s obvious chagrin, her comment caused another round of chuckles, jeers, and elbows-in-the-side around the table. But before he could say anything a voice came over the loudspeakers.


“Dealers, take your positions! Players, ante up! The Pazaak tournament begins in four, three, two, one…”


A loud horn sounded. The tournament had begun.


Rade and Ithra both tossed in their ante into the centre of the table and waited for the dealer to deal their first cards.





In the depths of a private room in the archives of the Palace Library, Bastila was browsing through their computers for information related to shipments either coming or going to Jantessa from Onderon. She had found a great many documents detailing trade agreements, changes in types of imports and exports allowed from either side, and now she was looking through the individual cargo manifests for the past few years. A tedious task, but one that just might have paid off….


“Well, this is odd,” Bastila said outloud to herself, as she flipped back to a previous document to compare the two.


“Query: Are you referring to the non-holographic antiquated Onderonian computer terminals in this tiny, dusty alcove they’ve placed us in? Or have you discovered some type of discrepancy in their recordkeeping abilities?”


“Hmm?” Bastila was catapulted back into the real world. “Erm, no. Not a discrepancy really. Just something… odd.” She contemplatively tapped her lips with her finger. “What do you think would be a reason for importing something from Nar Shaddaa, sending the crate it came in directly to Jantessa from here, only to have the exact same cargo sent back a month later?”


“Answer: I would postulate that some type of modification was being made to the original cargo—the addition of components, upgrading modules, or perhaps even performing a final stage of processing to a raw material. Qualification: If you would tell me the specific contents of the cargo, I believe I would be able to make a more accurate analysis.”


“That’s what makes these particular manifests so odd. These only state the dimensions of the cargo crates and that the cargo was non-organic in nature, but no details on the actual contents. All of the other ones are very detailed, just as I would expect for Jantessa.” She paused for a moment. “What sort of modifications would Jantessa be making to a non-organic cargo? The majority of Jantessa’s exports are of an agricultural nature.”


“Objection: Most of Jantessa’s exports were of an agricultural nature. Since the Sith occupation, it is not inconceivable that they could have evolved to a more technological based economy without the Onderonian’s or the Republic’s knowledge.”


“I suppose,” said Bastila. “But it still doesn’t make much sense. Unless….” She tapped some keys as she queried the computer for a different file. “Now this is interesting…,” she said, pointing to the screen. “There are no Republic restrictions for passing cargo through from one non-Republic port to another. So, if the cargo originated in Nar Shaddaa, with its final destination being Jantessa, the Onderonian officials are not obligated to inspect its contents. And if the cargo then gets sent from Jantessa, it then falls under Onderon’s local trade agreement, and therefore is excluded from any Republic regulations.” She looked at HK. “It’s an importation loophole.”


“Disclosure: I believe one of my previous masters benefited quite extensively from such loopholes.”


“Oh? How so?”


“Statement: The modification of weapons can be a very lucrative venture for meatbags of a decidedly corrupt and backstabbing nature--a task that does not require a large amount of technology, but a great deal of persuasion and knowledge of loopholes.”


“Persuasion and loopholes?” Bastila frowned slightly. “Well all of these odd cargos did come from Nar Shaddaa. And you can’t get more decidedly corrupt than than Berland. And if anyone is good at finding loopholes in a regulation or law, it’s got to be a Jantessan,” she concluded. “Like Prefect Keel.” She crossed her arms and let out a sigh. “Now, how to prove it. I really need to get more specific information on what the contents of those crates were….”


Just then Bastila sensed someone approaching, and she turned towards the corridor to face the approaching person.


“Ah, just the one I wanted to see,” Bastila said, as she recognised the man who had escorted her and HK down to the private archive room. “I need to find more specific details on some particular cargo manifests. Can you help me?”


“Why, yes, of course.” Colonel Tobin smiled. “If you and your droid will just follow me, please?”

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  • 1 year later...

Amazing!! Simply Amazing! I Wish i knew this forum existed earlier, Especially after plowing through Both "Crystals of Life" and "Hidden Shades of Grey" in one night. Dumbstruck! Both Renegade Puma and Jasra Lantill have incredible talents as writers. Heh although after checking the dates between story posts, I am sort of glad it took me a while to find these Fanfics. Waiting for each new episode would have driven me CRAZY with anticipation! (I know... Thats the point) Which brings me to my next point... COME BACK JASRA!! Please?¿ Im so Enraptured by this well planned and projected story that I'm finding it hard to read any other fic on these forums! (aside from Jae Onasi's "Adventures of Jolee Bindo" which i have to pause in my reading cause my eyes are gonna fall out and i need sleep :xp: )


I'll tell you another thing, After playing Kotor 1&2 LS/DS, Male and Female i always found it very hard and awkward to play a Male Revan/Exile as LS. This Fic, however, has everything in the character development and portrayal that I felt the Games lacked while playing as a Male PC. Incredible accomplishments that have added to my love of the original stories and Left me wanting more, More, MORE! "Hidden shades of Grey" is one of my favorite Kotor after-stories so far. Finish it please?? *Sends Jasra creativity Vibes* And as For your Epilogue Renegade Puma... *Creativity Vibes*

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