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The New, Improved One Year Thread: 2006 Edition


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I'm pretty excited about the weekend. Going to my first-ever New England Patriots game Sunday thanks to a friend on Undernet IRC who offered a ticket. The Patriots will be playing the Houston Texans in their final home game of the regular season, and it should be pretty decent weather for this time of year. The Patriots can clinch the AFC East with a win. :D

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OK, I think it works.


Hmm... seems like we're back.

Well, here's the post I was going to make Saturday morning, before we were so rudely interrupted by Forum Lockup Oddness:


Have a good time time at the game, Wildstar!


If they lose, however, I'm putting it all on your head. So DON'T SCREW IT UP!!!!

No pressure, though. :dozey:




Did sound for an Italian opera singer last night. She had a small group (quintet) of some of the most kick-ass string players I've ever heard behind her. And she had a seriously scary set of pipes. It was actually kind of nice for a change. At least from all the crappy pop, gospel, R&B that I'm normally forced to sit through on a daily basis these days.


Of course, the opening group was a local high-school big-band.

Yeah... makes perfect sense... no?


The set changeover between the 2 groups was unbelievably nightmarish, however. Survived it somehow...


Got Ronan Tynan at work today. Should be another nice, easy one. Aimee Mann tomorrow.


Well... some other stuff happened since then, but I'm too tired to really go into it right now. No great shakes anyway.

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Went to bed before 8:30 last night and slept straight thru till 6:30 this morning. Probably could have slept longer if it weren't for the alarm...


Guess I just really needed the sleep. I haven't been sleeping great the last couple of weeks, which hasn't really been helping my mood or general outlook on life.


Just a couple of more days of work to get through, and then it's vacation time. Thank God.

Of course I have a giant list of things to get done in the week between holidays, so I'm just not sure exactly how restful it all will be.

The first couple of days are already set aside, however, for hibernation: catching up on sleep. I plan on going on a full caffeine withdrawal for the first couple of days off I have. I'm up to about 4 or 5 cups a day just to get through.

I really need to detox. Gonna try to eat healthy for a couple of days too: salads and fruit. I've been living on junk food pretty much exclusively for the last month or so. Which I'm sure is contributing to the funk I've been in (or at least certainly isn't helping at all,) and the general feeling of blah I've been living with.


Hopefully, by the time the next calendar year rolls around, I'll be able to face it with a bit of energy and optimism for a change.

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I slept for a good 14 hours sun-mon........first time I slept past 8am w/o waking p and having to roll over, but I was sick so.........that'll do it.


havent eaten more than a few bites of chicken and some doritos since 4pm Sunday still, and some coffee this morning.......




did buy a xbox 360 yesterday though, figured my motorcycle shouldnt get all the self xmas presents this year.


those with live gamertags need to let me know! mine is haunter ap


all teh zargon ones were way taken :/

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Had a blast @ the game the other day. That's all I'll say, except that I thought a win would clinch the division, but the Jets are still close enough to take the division due to a better conference record in case of a tie. The last two games for the Pats are on the road (Jacksonville & Tennessee), where they've been playing better, but they have a lot of key players injured, so these games could turn out to be wars.

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Maybe you'd like to start the unwrapping? ;)
*Please feel free to insert your own gratuitous "Licking The Candy Cane" "Stocking Stuffer" "Comin' Down The Chimney" "Jingle Balls" and "Fruitcake" remarks here.* :dozey:




God... I think I might have just morphed into Nitro or perhaps even Ray for a moment there... Egads...

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Years ago, I used to belong to a gym.


Why exactly do I bring that up now?


Well, for a while, they moved all the stationary bikes they had into the same room where they held the women's aerobics classes in the afternoons, right around the same time I usually got there. Lithe bodies bouncing and bending in sweaty spandex.


I spent a lot of time on those bikes. Lots and lots of virtual miles ticked off.

I have never been in better shape than those couple of months,.. until they moved the bikes back upstairs, to a much smaller, windowless room. With no aerobics... Just other sweaty, smelly, hairy slobs like me all together riding bikes to nowhere...


I stopped going regularly shortly after that. It never dawned on me until just now that the 2 things were almost certainly connected...


15's last post brought that memory back to the fore. I used to have a lot of numb legs and sore butts back in those days. And a big smile on my face.

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i once belonged to a gym, shortly before my fall to the dark side....all i can remember is getting kicked off a tread mill cause it wasn't my turn or some lame excuse for some fat bish. :( i can remember i almost fell off too when the instructor came over and pressed the off button and going from brisk walking in one place to completely stopping, after walk/jogging for like 15 minutes, and i had 5 minutes left too....i went a few times after that then i got shown what a real workout is and refuse to sign up to a gym ever again. instead, i gained like 40 pounds since i got back in aug 2k4. attempting to lose the 40 and then consider my options. right now i feel as if i'm wasting my time where i'm working as there is no motivation for me to do better (other than i better look like i'm trying so i dont get fired) and i'm getting fed up with customers but i guess there's that break time after christmas and new years.


i need to clean my apartment it's a freaking mess. dishes are piling, clutter is collecting on the desk and in my room...making me so miserable and so i just say hell w/it let it pick itself up, and then i for instance, trip over something and a slew of bad words fly and i feel like beating the **** out of someone. in 1 month i will be 23. seems like such a long time, yet i can remember the 17th of december, 1987, the day my sis was born, which i think is the farthest back i can remember..i was like 2 going on 3...

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I skipped the Holiday party at work this year.


Every year since I've been working there they've held it at a time when I had to work and couldn't get away. This year I had no real excuse... other than just being tired and annoyed at work, as well as my co-workers in general,.. not to even mention my rabid and deeply ingrained anti-social tendencies.


Actually, anti-social doesn't seem exactly the proper term... I associate "anti-social" with self-destructive and sociopathic behavior. I don't see myself in those terms, really.

I guess I'm far more "non-social". Meaning that it's not that I really dislike other people,.. it's just that I really don't know how to relate to them in this kind of situation.

Large parties always have exactly the opposite effect on me than intended: I simply can't relax and open up. If anything, I become far more quiet, introverted, and uncomfortable around a large gathering than I would if it were only 2 or 3 other people there (although that's often bad enough...)


I probably should have gone, though... I've been really beating myself up lately for being so completely socially incompetent... but a crowded, open-bar gathering of hundreds of people, many of whom I barely know, (and a few of whom I can just about barely tolerate,) didn't seem exactly the right place to make that leap into the bigger world. Baby steps...


If more of the people I work closely day-to-day with in my department, and actually get along with, had gone, I might have just been able to force myself to try it. But as it was, most of them had other plans.


Oh well,... there's always next year...


Today is my first day off until New Years eve. Hooray!


I plan on sleeping most of it away. Haven't had any caffeine yet today... I can already feel it.

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but a crowded, open-bar gathering of hundreds of people, many of whom I barely know
But that's the point, isn't it? Ending up having a peenis massage performed by a girl (or two??) just just got to know half an hour ago..? I mean..? Yah?



Besides. One month after me gots teh DSL, my notebook decided to give up work. Crap. Crapcrapcrap. >:

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Well, I have been to enough parties to know that something like that just ain't ever gonna happen to me... EVER!


In fact, I have experience that the exact opposite is true: If I really pay attention to a girl at a party, then there is a 100% chance she (and perhaps a number of her friends) are going to leave with another guy. Even if the only other guy at the party is like, Quasimodo or the Elephant Man or something,... only one of us is leaving alone,.. and it isn't going to be him.


Many scientifically sound experiments have been conducted in this matter... and have always come up with the exact same results.


So I don't even bother anymore...



Oh, and by the way: That sketchy hard drive of mine is still working.

Just thought I'd rub it in...



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Believe me, edlib, there is no one more non-social than I, but all the guys I know really well and work with every day were there, so it was no big deal. There were pretty much no single girls there - all married, and most recently had babies, like within the last two weeks, so there were a lot of infants there, which was pretty cute. There were some older kids there, 7, 8, that age - they were playing Halo on an X-Box hooked up to a projector in a conrner. I thought I'd go over there and make myself feel big by kicking their asses, but...I got pwned - bad. I'm so embarassed...

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yeah i am same way when it comes to social gatherings. even when i force myself to go to them i feel completely awkward because i don't have anything in common and i'm like a clam when it comes to trying to talk to people as every time i always get talked over by someone else so i don't even bother....and i've tried talking to people numerous times in a social group and nobody gives a **** about what i have to say, so i end up getting put in the 'anti-social' 'quiet person' or 'he's too shy' category. which is not true because people don't care enough about me to get to know me.

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