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Funnyest Thing said in Kotor I&II [spoilers maybe] (56K Warning)


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Is..is this for real?

No it isn't... I think StaffSaberist is going off the very, very deep end... :xp:


Though those fanciful posts of his are definately creative, you might have a fanfic in the making there StaffSaberist, but alas they are also quite off-topic. Keep it on-topic folks.

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No it isn't... I think StaffSaberist is going off the very, very deep end... :xp:


Though those fanciful posts of his are definately creative, you might have a fanfic in the making there StaffSaberist, but alas they are also quite off-topic. Keep it on-topic folks.


Oops. Sorry about that. If you promise to never mention this, I'll post this story in the Entertainment Center.


No, it's not real. I was just telling stories. Stories directly from my daydreams. I WISH I was an exiled Jedi...


Well if you're going to go off, you may as well go all the way.


:lol: They're coming to take me away, ha ha, they're coming to take me away, ha ha, he he, ho ho, hoo hoo, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time...


On topic...


HK-50 said on Peragus: But that would violate my code of ethics all protocol droids are assumed to possess!


Knowing HK-47, it was a double-whammy: The code of 'ethics' and the 'assumed' bit. *looks warily at C-3PO*

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Well if you're going to go off, you may as well go all the way.


On topic, HK-47 does a spot on imitation of Carth.


"Mockery: Oh master, I cannot trust you! I cannot trust you, or anybody, ever again!"


Yes, but his Bastila imitation is much funnier:


HK-47: Mockery: ''Oh, master, I love you but I hate all you stand for, but I think we should go press our slimy, mucus-covered lips together in the cargo hold!''

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The whole scene goes like this.


HK-47: Explanation: Oh yes master. My previous owner had quite the collection of tortured souls that travelled with him. Allow me to offer some specifics. Mockery: 'imitates Carth.' Mockery: 'imitates Bastila.' Just thinking about it even now makes me want to put a blaster to my head and pull the trigger.

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