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Module Editor Map Requests


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Fred has pretty much left altogether as far as anyone can tell so this topic is kind of redundant. I'm keeping it updated now that I'm shadowing again, but it's simply out of the thought to finish what I started. This has been here for over two years and never been acted upon, so don't expect anything to be done now.


I just thought it would be easiest for Fred Tetra if all of the module requests were in one place, so post any you want here (Although, alot are there anyway).


IMPORTANT NOTICE: As Fred states on his website, he no longer accepts K1 requests without a donation. Please do not post K1 requests here.


Requests as of post 29 are:


003EBO/004EBO/005EBO/006EBO - Ebon Hawk Interior (003EBO is in progress)

152HAR - Harbinger (Can't remember where :D)

261TEL - Telos Crash Site

306NAR - Nar Shaddaa Entertainment Promenade

403DXN - Mandalorian Camp

506OND - Royal Palace (506OND is in progress)

601DAN - Khoonda

602DAN - Khoonda Plains

604DAN - Crystal Cave

605DAN - Enclave Courtyard

650DAN - Rebuilt Jedi Enclave

711KOR - Secret Tomb

950COR - Ebon Hawk Interior


I have not included the Droid Factory and Planet because I doubt very much that Fred Tetra would make those available. If I'm wrong in this assumption, I'm very sure he'll edit my post.

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I will be happy to see in Kotor Tool those maps:

506OND - Royal Palace (Haven't someone post you its models?)

604DAN - Crystal Cave

711KOR - Secret Tomb

801-807DRO - droid factories

403DXN - Mandalorian Camp

232TEL - cherka base

261TEL - Area with snow

I think they would be really cool to have in Module editor.

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I suppose this is as good a forum as any to say that I have reinstalled TSL, and am back on the modding scene!


Edit: See this line?




Above that line are requests that are in my first post.

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Yup, the two modules are pretty much identical appart from the scenery outside the window being different. I'm gonna update the first post up to this point. I can't see the topic overflowing until I get back next month.


P.S. Your recent mods are looking great, Lit.

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I have not included the Droid Factory and Planet because I doubt very much that Fred Tetra would make those available. If I'm wrong in this assumption, I'm very sure he'll edit my post.

Are these maps even available? I dont think the HK Droid Factory got very far in development but were the maps actually created?

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Are these maps even available? I dont think the HK Droid Factory got very far in development but were the maps actually created?

no, no maps for the KT module editor have been released. If you want to edit those areas, you will either have to do it manually with k-gff or make your own maps: http://kotortool.starwarsknights.com/pgs/assembling_maps.html

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no, no maps for the KT module editor have been released. If you want to edit those areas, you will either have to do it manually with k-gff or make your own maps: http://kotortool.starwarsknights.com/pgs/assembling_maps.html


Preface: I am a rookie noob in re:modding, so if this question is over the top simpleton forgive me!


Well, I have a question regarding the above. I happen to have discovered a friend who is highly skilled with 3dsMax and has it at home to play with. After reading the link in Darth333's post, I for a moment was excited. My friend can easily do all of the steps involved with the guide's instructions - shoot, I feel like I could do it. But Fred mentions in that post that he would need to do the final rendering and what-not to have the map usable.


Question 1: As Fred no longer supports KT, is it safe to assume that we can no longer expect to have new maps available for the editor?


2: If no to 1, who can do that final rendering/ what's involved?


3: Is it that important? I have been thinking about using some modules not listed in the maps available, and am wondering if it matters, since I will edit the modules using K-GFF anyway.


Thanks in advance (assuming someone actually looks at this old thread!!!!)

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As Fred no longer supports KT, is it safe to assume that we can no longer expect to have new maps available for the editor?


I think it is... Unfortunately Fred hasn't been online in nearly a year. :(


2: If no to 1, who can do that final rendering/ what's involved?


I do hope I'm wrong, but I don't think there is.


Is it that important? I have been thinking about using some modules not listed in the maps available, and am wondering if it matters, since I will edit the modules using K-GFF anyway.


It depends on how much module editing you plan to do. Kotor Tool's maps are much more efficient than manually placing something into a module, since you just drag the creature/placeable/whatever to where you put it. Manually placing something is much more time-consuming in that you have to go to the module yourself, write down the coordinates, and the enter them into the GFF editor. Not terribly difficult work, but it can be very time-consuming and dull if you're doing enough of it. (Especially with TSL's longer coordinates)

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It depends on how much module editing you plan to do. Kotor Tool's maps are much more efficient than manually placing something into a module, since you just drag the creature/placeable/whatever to where you put it. Manually placing something is much more time-consuming in that you have to go to the module yourself, write down the coordinates, and the enter them into the GFF editor. Not terribly difficult work, but it can be very time-consuming and dull if you're doing enough of it. (Especially with TSL's longer coordinates)


Well, that is I guess what I expected. Simplicity for certain things with one tool, and yet of course also for the other. There are maps for half of what I need, and I guess I'll just have to get used to whereami and her buddy FB. :)


Thanks for your response Emperor Devon. Thanks Fred for your great tool... wish you were here.... :hattip:

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(Especially with TSL's longer coordinates)


You don't usually need that kind of precision anyway so you don't need to use all the decimals. The world coordinates are in meters, and I doubt you'd need more than centimeter or millimeter precision since you won't notice any difference in-game anyway, so three decimal digits would be the most you need.


Most of the high precision decimal digits are likely floating point representation errors anyway. :)

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