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Juhani and Canderous *possible spoilers*

Nancy Allen``

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  Nancy Allen`` said:
I was going through the wave files and found some where Juhani goes off about Canderous. How do I activate this conversation in game?


Where did you find the files? What was the name of the folder and I can tell you where it should spawn.

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I can do that too, but it seems to be her whole speech package. For what it's worth the file path is C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\streamwaves\m35aa\juha11. There's actually quite a few discussions there that I haven't seen (one example is her being fearful of being on a Sith ship, the Leviathan I take it, which is technically impossible as you are stuck with Bastila and Carth), and I'm sure the same would be true for the others.

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The reason that there is so much cut content of Juhani's dialogs is because she was completely removed from the game at one point. And then implimented back in at the last minute because removing her left huge plot holes.


Originally you were able to ask Juhani why she was wary/doesn't like Canderous and she would give the speech you heard in the dialog files. You can't really fault Juhani for hating Canderous

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  Melly said:
You can't really fault Juhani for hating Canderous
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Who could? Most of the characters get a rough trot but Juhani is among the worst victimised. Now that she mentions it, I don't know why I can't get rid of Canderous either. From his leachery in the Twi'lek slave quarters to his bloodthirsty nature, he's not my idea of a good companion, and his evil change when you go to the dark side, frightening.


  MachineCult said:
I removed Juhani from the game, I killed her on our first meeting because I believed that is what I was supposed to do... lol, did I miss anything? I didn't notice any plot holes because of it, Melly...


If you're playing as female Revan, you can have a romance with Juhani. There is also a sidequest where a Mandalorian sought to wipe out all the Cathar and take Juhani as a slave. Apart from that there's really her backstory.

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  JediShemL said:
REALLY??? If you ever run across, let me know where it is.


If I remember correctly that, along with some other dialog, is already present in Juhani's dialog file, it just has a conditional script set that causes it to not show up in-game.


I think these (attached) changed scripts, if put in override, will allow some of her extra dialog to show, such as talk about Canderous and ability to ask her about any planet you happen to be on. (It's been a while since I played KotOR1 though so I may have overlooked something, but I think I got all of them.)

juhack.zipFetching info...

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  stoffe -mkb- said:
I think these (attached) changed scripts, if put in override, will allow some of her extra dialog to show, such as talk about Canderous and ability to ask her about any planet you happen to be on. (It's been a while since I played KotOR1 though so I may have overlooked something, but I think I got all of them.)

Thanks Stoffe. :)

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  MachineCult said:
I removed Juhani from the game, I killed her on our first meeting because I believed that is what I was supposed to do... lol, did I miss anything? I didn't notice any plot holes because of it, Melly...


Yes but they removed her completely from the game, which means that the quest to go find her in the grove was not complete.

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So it might not have matter to some, but us lady gamers would have been severely disappointed.

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I did get a mod that restored the dialogue options for Juhani but I can't remember where I got them from. After I installed them I left the game for a few days and when I played again, I was shocked at the new dialogue. I vaguely remember getting it from PCGameMods for any who want to look for it.

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What actually happens with the mandalore that wants juahni as a slave? i had him meet me on korriban, and he says that he will have her as a slave. so where does he actually try to catch her? i cant find it anywhere!

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Take Juhani to Manaan and do what you like there. Enter the swoop race, investigate the Sunrey murder, take up or collect on a Genohaden assasination, ect, and when you've finished warp back. Xor and a pair of Selkath thugs will ambush you, and after going through the dialogue I'm sure Juhani is just killed if you don't fight. Beat him and Xor will taunt Juhani by saying how he slaughtered the Cathar homeworld, about killing her father on Taris. He's trying to make her give into her hatred and kill him, it's his means of revenge having her fall to the dark side. You can encourage her to do so, or if not she pleads with you to help her resist the temptation, and Xor dies anyway. Later Juhani is upset that she didn't kill him, but realises it was wrong to do and laments on having to forever deny herself. If you do have her kill Xor she will say that as justified as it was she feels bad about it.

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