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The mod tools are out!


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My hunch? They'll be just as bad. At this point, I firmly believe LucasArts really doesn't care about creating quality games and supporting them well. Since about 1999 the quality of their games has steadily gone downhill and their support for them has dwindled as well. It's much more economical to just take some random game studio, task them with creating your next game-to-coincide-with-a-DVD-release, kick the thing out the door unfinished, and reap the rewards as hordes of indiscriminate star wars fans gobble them up. Besides, if the gameplay is passable and the graphics are pretty, you know you'll get good enough reviews and people will buy them anyway.


It's kind of been a problem with basically all Star Wars products since the prequels started coming out, including the films themselves. The standards lapsed. It's much more about the big bucks than it is about creating quality product. Plus, at this point, the name brand sells itself.

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You don't have to pay, register ...activate the account ... and do the "wait in line" thingy with their download manager... about 45mins the download will begin ...no $ needed.


P.S. Solo4114; I agree totally with your sentiment and also I beleive it's a trend of not just Lucas Arts' pc games but all PC games in general. As long as ID software doesn't give everything away to Activision we're ok. :-)

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As long as you have the textures of the file, all you do, it's just like in KOTOR, you just add that texture with a .tga after it (make sure) with the same name as the original, then munge (munge is meaning like, save to a .lvl file).


Hint: all the units are in the SIDE folder



I was lucky, I downloaded it seconds after it came online, I was the fourth downloader :D

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I can't seem to get the ODF files into the actual KAS.lvl file (My new modded level) to make a imperial rifleman use a red lightsaber.. I have the odf file ready.. but I have no idea where to put it.. Meh.


Anyway, the .tga file of the Marine and Trooper are different, all files are, so are the names. I currently restored my comp *virus problem* and I lost photoshop, so i'll just say .tga. Anyway, I'm not sure how to add them to a map that you didn't create *yourself* using VisualMunge.. this confuses me..

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