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Online Worlds


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I'd like it to stay SP. If they want to do some kind of expansion thing later on, fine, but I want a complete game out of the box. I'm a mom who also works in a professional field--I don't have enough time in my day to add in online-play on top of everything else, and no offense to anyone who likes online play, but if I wanted that, I'd go buy an online game. I don't want to spend the monthly fees for something to which I can only devote a little time--it's just not worth it for my situation. I sure don't want to see Kotor go that route.

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I'd like it to stay SP. If they want to do some kind of expansion thing later on, fine, but I want a complete game out of the box. I'm a mom who also works in a professional field--I don't have enough time in my day to add in online-play on top of everything else, and no offense to anyone who likes online play, but if I wanted that, I'd go buy an online game. I don't want to spend the monthly fees for something to which I can only devote a little time--it's just not worth it for my situation. I sure don't want to see Kotor go that route.

Excuse me but for Diablo you dont pay monthly fees and of course no one wants to pay that I dont even have a online game that i pay monthly fees.

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How about a Cantina like environment where you can chat to other players, play pazaak or swoop race or even do a dueling ring challenge but it doesn't effect the game at all it's just a community environment. Something totally seperate from the game, just have all the places you can go in the games to meet and greet other players. Almost like these forums but in real time with controlable avatars sort of like Sims Online but without the agro :) Then have a much wider range of selectable heads and "personality" statistics to really customise your online presence.

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I fall into the category of people that want KOTOR to remain a classic RPG - SP, no online content (unless that is downloadable quests, items. etc. :)). I think that if you are looking for an online expierence, and are unsatisfied with Galaxies, that you need to suggest that they improve the that game before trying to take on another...

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Excuse me but for Diablo you dont pay monthly fees and of course no one wants to pay that I dont even have a online game that i pay monthly fees.


The online SW stuff is pay-to-play, so based on that history, I'm assuming any online Kotor 3 would also be pay-to-play. Plus, I want to have the opportunity to play my character the way I want without any more variables (i.e., other online players) than the game already throws at me. :D I'd hate to have my character zapped just because someone online decides they don't like any LSF Jedi or whatever.


I could go for the cantina thing, too, though.

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No, no MP option for KOTOR III. As someone said, it's been SP, and it should remain SP. They shouldn't ruin a good game by not focusing on the SP and making some MP thing for it. I don't play KOTOR because of online play.


Now if you were talking about a seperate game, almost a KOTOR-ish MMORPG with the same kind of combat, quests, worlds, etc., I see no problem with that. Personally, I think it might be very unlikely, but it wouldn't be bad. Still, don't add it with K3, keep it it's own game.

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Heck...if the online MMORPG is what you want in a KOTOR-ish theme (as RobQel-Droma suggests), then flood Lucas Arts with ideas to add an expansion pack to galaxies that would try include some of the features, etc that you would want to see...but I agree leave KOTOR SP - as it should be!

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well not all lucas arts games r pay ans play (jk series) the cantina ideas good but there should still be like a jka fighting bit where u can just get better and stuff but a sp game as well so that would keep every1 happy :) but i think if there will be an online bit it usually makes the sp game shorter but what u guys are forgeting is that not all games are like galaxies online world games rule and if you dont want to play online then dont its a simple as that really

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^ But if they put this thing in with K3, it isn't as simple as that. It means the game might be second-rate when it could be better, because they spent time on some "MP online world option." Which is why I say, don't have it with K3. ;)

Oh ok...I understand but there should be like an Expansion for it that alllows to play it online too.

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Kotor should indeed stay single player, however if i was the developer id be smart and say hey there is a large community so why not let them communicate ingame. The way to do that is maybe three cantinas or rooms therin that are scattered across the planets which can be accessed in single player. These cantinas are effectively multiplayer havens where you can talk, swoop race, play pazaak and maybe a few other mini games but no combat. They will be purely social places. That is all.

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It seems the only purpose for this online kotor thing would be to meet up with your buds at a cantina and show off your newly modded robes and lightsabers during a game of pazaak, because you definatly couldn't play a game like this with 10,000 others could you?


No Way! KotOR needs to stay KotOR. I would hate to wait all this time anticipating the next installment and have it destroyed by changing it to something totally different. If you want interactive StarWars play then try Galaxies.


...however, it's dying fast, so you might want to hurry.

(oh yeah, don't forget your Republic credits)

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here goes the KOTOR MMORPG argument again! bring it! if there was no lag etc, then who would oppose it? but then again, it would get pretty confusing with about 100 carths running around the dantooine enclave.

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