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The Baddest Baddie!!! (spoilers)


Which one is the "baddest baddie" you'd like to see in KOTOR III?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is the "baddest baddie" you'd like to see in KOTOR III?

    • The Warlord (e.g. Darth Malak, Darth Maul, Darth Vader)
    • The Subtle Betrayer (e.g. Darth Traya, Darth Sidious)
    • The False Jedi (e.g. Master Atris)

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All bad grammar aside, what type of SW villain out of these three do

you think is the most evil, the most corrupt, the greatest danger?

What type of villain would you like to lead the True Sith, e.g.?


The Warlord--Like Darth Malak and Darth Maul, this malevolent

marauder prefers fighting to deceit and subtle persuasion. Assaulting

the galaxy with almost unstoppable military might, the Warlord seeks

to conquer it through overwhelming force. That, after all, is power.


The Subtle Betrayer--Like Darth Sidious/Senator Palpatine

and Darth Traya, the Subtle Betrayer realizes that much more

can be gained through almost-unnoticed manipulation. Anakin

Skywalker never saw the Dark Side creeping in when he killed

Count Dooku at Palpatine's command. Neither did the Exile

realize Traya sought to destroy the Force until the very end.


The False Jedi--Rarely seen, but embodied in Master Atris.

Refusing to believe that s/he has actually turned to the Dark Side,

the False Jedi uses self-righteous judgments and punishments to

enforce his or her will. Might even go to the extreme of creating

a process to destroy the impure galaxy, thus to re-create it again

along more "goodly" lines. All is black and white to the False Jedi,

even though it is said that "only the Sith think in absolutes."


So, who do you think is the "baddest baddie" of them all?

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The most dangerous Sith is one that is not out for power, but out for a goal that they believe is worth dying for. Your list is pretty cool, but none of them will die for their own cause. When a person is willing to die for what they believe in, that means they will do everything in their abilities to carry out their agenda.


Revenge is a powerful modivator.

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I went with the subtle betrayer because they undermine everything that is worth fighting for. However I would have liked to have chosen the warlord type, mainly Darth Vader because he is AWESOME, at least when it comes to getting promoted within the Imperial fleet.

MacLeodCorp is right in that there are certain motivations that produce extreme baddies usually because they feel that they have nothing to lose.

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The most dangerous Sith is one that is not out for power, but out for a goal that they believe is worth dying for. Your list is pretty cool, but none of them will die for their own cause. When a person is willing to die for what they believe in, that means they will do everything in their abilities to carry out their agenda.


Revenge is a powerful modivator.


That in it self is a power... A power of the Dark side, it destroy the user of it... But also a tool of Light... Because it proves how much you believed in your case...

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but, its always cool to see a jedi like atris being slowly seduced and destroyed to become a sith lord. i think it should be bastilla caming back from exile or wherever she was. u could be like a brother or sister to the character in the 1st kotor and bastilla is hhunting them down. what do u think of that?

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I just want some Bad Boy to go squash. I don't need subtlety in a PC game. :D


Thank you Jae, I was looking for a way to say it, but, once again you've beaten me to the punch line.


Although I like the idea of the subtle betrayer (not withstanding Kreia), battle stirs me. In video games I want to fight as much as think.

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The Warlord--Like Darth Malak and Darth Maul, this malevolent

marauder prefers fighting to deceit and subtle persuasion. Assaulting

the galaxy with almost unstoppable military might, the Warlord seeks

to conquer it through overwhelming force. That, after all, is power.

IMO Malak, Maul and Vader are pretty different types. Maul is just a pawn and that's pretty much all that can be said about him. Malak is just a stupid thug who - by accident - got his finger on the big red button. Vader is a very different story - in my eyes he's *the* dark jedi archetype. Of course he's not the betrayer type but he's not without subtlety - remember the plan to capture Luke on Bespin? If his brainless apprentice would force push someone into a commando console causing it to explode, he wouldn't hesitate a second to rip the idiots spine out...

But - and that's where Vader and Malak are comparable again - Vader doesn't really fit as a leader of a dark empire.



Skywalker never saw the Dark Side creeping in when he killed

Count Dooku at Palpatine's command.

"I shouldn't have done that. It's not the Jedi way."

He was well aware but he didn't want to realize it. I believe nobody can be actually trapped into the dark side. The door can be opened but everybody has to walk in on his own. BTW: The real life is full of such decisions.


So, who do you think is the "baddest baddie" of them all?

No single "baddie" has everything it takes to claim the title of "baddest" but Sidious and Vader build up a team that remains unmatched...

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Evil can vary on many levels. A person's lawful or chaotic nature will not influence it.


As for which kind of baddie I like, I prefer people like Sidious and Kreia, but I do not like to see just them. If Malak had been a suble manipulator in KotOR and Kreia had remained the same in TSL, I would have been very disappointed. I like having a litte variety.

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I just want some Bad Boy to go squash. I don't need subtlety in a PC game. :D

Yeah. KotOR II was so subtle that some of it looses all meaning. Hehehe...


I thought that Nhilious was going to be a very dark character, but he turned out to have almost no character build up.


We need a character that borderlines on sadistic. Someone that is out to wreak so much havoc for his agenda, and goes to but does not cross the breaking point.


Kriea, Atris, Sion, and Nhillis were very weak in being bad henchmen. We need someone that is continuously doing evil. Malak was a evil dude. He tortured Basatila and blew the hell out of a planet. If Nhillus was shown blowing up a few planet, or if he was shown absorbing the force, that would be a cool attempt at creating him into a successful badman. They could have shown him turtoring a few Jedi or Force Sensitives.

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besides how interesting the false jedi would be, after playing KOTOR 1 and experiencing how much that game can mess with your head, i'm unsure if people (including myself) could actually mentally accept something like that. maybe i'm just weak minded.



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I want a cross between Sion, Nihilus and Sidious. No, they're not going to do a threesome for you, you damned perv. xp


Okay, a guy who has mastered the Force so well, he can change his appearance. He often appears before you and (mis)guides you and leads you into his trap. He is extremely powerful, has a broken appearance (by default), like Sion, wears spooky stuff like Nihilus (in movies and such), and has a mind like Sidious. It'd be interesting to have an end scene where you learn that one of your team members is the Sith Lord and you have to square off against whom you think it is. Man, I'm a genius!

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I voted for the Subtle Betrayer, because while the Warlord can wield tremendous powers, armies, navies, etc.... they tend to overlook rather simple things that spell their doom. The Betrayer, by knowing themselves better and remaining quiet, almost dormant, can press that to their advantage by finding out many things about their enemies, manipulating those enemies and their so-called 'allies' into doing things that benefit the Betrayer. That's power.

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I think in KOTOR III the bigest bad guy should be a Subtle Betrayer like Sidious

and he should be more powerfull than you can become during the game... (you

shouldn't be able to kill or defeat him...)


If you go to lightside you should survive at best and if you go to darkside you

should become his apprentice


And the game should have very dark ending no matter which side you choose

to go to... By the end of the game there should be no more republic...

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