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wepons MUST be equied to acsse feats

Shato Khan

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That is interesting...


Like the Repeating Blasters being the only ones able to perform a Rapid Shot, maybe a Power Blast, but not Sniper shot? But there should be more lightsaber forms, if forms should be restricted to specific kinds of lightsabers.

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That is interesting...


Like the Repeating Blasters being the only ones able to perform a Rapid Shot, maybe a Power Blast, but not Sniper shot? But there should be more lightsaber forms, if forms should be restricted to specific kinds of lightsabers.


you are right :sithk::mauls::mauls:

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This would add realism, but it's not like i would really like to see that in game.

Too much realism is bad, just imagine:

- Head shots instantly kill

-one hit wiht the saber is lethal

- limited inventory, and i want to see that backpack please! When you carry a few blasters and swords around, you should get a dexterity penalty, and your character should get exhausted!

- i want to be able to eat food

- how comes the character cant even sleep?



Sure it would not hurt to have this future in game, but it is not something i personally want.

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Specific feats for specific weapons isn't a bad idea but it wouldn't be the three basic feats: rapid shot, power and sniper and flurry, power and critical strike.

Same as you can't make a semi-automatic pistol fire as fast as a machine gun.

not legally, at least...
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Same as you can't make a semi-automatic pistol fire as fast as a machine gun.


There is some merit to the idea.

No, you can't, but thats not the idea anyway.


The point with the feats is-


Rapid Shot - teaches the character to fire faster

Power Blast - teaches the character to fire slower but with more powerful shots

Sniper Shot - teaches the character to fire more accurately


So, with the pistol vs machine gun example, there is never any intention to get them to fire at the same speed. The idea instead is simply to teach your character to fire faster than before.


Actually, since you can't change the rpm of a machine gun, it would make more sense to ban the Rapid Shot feat from being used on the repeating blasters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi there all Canderous here,

Machine guns WILL not work in starwars because a machine gun can fire at 60,000 shots a minute .

And a blaster being a much more advace wepon fires faster. And a sniper rifle can take down a target at 3.600m+ for anyone that hasent been in combat for real 3,600 is over 3 miles away.


But there isent really any need for that range in starwars becuse we use lead based shots and starwars use blasters,

ive seen many battles and i know that machine guns are good but not the best.


Ok lets pose a question to you lot just say you were in a battle getting attacked from all sides and anthor attack coming closer. thousands apon thousands of men you got one team member wounded anthor one running low on bullets and a tank on your butt and you being attacked at close quaters and your too far and also situration too dangerous to evac or send for reinforcements what will you do?


If it was me ill give most of my ammo to the team member running low on shots because in close quaters guns are useless.


and i would probley use a knife or my own hands to do the killing.

The point of this is that starwars are in space or planets where close quaters are plus machine guns would breach the hull.


Well if anyone seen any real battles ,they would know what i mean .

Ok lets pose anthor question to you this time about the sniper rifle, just say your in a combat situration there is a tank down the road a guy on the a building with a rpg .

the tanks range is two miles the rpg is 1500m and you got one sniper and a antitank 1600m wepon and you see on top the comander of the tank now you got two choices .


one take out the guy on top of the building or take out the commander and if the tank sees you within 2 miles it will fire at will.

its rather simple you will take out the commander blinding the tank then sneak in closer to knock out the tank. then use the blowen up tank as cover .

But with starwars there is no cover fire. for anyone too stupid to attack the tank directly thats the easyway to die .


but the whole point is MACHINE GUNS AND SNIPER have no need in starwars you need a team of 6 and you only have 3 plus its manly all close quater fighting.


Im saying this being in many real combat .myself but the point im trying to make if you could make the rapid shot fire .

60,000 times a minute then it might work and i think a head shot could kill .


When im out snipeing in combat you do get tied and if you can get the sniping shot at the head the other person dies right away.

And maby if the person in the game carries a gun and granades that you can see would also be pretty cool in combat you need acess to your wepons fast. so perhaps a back pack would help and probley a wepon like the rpg i mentiond earlier but much more advance.

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Canderous - I read about a sentance of your post and then stopped. Why? Because of your lack of punctuation. Seriously - full stops, commas, capital letters and spaces are designed for a reason, in the future please use them, it makes posts a lot easier to read.

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No, you can't, but thats not the idea anyway.


The point with the feats is-


Rapid Shot - teaches the character to fire faster

Power Blast - teaches the character to fire slower but with more powerful shots

Sniper Shot - teaches the character to fire more accurately


So, with the pistol vs machine gun example, there is never any intention to get them to fire at the same speed. The idea instead is simply to teach your character to fire faster than before.


Actually, since you can't change the rpm of a machine gun, it would make more sense to ban the Rapid Shot feat from being used on the repeating blasters.


Perhaps the entire idea of forcing feats to be used only with specific weapons is a bad idea altogether. Except for Sniper Shot, none of those make sense. I mean, this isn't a game where you can reload your gun faster or something like that. The only feat that would make sense (talking about realism) is sniper shot. Power Blast makes no sense at all. How can you increase the power of a shot (again, realistically)? Or fire faster? If you can't change the RPM of a machine gun, you can't change the one of a semi-automatic either.


Those variables are out of the character's control. They are directly linked to the weapon he is using.


I think that the idea puts too much importance into realism. I mean, those feats only exist because it's an RPG thing to have non-magical special attacks.

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I agree that the idea isnt a good one Luke, but my example stands.


The concept of teaching a character to fire faster all depends on the mechanism of the weapon involved.


In a machine gun, you hold down the trigger and the weapon will continue to load and fire until you release it.


On a semi-automatic pistol, if you pull the trigger it will fire one round, and load another. That's it. So if you want to fire more rounds, you have to keep pulling and letting go of the trigger. Therefore, the possibility exists for being able to fire a pistol faster, but not a machine gun.

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On a semi-automatic pistol, if you pull the trigger it will fire one round, and load another. That's it. So if you want to fire more rounds, you have to keep pulling and letting go of the trigger. Therefore, the possibility exists for being able to fire a pistol faster, but not a machine gun.



I didn't know that :dozey:


And I thought that if smart, the person would naturally keep pulling on the trigger as fast as he can in a firefight à la KotOR. Of course, there's a limit to how fast one can do that, depending on the weapon. Thus how Rapid Shot makes no sense here too.


I agree that there's a possibility to "change" the "firing speed" but it's a shoddy thing at best. In the context, it makes no sense. So, you're standing in the open and you're facing the enemy. You point the infinite ammo gun at him. Only two things make sense here. Sniper shot or "regular" shot if we go for realism. Sniper shot would be aiming for a precise shot, regular shot would be just shooting at him as fast as the gun allows you too. No one is going to tell themselves:"Hmmm, perhaps I should wait 3 secs instead of just pulling the trigger again."

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how about this one: gameplay > realism.


in other words: lets just keep things simple like it already is so that Kotor 3 will appeal to more than just a hardcore audience.


don't get me wrong, it is a cool idea, but it would also make things too complicated for most people.

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how about this one: gameplay > realism.


in other words: lets just keep things simple like it already is so that Kotor 3 will appeal to more than just a hardcore audience.


don't get me wrong, it is a cool idea, but it would also make things too complicated for most people.

stingerhs nailed it! :) Saved me some typing too! :D

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