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Don't give $$$ to SuperShadow...!


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Usually he slips in by accident. I remember during the rumor mongering and such during Episode II and III (I didn't even hear of him until after TPM was in theaters), I noticed that people would mention a bunch of rumors and stuff and then like one thing that originated on his page. Basically people who were desperate to find information about the new movies would view a bunch of pages, including his, and not remember where they got the info from, but as a result, his ideas would get spread.


Now that the prequels are over, his power has greatly diminished, because there isn't the same high level of frenzied internet activity by Star Wars fans as there once was. Of course that could change with the TV show, but still.


Now he's just stringing along his few fans with dreams of getting the chance to star in Episodes 7-9 with him at the helm. If he was just a fan dreaming of new Star Wars, why not invest in some fan films? Surely his server bill over all these years, if it's really been so high as he claims and all those hundreds of hours spent coming up with and typing out all those responses to people and fake info could have been put forth towards making even one quality fan film? Maybe he just lacks the talent to do something like that. He has a list of (fake) movies he claims to have made, basically documentaries about the supernatural and conspiracy theories, which I guess is a clue that he knows he's making it all up.


If it's a prank, it's one of the longest running pranks on the internet, since he started it in '98, and hasn't let up yet.


Oh well. It's fun to mock, and I guess he has fun mocking people who believe him... but trying to get money from them is just criminal. That's crossing a line into jerkdom.

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I always wonder why LucasFilms put up with the guy. I'm sure the legion of lawyers could come up with something to shut the guy down. I treat SS the same way I treat Jack Thompson, I ignore them. If you keep protesting and alerting everyone to his presence, he gets the attention he wants. Besides, I think anyone who is stupid enough to believe this guy deserves what they get.

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I always wonder why LucasFilms put up with the guy. I'm sure the legion of lawyers could come up with something to shut the guy down. I treat SS the same way I treat Jack Thompson, I ignore them. If you keep protesting and alerting everyone to his presence, he gets the attention he wants. Besides, I think anyone who is stupid enough to believe this guy deserves what they get.


Quoted for emphasis. But I still think we need the gizkas.


I'm sure the legion of lawyers could come up with something to shut the guy down.[/Quote]


Not that hard. Just look at all of the Copyrights he has violated.

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I have one question: Is the map of the Galaxy that is on his site the real one? Because i have seen the same map elsewhere on the web.



You could post the link (with a + in front of the URL to prevent hot linking) but if we're talking about the same one then yes, I think it is real. All he did was take the image from a legit source, scratch out the copyright/author data and claim it as his own.


As for "random planet names" it's possible he edited it, but without comparing it to the "real thing" I would have no idea. Still, he's notorious for stealing images from other sites and modifying them in a truly sloppy fashion (his girlfriend pics are a prime example).

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Supershadow map:




Original map:




On on the SS map, all of the planets in BLACK text are the made-up planets that SS typed on the map. He also made sure to cover up the name of the person who made the original.

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I've been on that site once. Then I checked out stuff about the next movie : SwIII. What villians that would bee next and that kinda stuff. Pretty cool site.


But about the midi clorian list xp : Where does he find such things ?? Yeah yeah. Off course. Beru Lars has 3,700 and Echuu-Shen Jon has 10,200. awesome...




This guy must be crazy :) If what you are telling is true. Where did you get the info ? He is forcing his girlfriend to wear the Princess Leia Slave costume. Forcing... :p

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Whatever he doesn't copy from legit sites (and claim as his own) he just makes up.


The "midichlorian counts" is one of the things he completely made up. No source outside his site validates it at all. On his lists of most powerful Jedi/Sith, many of the names are made up and don't exist outside of SuperShadow's site (just like many of the planet names are made up by him).


Of course anything he makes up has no official standing with LucasFilm or Star Wars continuity (despite what he wants his visitors to think), it's simply fan fiction.

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I think I should make a website like him, and copying all the stuff from his website and name it... SuperSuperShadow!!!


Think about it, you only need to add another S in front of his stuff, much much easier than what he is doing, and would be fun getting this guy pizzed.

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Even if that myspace posting is really him, the ****er still needs to go away and rot. Creating a suck-ass joke = your demise.


And what's even worse is the comments posted on the page.


Hey shadow just wanted to say your the best friend I ever made on myspace or just in general. Fight for what you believe no matter who it is that persecutes you.


Myspace... *vomit*

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Well word on the street is that the myspace page is fake.


Why would he expose himself there and not on his own site? We all know he's fake, he's just never publically admitted it... thus far, though some guy who claimed to be in on the joke with him admitted it was fake (but no way to know if he was for real or not).

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He's 30 and hes a plaguriser, I just found out. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/SuperShadow

Here is a little thing that I found that has his myspace where he announces himself as a lier! He doesnt know Lucas as he claims. Before I found this I thought he was genuine.


You need a slap lol you thought he was genuine? how? its blatantly obvious its all crap five minutes looking at the site and you could see that.


i really really dont see how anyone can fall for it?

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Most people who think it's real haven't been to the other main sites where they officially denounce him and where he's banned (or discussion of him is banned).


They also typically haven't seen all his site, only select portions of it. Usually I hear people say "Well I read his Episode III script and it was real, and he was right about ___" so they assume he must be for real because of a couple of hits.


They also haven't seen his site over time (but the guy doesn't really delete his old archives very often so you can see where he's contradicted himself or been wrong, but claims he always knew or they "changed it").


A lot of it is wishful thinking too. Many people would love there to be new Star Wars movies until the end of time, and this guy tells them it's going to happen, so they eat it up. And he tells them that Lucas will listen to everything they have to say and take their suggestions seriously. They like that. Of course then SS turns around and has Lucas act like a spoiled frat brat and insult half the people who send in messages, sounding suspiciously like SS himself (hmmm!).


So I think he is just hoping that there's enough truth mixed in with the lies that he'll catch the unwary. Maybe he justifies it to himself with the over the top stuff with the notion that "If they are this dumb and gullible they deserve to be fooled."


I mean, okay, I get it. But why ask for money? That, I think is crossing the line. He's asked for money twice now (and I'm not including the "SuperShadow Shop" thing). I wouldn't trust a guy like that with my money or anyone else's. The first time it was to give people "Exclusive content [ripped straight from Hyperspace]" the second time it was allegedly to keep is server going because it was so popular (odd if he is really so wealthy and buddy buddy with rich Lucas, right?). Since he only had the donation thing up for a few days, he either must have gotten a ton of money or got scared he'd get in trouble, 'cause it's gone now (though who knows what he'll do next).


And it's not like the "premium services" were just a joke, because I have read posts from people who actually claimed they forked over the $10 for a "subscription" and how they were pissed off because it was just the same stuff as hyperspace (and then the content dried up and he cancelled it without warning). So he has ripped people off...


He's only one step away from selling "hot pics" of his "girlfriends"...

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