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What's wrong with me???


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Okay, after finishing the game once on the Light Side, I thought it would be fun to see what a bitchin' Sith Lord :mauls: I could come up with.


So after Telos I head to Nar Shaddaa... and I just can't do it anymore :cry6:


I know these are all just programming objects... but I just can't bring myself to be a schmuck to everyone. Ugh.


I must be a wuss, but I'm gonna start over again and lightside it.


Anyone else ever have the same problem? Please?

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^^It's called replay value, dude.


Both Kotors I played LS the first time out, but DS has just as many easter eggs sprinkled throughout. It's worth playing DS, if only because you get to hang out with HK and get his conversation options.


Just don't drop the soap in the shower in a Mandalorian camp...


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I too find it difficult to be evil in games. However, I find it easiest to do if you take your evil in small steps, and by the time you work up to killing someone in cold blood for the fun of it, it's easy as pie.



  • Start with theft. Theft is the easiest evil act to perform, as you very often won't have to confront the person whose life you just destroyed.
  • Don't tell nice people you're evil. It's easier to do something horrible to someone if you don't have to do it to their face, so wherever possible don't tell anyone nice about what vile plans you have if you can do it without any such thing. e.g., don't tell the Ithorians you're taking the droid to Czerka, just take it to Czerka.
  • Rationalise your evil. You aren't doing the horrible thing for the fun of it, you're doing it for the greater good.
  • Alternatively, rationalise your good. You aren't doing that nice thing out of the goodness of your heart, you're doing it for your own ends.
  • Never be evil to an English-speaking commoner. Commoners cry and beg and plead before they die, which can be a major guilt trip. However, it is harder to identify with a voice actor you can't understand. Case in point, outright killing Opo Chano on Telos is waaaayy easier than convincing that blonde refugee who breaks down in tears to sell herself into slavery to protect her daughter. I felt like a right bastard after doing that.
  • By comparison, being evil to "good guys" is easy as pie, as they make snappy comebacks and defiant one-liners, allowing you to feel like a villain instead of a serial killer.
  • Never be mean to your companions, except Hanharr and HK-47. You can make up for the LSP easily enough, and your companions can provide an outlet for your goodness and help you feel like you're not the disgusting example of humanity that you are.
  • Attempt to detatch yourself from the game. Say "Dark Side Points" over and over in your head.


And lastly, find a custom head that gives you tattoos instead of zombie-face when you go evil, and you might feel more cool than evil. ;)



All that said, being Evil in TSL is far easier than in KotOR I. Pretty much all KotOR I's evil options, save for the last one, meant engaging in common thuggery instead of true villainy. TSL provides much larger scope for subtle evil and big evil, and lessens the amount of petty evil one has to do on the Dark Side path. Unfortunately, I think your choice of Nar Shaddaa to start was a poor one, as Nar Shadaa's Dark Side Path is the one most prevalant not just with petty evil, but also the one most prevalent with whiny begging English-speaking commoners.

My suggestion would be to have another go and either do Nar Shadaa first, but taking the Light Side path (after all, even as a Sith you have every reason to want to damage Exchange operations on the moon, given your previous experience with them), which if you play Telos neutral will net you Mira into the bargain if you want her, or do Onderon or (especially) Dantooine first.

Dantooine's main plot has only one real alignment based part, and that is the attack on Khoonda. But if you side with the baddies on that one, you don't have to deal with any of the people hurt by your actions, and the only person you really have to kill personally is cocky good guy Master Vrook.


Once you've done dantooine, Nar Shadaa's evil should be a bit easier.

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I played Kotor1 and 2 as dark side the first time, and havent have trouble with that. But i had have some trouble on other games, Fable is one of them(You bully a little kid at the start of the game). And some games i have change my aligment to light becuase dark suck.

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well to me it was too easy to play on dark side but i am a lill crazy and a bad person anyway so it s just me :dev6: .....you re not a wuss just normal human being....maybe just a lill bit too sentimental....but that s okay i guess you re not going to marine corps are you?? it s better to be sentimental than crazy trust me i know....

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Well, I certainly am sentimental, but moreso I tend to really immerse myself in my games. I just enjoy them more that way.


I tried to use the Sith Hallmark Greeting Card Motto as a guideline, focusing more on the power and freedom aspect, and freeing me, I thought, from being needlessly cruel, but the DS points come awfully slow compared to when you're just a cruel S-O-B.





F'rinstance, stealing the transport money from that poor refugee lady is something I don't think a darksider would necessarily do if he's focused on power and revenge, he might just live and let live, or tell her to get lost when she asks if you're that spacer. Or he might even help her if he thought he could use the paid ride he's helping her find to leverage his power elsewhere. His motivations are darkside, but doing the good deed is going to earn LS points instead.


Anyway, suffice to say that I really get into the roleplay aspect of it and, well, my bleedin' heart just won't let me go that far :halo2:

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So... If you're max'd out on Lightside with your +3 bonus, and you continue to do LS actions, gainging LS points, do you build up a supply of "extra" points so that if you do a DS action, say sending the thugs into the pit :lol: you won't lose your bonus?

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I really don't mind doing DS deeds in the KOTOR games, Fable was another matter with the example of bullying the little kid and being chased by sword wielding guards in a town where I couldn't draw my blade was a pain. I'm fine as a Sith Lord though:D

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So... If you're max'd out on Lightside with your +3 bonus, and you continue to do LS actions, gainging LS points, do you build up a supply of "extra" points so that if you do a DS action, say sending the thugs into the pit :lol: you won't lose your bonus?


No, and it's the other way around actually. The more lightside you are, the more Darkside points you earn from even a single evil or petty act. If you have lightside mastery and do a single darkside act, you'd be bumped down far enough that you'd need to do another 4-5 lightside acts go get back up to Mastery again. :)


The problem I have with the Dark side in the KotOR games (aside from not liking to play evil in games either) is that you aren't really allowed to play as a Sith Lord, you can only be a "Sith" Thug. It's more brutish stupid evil than calculating scheming evil. You don't see Palpatine going around insulting everyone he meets for no reason, killing people randomly, kicking puppies and stealing candy from babies do you? There's nothing "Lordly" about such behavior, and nothing I would associate with the Sith, but rather with some insane street thug looking to get killed. :)

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The problem I have with the Dark side in the KotOR games (aside from not liking to play evil in games either) is that you aren't really allowed to play as a Sith Lord, you can only be a "Sith" Thug. It's more brutish stupid evil than calculating scheming evil. You don't see Palpatine going around insulting everyone he meets for no reason, killing people randomly, kicking puppies and stealing candy from babies do you? There's nothing "Lordly" about such behavior, and nothing I would associate with the Sith, but rather with some insane street thug looking to get killed. :)

Major quote for emphasis! Nicely put stoffe. :D


The core of playing the Darkside, other than if you wish to actually be a thuggish brute, is through manipulation. You tell your fellows what they want or need to hear to twist them to your side or get them to do what you want them to do.


I wish that when they did the game in all the dialogues they would have given more manipulation or lie options for doing these kinds of things.


Example: Bao-Dur on Telos, he wakes up and as it stands now you have the option of being nice/kind to him, or rude/cruel.


What they needed to add was the 'nice' option captioned with the [Lie] at the beginning, so you can sound all nice and caring to Bao and gain influence but really be simply manipulating him. This was the major reason I made my Mistake Correction Armband so I could respond 'nicely' and undo the LS hits to make me feel like a manipulator.

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The problem I have with the Dark side in the KotOR games (aside from not liking to play evil in games either) is that you aren't really allowed to play as a Sith Lord, you can only be a "Sith" Thug. It's more brutish stupid evil than calculating scheming evil. You don't see Palpatine going around insulting everyone he meets for no reason, killing people randomly, kicking puppies and stealing candy from babies do you? There's nothing "Lordly" about such behavior, and nothing I would associate with the Sith, but rather with some insane street thug looking to get killed. :)


Well stated stoffe

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I think the [lie] tag in front of good-ish actions and dialogues would be good for kotor as a whole.


I mean, sure Jedis may be stupid enough to tell you what they think exactly, but NOT A SITH.


It is sometimes better to act humble to an angry foe, then offer him a drink, telling him its fine juma with your suggestion, and watch him swallow that hyperdrive toxic waste whole.

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There are some places where you can manipulate, and if you have Kreia with you, she commend you.

Once is not enough for me... manipulatiuon is a constant thing and takes time.


It took Palapatine around 15+ years to twist Anakin, manipulators are a patient bunch. :emperor:

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Okay, after finishing the game once on the Light Side, I thought it would be fun to see what a bitchin' Sith Lord :mauls: I could come up with.


So after Telos I head to Nar Shaddaa... and I just can't do it anymore :cry6:


I know these are all just programming objects... but I just can't bring myself to be a schmuck to everyone. Ugh.


I must be a wuss, but I'm gonna start over again and lightside it.


Anyone else ever have the same problem? Please?


:cry6: YES!!!


I can never bring myself to be DS. I always have to play LS.

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