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Knights of the Old Republic III: Scourge of the Empire


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I can say, being 100% positive, that this isn't the case. In case I'm mistaken, he's basing his assumption on some concept drawings he supposedly saw? I've seen none of this yet. And also, how could it take place during that time period? All the Jedi save Yoda and Obi-Wan are dead (and a couple padawans, if you're counting the little "Last of the Jedi" series). Further, why would it be called, Knights of the Old Republic if it doesn't take place during the Old Republic?

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...think of the possibilities.


Yes, If I had my druthers, I'd start K3 with the search for Revan or the uprising of the True Sith or something in the old timeframe. I'd prefer to follow the timeline already established of course, but, that doesn't stop me from imagining.


Technically, it would still be the old Republic. Perhaps it would breathe some life back into this series. I would still play it. I'm havin' serious KotOR withdrawls.


I would imagine there would be a plethora of planet choices to choose from. It would also make for interesting side quests. Droids would be different. Not to mention the blasters, armour, and other gear.


The clothes would surely be different, and that'd be a good thing.

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