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If you could change one thing in KOTOR 2?


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If you could change ONLY one thing in KOTOR 2, what would it be?

A few examples would be: cut content included, better influence system, longer game, action rpg (you know who you are), better graphics, fav mod officially part of the game, longer game, new story arc, part of the story changed, or nothing.

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Bosses that are much harder to kill. Oh, wait, we can mod that.


How about a better ending to the story itself. It also drives me nuts to see Darth Traya monologue for 10 minutes standing up when she's supposed to be mortally wounded. At least make her lie down, for heaven's sake. So, a cleaner ending to the story with a more realistic looking dying Traya.

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More back story on Bao'Dur. I sense he was the key to the whole story and it fascinated the hell out of me as to why Kreia could not sense anything about him such as his future or his past. She even hardly talked abut him and the two interacted very little. If only this part with nourished abit more.

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