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I just realized a MAJOR design flaw in KotoR2 that completely ruined my game after wasting 32 hours on it! See, the first game determined your light/dark side fate largely by your actions: do evil things, your character becomes evil and follows the evil storyline. But thanks to a stupid mistake on Onderron, I got stuck in the evil storyline with a 100% Light Master character.


Basically what happened was that when I was walking around with Visas, I accidentally set off a power coupling that killed somebody. I didn't even know who he was when I did it. Only HOURS later did I realize that by killing him, I was FORCED BY THE GAME to support the general in the civil war! I HAD NO CHOICE despite the fact that EVERY SINGLE THING I had done on that planet was designed by me to support the queen. Unfortunately I had already saved after killing that guy, not realizing the magnitude of what I had done. It wasn't until I had left the planet and played through the ENTIRE Nar Shadaa level that I realized I was being forced down the Sith storyline with a Light Side Jedi Master after 32 hours of playing. I was FORCED to kill the Jedi Master against my wishes. The game has completely ignored EVERYTHING I have done with my character and the fact that he can not possibly be more Light aligned yet all I have a choice of saying is KILL THIS, and REVENGE that! And since this character is supposed to be a level 25 Jedi Master with nothing but light side powers, I am now supposed to play it like he were evil. This game is completely ruined.


Now to make it worse, if I want the CORRECT game path, I have to REPLAY 32 HOURS the exact same way to get back to where I am supposed to be, AND the replay value as a Sith is ruined too because the payoff of being a different character along the Sith path has been ruined just as if you went into ESB already knowing Vader was Luke's father. The whole fun of playing as the other side is to see how things are different, but now I have to go through 30 hours already knowing where the story is going to end up. I could not possibly be more furious that the fate of the ENTIRE game revolves around me killing ONE nobody with a COMPANION of the actual character I have invested SO much time in.


But whatever I do, the fact remains that my current character is now stuck in a dead end .






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I find it hard to believe setting off a power coupling would force you to support Vaklu instead of Talia. Are you sure you did not inadvertently choose the wrong dialog option when talking to the two Onderon natives who ask you what you think of the situation?



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Well, Mosier, just play it through dark side this time and finish it out for the dark side story, and start a new game for the LS version. If you can do mods, KSE will let you turn your character into something delightfully evil for the duration of that game.

Welcome, too!

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Vader is Luke's FATHER? shock1


Oh, well, thanks a LOT!!!!!!!



BWAHAHAHAHAHA BWAHAHAHAHAHA HA HA HA HA HA HA *coughs* HA HA HA HA ugh HA HA HA HA okay I'm finished... HA HA HA BWAHAHA HA HA... HA... It seems you've seen both Trilogy's Original first... HAHAHAHAHAHA

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I think the exact words are "Save often and in different slots" :D


Actually I had four save slots going, it's just that I didn't realize the repercussions until I had already rotated through and saved over my last one before this incident. It was only later in the bar meeting the Jedi when that Colonel showed up and I had no choice but to support the general in the dialogue trees (at least that I could find). I immediately tried to reload an older one, but none of them went back that far. I think even vaping that guy wouldn't have been the end of me had I not randomly bumped into that woman in the courtyard that wanted me to get rid of the three officers. In every conversation before and after that I spoke up for the queen.


Funny, the whole reason I registered here was so I could vent to people that would understand. My wife didn't seem to understand why I was so mad I wanted to punch my screen. She could hardly appreciate the full gravity of what had happened to me and just kind of looked at me funny... :ball:


Thanks for the sympathy. :)

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Well, Mosier, just play it through dark side this time and finish it out for the dark side story, and start a new game for the LS version. If you can do mods, KSE will let you turn your character into something delightfully evil for the duration of that game.

Welcome, too!


That is my only option with this character. It's just that it will be no fun replaying the whole game the same way, just retracing my steps for 30 hours. If I do that, the character will be essentially the same one I've already played. And if I redo it to be evil, then the STORY will be the same one I've already played.


And the way I accidentally did it was by clicking on the wrong thing in the security console. Just a slip of the finger. When the effect appeared to be a dark side point I figured "big deal." I'm already full on LS so this won't affect my character any. Boy was I wrong...

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Well, that makes no sense really. You need to be a Dark Sider to trigger the woman in the courtyard quests to get rid of the captains. It happens to be DS only.

It certainly is a bug. A weird one, an unheard one and I doubt that was meant to happen. 100% sure it isn't a game flaw.


Besides, you spoke up for the Queen but killed her loyal captains. Your actions speak for themselves :D

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To be honest i think this is the way the game is meant to be played. Just put it down to fate and imagine this is real life, you have to go forward and not back. Maybe your character can repent towards the end and be on the light path after all. Now that's a good story. It's all down to fate my friend.

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That is my only option with this character. It's just that it will be no fun replaying the whole game the same way, just retracing my steps for 30 hours. If I do that, the character will be essentially the same one I've already played. And if I redo it to be evil, then the STORY will be the same one I've already played.



It won't be _exactly_ the same--try playing the other gender, a different class, different party members, different planet order, etc. It's never the same game twice, even when you do play it same class and gender. :)

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This might just be me, but when I play Light Side, I don't go around killing random people with computers.


Just a thought.


Well, that makes no sense really. You need to be a Dark Sider to trigger the woman in the courtyard quests to get rid of the captains. It happens to be DS only.

It certainly is a bug. A weird one, an unheard one and I doubt that was meant to happen. 100% sure it isn't a game flaw.


No, I'm positive that the woman offers you the quest no matter what side you're on- I just got offered it today, and I'm a Jedi Master with Light Side Mastery.

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@LIAYD - Hmmm...it's been a while for me to. IIRC, you have to have sided with Vaklu with the aliens and spoken with Vaklu representative (can't remember her name) in order to make that available. Could be wrong though. If so, I have even less sympathy for OP.


@Mosier - The particular gentleman that you vaporized is critical path for the LS option so killing him put you automatically on the DS path. Luckily there are at least 2 or three other failsafes in place to prevent you from "accidentally" killing him. You acknowledge having encountered one of them, but what you fail to mention is that you also sided with Vaklu with the debating aliens as well (the "random woman" dialog isn't available if you do not).


Clearly the results of your actions are not what you were anticipating and clearly that is upsetting (it would chap my backside too). I think everyone makes a stupid mistake in their gameplay career and the only thing that competes with the frustration of having it happen is the hilarity in seeing it happen to someone else.


It seems to me that your wife has some perspective. Maybe you should listen to her.


@igyman - I'm sorry, which version of KotOR were you referring to? The initial release or KotOR after 3 game patches? Before you answer, please remember that the game still has bugs (albeit minor ones) even after 3 patches.


@Lord Foley - Post #21: LMAO!!!. Post #22: If I recall correctly, if you side for the Queen with the alien debaters, that NPC won't talk to you. You'll get dialog baloon that reads "This woman appears to be waiting for someone" or something like that. If you side with Vaklu, then she will actually have dialog. At least that's how it's designed to work and has worked for me everytime I've played. *shrugs*

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the fact is that TSL has quite a few unpleasant bugs that can really ruin the game experience, unlike KoTOR 1, which was practically bug-free.
Except of course the bugs that made KOTOR virtually unplayable on many machines.
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Funny, the whole reason I registered here was so I could vent to people that would understand. My wife didn't seem to understand why I was so mad I wanted to punch my screen. She could hardly appreciate the full gravity of what had happened to me and just kind of looked at me funny... :ball:


Thanks for the sympathy. :)


You'd probably get more sympathy if

a. None of us had done something equally spectacularly awful to our own games and

b. We weren't such a bunch of smart-alecks.


At least your wife just looked at you funny. If JimboFett66 (my hubby) had done that, I probably would have laughed at the poor guy. :dev7:


@Prime--too true--after all the changes I've made on my laptop, Kotor will still hang when loading from time to time, but I've never had that problem with TSL once.

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