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Star Wars in 3D????


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SW in 3D...i'll be sometinhk wonderful. I can imagine scene where 2nd DS just destroyed Rebel cruiser and Mullenium Falcon and other fighters flying away from explosion in 3D...mhm...


And it will be chance to me to finally see OT on big screen!

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  • 2 weeks later...

... or completely out of cheetos...


Well, 3D thing would look cool, but unfortunately does not help eliminate those bad acting in love scenes in pt, unless they ask them actors to redo bits for the scene, which is unlikely. Though changing the dialogue would work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This could be cheesy, or it could be cool. But yes, seeing the Star Wars trilogy on the big screen again would be fantastic.


The only thing that sours it for me, is that these will most likely be the modified Special Edition: the Special Editions (as released on DVD two years ago).


He'll probably make Hayden Anakin's head HUGE at the end to rub it in that it's been changed from Sebastian Shaw.


I love Star Wars and I'm grateful to the Flanneled One, but leave it to Lucas to put that one dog dropping to ruin the otherwise flawless chocolate cake! ;P

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OR... it could be that we get to see JarJar in OT, in 3D, and maybe even a victory dance to boot.



Well, actually that might be nice too, I think it is bad karma to wish JarJar a painful death under the Empire... JarJar would recieve better treatment under the Vongs.

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7th Movie? Episode VII? We'll need a pretty big wad of evidence for that one, since that's been rumor fodder for years and explicitly denied in the last seven years by Lucas himself (and SuperShadow has been spreading misinformation for at least the last seven years).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Star Wars: From the Adventures of Jar Jar Binks: In 3-D!





Oooo muey muey, mesa bein' in three dimensions okee day! Disa be bombad!

*steps in 3-D bantha pie* Ooo, ickey poo!



Now if they had make him talk like Donald Duck, or Bing Crosby I could maybe stand him a little more, but that high pitched, argghh voice he has...

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