ParanoidAndroid Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 I would like to see more complex base structures as well, especially on the more epic, large scale battlefields. It would add a nice diversity to the battlefield. On one hand you would have the open field combat of the main battlefield, then you would have the tight corridors of the base you ultimatly will have to storm/infiltrate to acheive certain objectives. Of course they should have devices that have some sort of impact on the game (Like capital ships, this has been done to death already though...) Like perhaps some sort of radar room, which allows you too see enemy units within a certain radius of the base, or maybe a security center where you can take manual control of Auto-turrets situated around the base, or 'Lock Down' certain areas by sealing it's doors which would slow down enemy progress, forcing them to use drastic measures (Engineers anyone?) To blast through. It could also add a lot of prospective objectives to the game, like blowing up the sheild room or whatever. There's tons of ideas that could be implemented. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jake123456 Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 I would like to see much better graphics. Also an improved jedi combat, not 2 moves. Ofcourse improved space battles. I want several capital ships and the ability to destroy them. Want smoke coming out, parts of it exploding. I think it would be cool if lightsabers could slice of hands, heads and so on. That would be my number one request. Imagine seing a jedi slicing a head of a friendly clone troper next to you. don't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jawathehutt Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 I dont mean to flame, but slicing off body parts would just give the game an M rating, lag it up and be unnessisarly violent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pho3nix Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 It wouldn't actually be violent, atleast without blood it won't. Lag it up? Right. And who cares about the rating anyways? you usually find a way to buy it even though you're not old enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jawathehutt Posted July 27, 2006 Share Posted July 27, 2006 Oh ya, heads flying everywhere isnt violent at all as long as theres no blood and have you ever played on an old computer? Obviously not becuase if you did, you would relize that the game lags up when you kill someone or jump or make a movement and rating does matter because some of my friends parents actualy care about ratings so then I couldnt play with them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slornie Posted July 31, 2006 Share Posted July 31, 2006 i would like to see a large increase in the number of battle maps... both ground and space... with more than one for each planet... loads more planets... like alderaan, bastion, niraun, corellia, calamari, etc... ground battles with more units and vehicles... bigger maps... aircraft in gorund battles... space battles with more capital ships... full interiors and controllable (move them round battlefield)... more ways to win... destroying hardpoints on ships actually has a point (blowing life support should really kill everyone on board)... different win criteria in space battles... more heroes... both ground and space... like lando, mara jade, qui gon, thrawn, r2d2 & c3po, etc... more customisation in soldiers, weapons, etc... more customisation in battles... improved campaigns... for all factions... extend games into EU... use actual battles... endor, hoth, katana fleet, etc... more customisation in campaigns, galactic conquest and instant action, factions, win criteria, etc... more indigenous units and vehicles on planets... more bonuses for character and for Gc, etc... game primarily for Xbox360 and PS3 (PC as well... for those who prefer that)... put all into actula game... dont do releases with extra features, maps etc... just my opinion... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jawathehutt Posted July 31, 2006 Share Posted July 31, 2006 R2D2 would be far to over powered simply because he is a pimp I think that ships should be slowed down and given bf1 style controls on land battles because on small maps with them, you take off and your out of bounds in seconds of no throttle. I also think that the gun ships should be able to just hover and people should be able to jump out I loved the scenery in the Rise of the Empire 1 map(no stupid grass from 2 tho, I almost threw up from seeing that stupid grass sway) but I loved seeing like dead clones from the CW battle of Geonosis which was a thing that made that map great unlike some other maps Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coraan Talme Posted July 31, 2006 Share Posted July 31, 2006 I think the main point where a new Battlefront could shine would be improved space battles, because they have such a great potential. Many good suggestions have already been made in this respect (BIGGER interiors ... scenarios that are actually DIFFERENT ...e.g. with space stations, more frigates, capital ships or different objectives)- but I'd like to add the point that - in order to keep combat onboard the ships interesting, there need to be more available classes ... not only heros but also officers, engineers ... and maybe NPC crew or guards, Ace Pilots that can do different maneuvers or give the ship more health, Admirals that are an objective for the other side/ can pilot capital ships ... Basically just more. And ... oh yes: they should have the appropriate looks (did I already mention that imperial marine troops should be clad in black and have a large helmet - and imperial fleet officers should wear grey uniforms? ) Multiple (capturable) command points in the capital ships, ship systems that actually have speficic effects when they are malfunctioning or vehicles (parked At-At's ...but maybe also a completely functional AT-ST or hovertank in the hangar...) would be really nice, too . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Andrew Posted July 31, 2006 Share Posted July 31, 2006 Coraan Talme said: ...or vehicles (parked At-At's ...but maybe also a completely functional AT-ST or hovertank in the hangar...) would be really nice, too .That would be cool. Even adding those hover trains (the things that transport pilots in the Rebel base in Ep. IV) would be sweet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sithdisiple666 Posted August 1, 2006 Share Posted August 1, 2006 I think also in BF 3 if they continue the medal system that ranks you from private-general you should have like diffrent unlockable armor not just weapons fro classes. Be able to customize your class. I think they should have a new mode like soldiers career or something and star out as a regular troop in the simulators and work your way up to being a General. Like for example say you started out as a republic Heavy Trooper and became a general, customized you armor and you should command a special squad of heavy troopers, and train Heavy Troopers and stuff. Sort of like the ARC Trooper Alpha in the Star Wars Clone Wars Graphic Novels. I think that would be cool but thats just me... Also I think you should be able to have a bigger influence over what missons you do. I know that the clone troopers are programmed to take any order without question but it is just an example. You could have your legion kill your Jedi commander and stick with Sidious or Help out your Jedi Commander and Destroy the Sith. I think you should decide not just have the missions set out for you. I don't know how you guys feel but I play KOTOR and I like the whole you choose your path effect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jawathehutt Posted August 2, 2006 Share Posted August 2, 2006 ya that would be cool, choosing how the story goes I think they should change up some of the maps like take away half of the CPs on Felucia and Endor and make it so they take longer to take over so the player isnt in a mad sprint everywhere Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sithdisiple666 Posted August 2, 2006 Share Posted August 2, 2006 Ya I like the sound of that. Also about the maps, the teams shouldn't have disadvantages like on Endor when playing as the Empire or Like when you are the villans in Mos Eisley when you do Assult Mode. It is dumb, and I think each team should have an equal chance at winning. I noticed like the day I got the game becasue I played Endor as the Empire and Mos Eisley Assult Mode like 20 times and the Heroes or Rebels would always kill off 100 of my reinforcements and they would still have like 150. Now I can win in these places because I am no longer new to the game but I think that is bad for new players that have never played the game. Any oneelse notice the effect? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sithdisiple666 Posted August 2, 2006 Share Posted August 2, 2006 ... game primarily for Xbox360 and PS3 (PC as well... for those who prefer that)...[/quote said: And what If we prefer the Nintendo Wii? Which I might add has an interactive controller which I think would be awesome for this type of game! (sorry about double post I wanted to quote this kid) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coraan Talme Posted August 2, 2006 Share Posted August 2, 2006 Darth Andrew said: That would be cool. Even adding those hover trains (the things that transport pilots in the Rebel base in Ep. IV) would be sweet. A very nice idea ... ground vehicles on capital ships in general would add atmosphere, spice up the gameplay AND could be used to shorten the time spent walking through a bigger interior ... Hover trains especially could be useful for that purpose even in smaller corridors. Capturable command post would be another step in this direction and additionally create slightly more tactical battles on board the big ships. Alternatively - how about elevators? Yes, I know that the way the radar map currently works, different ship levels would be confusing, but I don't think it's all that difficult to change (e.g. simply by switching between levels by pressing TAB or something like that). And different ship levels would be far more realistic. Concerning the idea to add more meaning to an advanced rank ... Well, it sound really nice - though it's use is probably limited to the campaign or conquest mode. Multiple players could lead to way too many admirals otherwise On the other hand ... customizeable armour and weapons sound really interesting ... Even if it would be just an optical thing. Adding bright red stripes to your armour ... or some symbols - or perhaps being able to select from several different uniforms in your wardrobe (those rebel pilots do have different uniforms, for example ... but loyal imperial ones have slight variations to our splendidly looking black standard suit, too ... ) Speaking of conquest mode - it should REALLY support multiplayer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jawathehutt Posted August 2, 2006 Share Posted August 2, 2006 I think admeral would work if it had like a unit count(like the special units) of 2 or so per team I would also like to see GC added somehow in multiplayer but meld the space and land battles into one battle where the attacker has multiple cap. ships and many frigates and other types of ships but no actual CPs on land until they capture some and until then, they would have to use transports. The defenders would get like a cap ship, some frigates but would have all of the land CPs and possibly some help from the locals. THey would also get artilery to fire into space Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gamacrab Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 we shud also be able to pick up guns from the people we killed so we can have like a bazooka , sniper , and chain gun at the same time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineCult Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 gamacrab said: we shud also be able to pick up guns from the people we killed so we can have like a bazooka , sniper , and chain gun at the same time ROFL! No I don't think so, that would completely defeat the purpose of having separate trooper classes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relenzo2 Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 Awsome, I basically agree with everyting said in this thread, except about delting stuff. I think that would hurt the game. But I like the idea of jumping in a starfighter as my special space class (the 6th on down) and defending my cruiser. Then, having earned a jedi, landing him in the enemy habger, of AN enemy ship and running (and using many aothe rmovement actions) through the huge whole interior, destroying all that I find, making little explosions on the surface then going to a ground battle and taking a flying speeder and going through a vast battlefield and sabotaging their shields (probably while fighting off a battalion) so out tanks could come in tank transports (tanks have to get around this battlefield in reasonable time, too. Mabye these things could be command vehicles) and blow up every fricken millitary fricken target on radar, in sight, out of sight and out of mind We should be able to pick a sub-class for a class to play as when you play that class, by earning enough points as that class. And there should be 3 special combat classes. 1 for 12 pnts, 1 for 24, and 1 for 36. Instead of taking out heros (?) they should add more, so that we can have more accurate ones for some battlefronts. I see some people were very mad about that. Sometimes people want to fight as it was in the movie, somtimes they want to throw the movie out the window. You should be able to do BOTH. There should be, of course, much more custamization in instant action and multiplayer. In multiplayer, you should be able to add a description that players can scroll down to see in the little info box. 250 characters would probably be enough. Theres also so much we can do for galactic conquest. We should trash bonuses. instead.. You should be able to purchase different upgrades for your fleet, and be able to buy different types in the first place, and buy upgrades for the army in it, and buy defenses for your planet, planetary and in space, (like space staions, which should be upgradable) Heroes should be on a planet, and you can use them if ther is a battle on that plantet, and transport them with fleets. They die, of course, if they lose a battle, unless you have the ecape transport/pod upgrade. Some upgrades should be slow expensive super-cannons with good old power, for fleets and stations. You should also be able to buy an ion cannon for space defense. For planetary purchase, you can buy turrets, shields, garrisons, factories/clone stations/hideouts that that steadily regenarate reinforcements, energyt enhacing or health regenerating formula treatment staitons, and walls. With this, all the bonuses are covered in more interesting ways, and 3x more as well! However, I think it can be for PC as well. If they take enough time on it, we will by that future time, mabye even if they do ruish it, please dont though, have computers wich can easily run it and ther will be no problem. There may well be a new PS as well. Lucas arts might look at this thread, you know, cause this is thier website. hope they do, cause this is what we want. (If you use it, lucasarts, put me in the credits ) I hope this gives you somthing to talk about and throw around, guys, adn you better apreaciate it, becase I had to retype half of it twice. hehe. very frustrating, also might be why it sounds wierd in some places EDIT: We should be able to give the enemy more reinforcements than us if we want a challenge, for us experienced players, like on instant action. And some stuff for spacew battles. I think admirals would be cool. They should be the only ones who can operate cruiser waepons and direction at the command bridge. And a sub-class of them could be able to operate frigates. Did I mention that you should be able to land in those? You could destroy reactors inside to damage it, and hurt weapons and turrets too. We'll have to give it some kind of cannon. And a stunt pilot class would be cool. They would have all these extra manuevers. And so would an engineer class. Them having the fusion cutter instead of the base pilot would be interesting indeed. They should be able to repair fighters even more than pilots, but probky be slow in fighters. EDITEDIT: There should be extra effects for destroying critical systems. Blowing up the command bridge would mean that you cant control direction or weapons. Yes, the cruisers shoud move. If you destroyed the engines, the cruisers WOULDN'T move. Losing Sensors would mean you couldn't tell the condition of the enemys systems from youy readout thingy in space. Losing communications would mean you wouldn't be able to tell how many point the enemy had! (If half these ideas we've had at this thread for space battles are implemented, there will have to be a much larger point limit indeed!) No Life support would mean your men dont spawn at full life. Those are some idea of what it should be. Also, those globes on the ships that dont do anything (Even give points f you blow them) should do something. One is the sheild regeneration, and one the cruiser regeneration. (If you destroy all criticals, you chould be able to eventually destroy the cruiser.) And what about more ground millitary target like that on some battlefields, not just in campaign mode, and what about more than 2-sides in battles in space and planets? (Whether or not you see enemy critical condition or points will depend on which one you are in, or which one the vehicle your in came from, or the one you were LAST in came from if youre in a frigate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coraan Talme Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 I really like your idea of the effect of losing life support - I always thought it would be neat if losing life support would bathe the ship in red emergency lighting - and the loss of gravity - but what about combining all of that Perhaps we just need more critical systems to blast into pieces Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relenzo2 Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 Thats a good idea, red lights. My opinion would be to add it if the ship was almost done for, and a voice would scream on the intercom "ALL PILOTS EVACUATE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!" or something like that. And they certianly could add more criticals indeed. Mabye ther should be a seperate gravity simulation or somthing. If THAT was destroyed it would be a little difficult to move... and fight... and it would be hallarious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coraan Talme Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 Ah yes ... nice idea. Speaking about damage - how about cracks in the hull when a certain damage level is reached (granted, that might be a little difficult - at least if you don't want the cracks to appear in pre-defined places - which would be slightly unrealistic, but perhaps still nice enough). Making some areas unusable except for certain classes (space troopers!) and sucking hapless combatants into the void ... Of course for THAT to work you'd certainly need a bigger interior with multiple paths leading to some rooms (but we all seem to want that anyway). Yet it would be so atmospheric ... even in less dramatic versions: trash lying around - sparks spewing from loose cables ... steam from broken pipes ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relenzo2 Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 Oh, yes. There could be a bit of visual damage indicationd inside the ship... somtimes a little dangerous at low health.. hehe. Mabye you could even destroy the generator for the sheild/airlock. That way you could shoot right into the hanger, and all the units that didn't have space helmets would choke when they went into the hanger, like on Polis Massa. The Marine should have a space helmet. It could board a barley operational ship, with everyone eveacuating. sabatoge an combustor or two for the final blow, then get out just before he gets incinerated by the blast... there should be a delay between the ship running out of hitpoints and it exploding. But not enough so that for some it isn't close, and others are downright trapped. Like an Admiral at the command Bridge, of course. But the escape pod upgrade, Prabably should be a different one from the one that makes your hero alive in GC, could help some escape... if they're still there. Of course, all these army, fleet and station ect. upgrades would be customizable in IA and multi. And you could make it uneven, I'd Really like to face down a decked out 1st class Star Destroyer as a minimumly equipped rustbucket of a star cruiser... that would be fun... or I could be the Star Destroyer facing 12 minimumly equipped rustbuckets of star cruisers... ahh, yes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unit 351 Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 Personally, I think the game should improve upon what it was founded upon. The epic ground battles, but if you insist upon space battles, the one thing that would improve it 500,000% would be having more fighters dogfighting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineCult Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 All they have to do with SWBFIII is take more time, remember all the small details that people will pick up on, like as mentioned, the Capital Ship life support, and the fact that the interiors for all the ships look the same, and as said above, hull breaches and such when the ship gets damaged, maybe if it's damaged too much from the exterior then access to the Interior systems would be alot more difficult and you would have to find another way round to disable them. You should be able to specify how big the space battles are by choosing the number of Capital Ships and frigates for each side, and they should have different Cap. ships, like Super Star Destroyers for huge battles, and Droid Control ships. Most importantly, don't f**k up the canon of the game by putting Darth Maul in a battle thats dated over ten years after he died, same with Jango Fett, and Magnaguards with guns that fire rapid rockets!? They have Electro-staffs, and if they were being put into the game they should have had an Electro-staff, it was the coolest thing about them, that and the cape but they missed that out aswell. In fixing the units they have to remember that Droid field Commanders are just normal Battle Droids with yellow markings, Clone Commanders look different for every battalion, they mistakenly used Clone Commander Bacara as the Heavy Trooper unit. Imperial Field Commanders they got the look right, but they gave him a really stupid gun, and the Bothan Spy, well I guess they could be seen as Commanders, but I thought they were just spies. Instead of giving the Command classes stupid gimmick weapons they could be more realistic, a Droid, Imperial and Clone Field Commander would have the same weapon as a normal Trooper, but for SWBF3 they could have them start with a hero pistol, like Hans or Leias. And Definitely have some EU maps, like Rhen Var again and some canon Clone Wars battles with alot more different Jedi Heroes. Lastly, they also need some huge land battles, with multiple ATATs/AT-TEs and a front where the two factions would always meet in force like the Battle of Geonosis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unit 351 Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 I dunno if this has been said but a melee class that only a select few can be Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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