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mjpb3's Atris' Robes


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Atris Robes for female PCs and female partymembers. These robes will replace the Padawan, Dark Padawan, Baran Do Novice, Jedi, Dark Jedi, Norris, Baran Do Sage, Ossus Keeper, and Jolee's robes with a remodeled model file and reskinned versions of Atris' robes for female PCs and female crewmembers.


The model file was done by the incomparable oldflash. oldflash "disconnected" the head from the Atris model and made the robe model file in this mod. He very graciously allowed me to do reskins and release this mod. Thanks so very much oldflash. You still rock!


These are STRICTLY for females.




Please view the mod page for installation instructions.









Here's the link:





As always, feedback is welcomed.



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Definitely a cool idea :). I always liked Atris' robes, and the idea of reskinning them and making them the default robe option seems like a good one. If I get around to playing K2 again I'll definitely give them a try!

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  ChAiNz.2da said:
I've always liked the Atris robe but my female PC was "jealous" she couldn't have such finery for her own wardrobe... problem fixed AND with better choices than the snooty Atris has.. neener neener :xp: hehehe...

Oh, me too. I wanted Atris' robes since I first played the game and almost had a conniption fit when I figured out that the head was attached to the model. Grrr!


But oldflash came through again. :thumbsup:


  oldflash said:
I'm glad you did this mod. I really like-it. :)

Thank you oldflash. Thanks for making the model file in the first place!


You just don't know how long I have wanted those robes! Everytime I did the scene of meeting Atris for the first time I would grump and grumble wanting her robes. :lol:


As Chainz wrote above, now EXILE and female partymembers have better looking robes than Atris. Ninny ninny boo boo @ Atris. :xp:

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  Nema_Suneimi said:
I was wondering... this mod changes the default female model, so any other robes are going to look strange? Is there some way to limit it so only those robes use that model?

No, only the model file PFBIM is changed. Any other robes are going to look the same.


Take a look at the screenshots on the download page. The very first picture, labeled Robes Being Replaced, is a screen of the robes being replaced. Just those.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Shem said:
This robe model idea is very awesome.


*image snipped*


This is my dark side skin I did based off the original mod.

Pretty cool! I toyed with making a dark robe, but since I hardly ever play darkside, I decided to just try match the colors of the original robes instead.


Nice! :thumbsup:

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  mjpb3 said:
Pretty cool! I toyed with making a dark robe, but since I hardly ever play darkside, I decided to just try match the colors of the original robes instead.


Nice! :thumbsup:

Thanks! :D


I'll give you a better look at what I did. I changed the models away from the female Jedi robe style because I do like the robes I made in my Prequel Style Robe mod, and I like the idea of only my PC using this style of robe. Makes her more unique from my point of view.


Here is my Sith Robe upclose


Here is my Jedi Robe upclose



You may notice that she's got skin texture on her hands. With the Atris style of robe, the model is based on not having gloves, unlike the Jedi robes. So I took the texture of from the original Atris robes and pasted it on these robes.

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  Shem said:
Thanks! :D


I'll give you a better look at what I did. I changed the models away from the female Jedi robe style because I do like the robes I made in my Prequel Style Robe mod, and I like the idea of only my PC using this style of robe. Makes her more unique from my point of view.


Here is my Sith Robe upclose


*images snipped*


You may notice that she's got skin texture on her hands. With the Atris style of robe, the model is based on not having gloves, unlike the Jedi robes. So I took the texture of from the original Atris robes and pasted it on these robes.


Looks great!


On the gloves, I did the gloves with the robes so that anyone who may play a black/Asian/Hispanic PC could use them as well. Also, if you will notice, Atris has some funky hands! LOL! That being so, I covered that part up.


But yours does look good!

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  Shem said:
That's up to Mjpb3. It's based on her mod. Ask her if that's okay.

Will my answering you do? :lol:


Yes, you may certainly make a mod of the robes you made - provided you give me credit for the original, and oldflash credit for the model file. :thumbsup:


Happy modding! ;)

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  mjpb3 said:
Will my answering you do? :lol:


Yes, you may certainly make a mod of the robes you made - provided you give me credit for the original, and oldflash credit for the model file. :thumbsup:


Happy modding! ;)

I may want to make a mod of this later since I got your blessing. I will release the skins for Goldberry or others who will want them right here.






All you need to do is save the images and convert them into TGA files and do what you want them them.

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