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Reserve your very own PS3 today for just...


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@ TiE: Even better... LD's: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laserdisc

Those are still in use at the NFB CinéRobothèque in Montreal, but mostly as an attraction, as there's a giant robotic arm (bacically a modified "car building" type arm) that picks up the laserdiscs and places them in the little drawers. Now, most of the movies are already being served to the public through a server, but some the the movies are still only on laserdisc.


The NFB got screwed over :p

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I think I'll wait about 5 years before I pick up a PS3. Perhaps it'll be the size of the old PS2 by then.


<3 PS2 Slim, XBox, Gamecube, and XBox 360. I'm a slut for all of them.

*Imagines you licking and caressing game controllers*



*Goes and watches 100 Disney movies.*

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PS2 and xbox were pretty crummy DVD players after all, and everyone who thought they had gotten a great deal because they were for games AND movies quickly realised it was a con and went out and bought a proper DVD player for a few quid.

I thought they were rather fantastic dvd players.

As soon as it get reduced I think Pick one up because I'll hopefully have a Wii and 360 by then to keep me occupied.

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I think I'll wait about 5 years before I pick up a PS3. Perhaps it'll be the size of the old PS2 by then.


<3 PS2 Slim, XBox, Gamecube, and XBox 360. I'm a slut for all of them.

Five years is quite a while to wait... I was thinking more like two or three...

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I just have a seriously rose pair of glasses?

Imma say that's a lot of it. This manner of obnoxious-ness has been around since I've been here.


So unless the good times you recall happened during the two months between our reg. dates...;)




Seriously though, lets stop the insults, and cut out the fanboy crap, because I tire of it.


If it continues, I'll drop this thread like it's hot.

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I thought they were rather fantastic dvd players.

As soon as it get reduced I think Pick one up because I'll hopefully have a Wii and 360 by then to keep me occupied.

In Australia you would be a fool to use your PS2 and/or Xbox as a DVD player... why? Because you can't region unlock the PS2 and Xbox. All proper DVD players in Australia come with the region unlocked, tis the law :p

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Five years is quite a while to wait... I was thinking more like two or three...


That's how long I waited for the PS2. It was out for what, 4 years or so when they released the PS2 Slim? I had XBox and Gamecube keeping me busy then, and I have the Xbox 360 keeping me busy now. ;)

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Most DVD players are multiregion in the UK too... i thinkits only in the USA that the MPAA has such a strong grip on politicitans that it actually managed to enforce that region coding stuff.


You can multi-region a xbox, dunno about a PS2.. but its a pain in the butt. Plus to play dvds on the xbox you need to buy the remote, which costs nearly as much as a standalone DVD player. I dont remember the xbox having particularly good sound outputs either, but i'm not an expert.

Loads of newer DVDs have trouble playing on the old PS2 (no idea if they updated the new PSTwo dvd player or not). Was it progressive scan? DTS? etc..


Its very true that PS2 had a big effect on gettig cheap DVD players into people's homes, and therefore spreading the format. But if you held off a while you were better off grabbing a stand alone one.


I'm just not getting the bluetooth or HD-DVD vibe yet. I'm wondering if they might go the same way as SACD and people might instead turn to download services like they did with mp3s.

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you can get region free on the ps2, just that you need a gameshark disc.


i hate all this HD stuff, it gets soo expensive. first you buy your big shiny new HDTV ready tv, then you pay extra to get the HD channels, then you have to buy the HD-DVD or the Blu-Ray players which are soo goddamn expensive, then you have to buy the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray movies which are $10cnd more expensive.


then the speaker system on top of that for good sound quality.

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I was watching some HD dvds in a display a few days back and i gotta say... meh..


I know a lot have people have raved about them, saying that you have to see them in person to see the effect.. but i just didn't get it. Of course it was a bit better... but the difference between a HD LCD tv showing HD content and an LCD tv showing normal pal digital content was minimal. Nothing like the difference between VHS and DVD.. and not even as noticable as the difference between analogue and digital at standard definition imho...


I'm sure we'll all move to it, and it will be good.. but i'm not about to rush out and spen d 100s on a new tv.. and then thousands on replacing all my DVDs.

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I think its around 10% in the US. It was a lot lower than that in the uK, but i think there may have been a surge of buying for the World Cup.


Though some people, like my parents, have an HDTV purely by accident becuase they got one without realising when they had to buy a new tv and went for an LCD one.


Its projected to be arounf 50-70% by 2010, but that is anyones guess.


Looking into it on wikipedia it seems the main advantage (to me) would be that it can have 5.1 surround sound.. but i don't know if any or all broadcasters will go with that. More channels = lower quality on each channel.



Also, looking at this pic:


its possible that the version they were demoing was only the 1280x720 which isn't that much higher resolution than the pal resolution. It certainly didn't look like it could be as big a difference as the 1920x1080.


But then again it was a display designed to show how cool HDTV was, so you'd think they'd use the best resolution. ANd i wasn't 3 inches from the screen.. at a distance i doubt the human eye can appreciate much difference.


I think they usually reckon a tech needs about 20% to start the "tip effect" and get enough momentum to be taken up. PS2 definately helped DVd get there, but it wasn't the only factor.


With DVD you could use your existing TV, and didn't have to spend $1000 on a early DVD player AND $1000 on a new tv. Plus PS2 was cheaper which pushed down the price of dvd players. If PS3 is so expensive then Blueray players won't drop so much to compete. So you have more expensive players, the need for an expensive tv, and the spectre of competing formats. All these are going to make it much harder for Blueray than it was for DVD.

(plus, VHS was around for years, DVD seems much newer, not sure people (ie: ME) are going to want to have to rebuy all the movies AGAIN in another new format so soon.


Personally i think sony would have been better to do a MS and release the PS3 months ago WITHOUT blueray (blueray is all that is holding it back and making it so expensive).

Then it would have been cheaper, and achieved a higher market penetration.. THEN they could look into selling a cheapish blueray addon.

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What really bugs me is when people buy a HDTV... and it's tiny.... HOLY CRAP you have that much more pixels happening there and you've bought a TINY version of it? You've just absolutely wasted your money simply so you can say "wow, I have a HDTV." Talk about a big waste of technology.

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Interesting comment from sony that the PS4 will almost certainly not have any sort of disc drive.. which i guess means all the Next-Next-Gen products will be moving to a full on-demand xbox-live type service.


Though what that says about the longevity of blueray (or HD DVD) is another matter. Maybe i was actually right when i said that movies would go the same as music and move to digital downloads instead of higher quality physical storage... :o



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Interesting comment from sony that the PS4 will almost certainly not have any sort of disc drive.. which i guess means all the Next-Next-Gen products will be moving to a full on-demand xbox-live type service.
This is where I start to feel like my dad, who still doesn't own a CD even though I gave him a CD player for his stereo system. He's good with his vinyl records and cassette tapes.


I don't think I'll ever want to rely on some server on the net to play a video game (other than games that require an Internet connection). I'll always want to have my own copy of the music, movies, or games I own so I'm not completely reliant on some Internet host to take care of my media.

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What if you don't have internet


huh? I don't understand? NOT have internet???


I think they are working on the basis that EVERYONE will have fast internet connections by the time that the PS4 comes out.


I wouldn't be surprised if all entertainment was online digital by that point anyway.. its going that way rapidly with music, doubt there will be many highstreet music shops for much longer.


They are launching on-demand movie channels as we speak, and VOIP is getting big. Heck, services like gametap already exist.. and xbox live now streams you MASSIVE demos.. plus steam preloads you with gigabytes of data.


I'd guess it will be like the Wii virtual console/always on funtions.. you'd just turn on your PS4 one morning and find it had downloaded some demos it thought you might like, plus that game you'd pre-ordered a while back.


Doesn't that kinda happen with steam / xbox live already?


I'd guess the console would need a reasonable ammount of memory/disl space to store local copies.. so you could still play your local games if the net went down. But then again.. think half life 2 and it's need to check in with valve all the time!


For the games companies its great... because it totally cuts out the secondary market... suddenly people (like me) can't buy the majority of their games 2nd hand (where the profit goes to the shop) and have to buy them direct and full price from the publisher... much more profit for them. ;)




On the other hand.. maybe playing games would be like interactive tv... every day you'd get another 20 minute episode of one or two of your favorite games.


Still, either way, i don't think i'm gonna be investng a fortune in blueray or hd dvd content ;)

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