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What is the bigger reason for no K3?


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Aw, he doesn't want to share. OK, I'll be 'A Dark Lady' rather than '_The_ Dark Lady'.


Sorry, but the most recent Sith Order states there can only be one Dark Ruly Person. You'll have to be just a Sith Lady. :p


@ The Real Dark Ruler Person of the Sith (tm, copyright, registered)--And if I repeated even one of those nasty thoughts, I'd be banned so far out of existence that my profile would be little scattered electrons all over the universe. However, my grandma would be very proud for sharing the corruption.


And who would (s)he be?

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I must say that the two of you are friggin' H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S !!!


"I'm your nemesis."

"No, I'm your nemesis." :lol:



Yep, gotta have fun. :D I didn't know he was going to do that when I changed my title. I about fell out of bed laughing when I saw his title the first time.


And who would (s)he be?

My grandma would be proud of me corrupting everyone else. But only if they're over 18. We have to have some standards, you know.


*Jae ponders the possibility of Kreia/Vrook/Jool parentage. Brain explodes. Jae is committed to Hotel Asylum babbling incoherently*


Uh, I think we ought to go back to just a plain old PC for K3. No family ties. I wouldn't mind seeing Carth again, however. ;)

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TSL was a finished game. It just felt like it wasn't because the story wasn't as intriguing or creative as KotOR.


Just like in movies, when a sequel isn't as good as the first one, we feel somewhat cheated.


The reason K3 hasn't surfaced and isn't being produced is because of one reason and one reason only...




When it becomes financially advantageous for them to produce and market it, then, and only then will we get to experience it.


Until then, I'll just believe what I heard about why there's no K3.


It's because in his travels, Revan crash landed on a primitive planet that has no space faring creatures. He's (she's ) stuck on this mostly water, highly populated world with people who'd rather fight and destroy each other than live harmoniously.


They can barely keep themselves in orbit and have pretended to have explored their own moon. The leader of their free world acts more like a spoiled cartoon character and the majority of the populaton is addicted to their holo-net providing endless entertainment and mind decaying repetitive games.


I hope he can find his way back to his galaxy before he commits suicide.

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Yep, gotta have fun. :D I didn't know he was going to do that when I changed my title. I about fell out of bed laughing when I saw his title the first time.


Interesting place to have a computer.


*Jae ponders the possibility of Kreia/Vrook/Jool parentage. Brain explodes. Jae is committed to Hotel Asylum babbling incoherently*


I'll take it you meant me or your grandmother... ;)

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Interesting place to have a computer.


Gotta love laptops. And I'm not touching many other comments on beds with a 10 foot pole. ;)



I'll take it you meant me or your grandmother... ;)


Naw, my grandma would be happy knowing I was corrupting others. She'd be pleased at knowing she'd trained me well. :D



And sort of bringing this thread back to some semblence of topic :) , I agree with Cygnus--when LA thinks it'll make enough money to make a profit, we might well see K3. Til then, I'll keep hoping.

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Came in late... lemme see if I can sum this up...


ED, I thought you were the Darkside...


Jae, You're new eyes are really cute:)


Lucas was the director:(


Playable Characters are the result of drunken orgies of the Traveling Coruscantie Cirqus and Freakshow.


Jediphile's mommy embraces him.


Jae needs to PM RED with information regarding the insertion of genitalia into spinal regions, and whatever they call the area under the collarbone. (if you have age issues, save them until november, the big 21 is the highest possible cutoff point for this stuff;))

I want to meet her granny too, she sounds fun, maybe we get together play some mariokart or something.


Jae and Jimbo have kinky sex with laptops, Anxiolytic Thorazine, and 10 foot poles.

(seriously, how does Jimbo compete with a 10 foot pole? How much wider is he than the pole?)


Lucas Likes De Money.


Eddie likes to do puzzles of Jae's bedroom antics.


My translation is sooo much simpler.



@Jae, The GRAND POOBAH currently supports ED's claim of supperiority due to..

A. His previous claims to the status of Dark side, which overrules a member of the sith (followers of the DS)

B. Only one nemesi actually chose to abide by the ways of Mojo and sought the aide of the GRAND POOBAH...if the other were to do the same, who's to say what the final result would be...;)


If in fact Emperor Devon were to uphold his past dark side rank, the nemesi would be classified as lightside...FYI;)

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Jae, You're new eyes are really cute:)


Which I made. :xp:


Jae and Jimbo have kinky sex with laptops, Anxiolytic Thorazine, and 10 foot poles.




If in fact Emperor Devon were to uphold his past dark side rank, the nemesi would be classified as lightside...FYI;)


It's in my profile, but my new avatar will be up in a bit...

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Came in late... lemme see if I can sum this up...



OH. MY. GOD. Good thing I wasn't drinking anything, or the fine spew mist would have been coming out of nearly every orifice, I laughed so hard.


ED, I thought you were the Darkside...


S/he still is....


Jae, You're new eyes are really cute:)


Awww, thank you. :blush2: It's all Emperor Devon's doing.


Playable Characters are the result of drunken orgies of the Traveling Coruscantie Cirqus and Freakshow.


And it was Lucas' fault cause he was directing.


Jae needs to PM RED with information regarding the insertion of genitalia into spinal regions, and whatever they call the area under the collarbone. (if you have age issues, save them until november, the big 21 is the highest possible cutoff point for this stuff;))


Sex ed 101--a mommy and a daddy love each other very much.... After you master that one, come back and see me. :D


I want to meet her granny too, she sounds fun, maybe we get together play some mariokart or something.

Assuming 'mariokart' is not the newest latest euphemism for 'the Wild Thang' and/or 'nookie', she'd probably go for it. Heck, she might have gone for it in any case.

And she'd whoop your butt driving if she weren't in heaven. She outran a cop (as much as you can on sidestreets), and got ahead of him a bit. She turned the corner, hit the garage door opener, drove into the driveway, hit the opener to make the garage door close _as she's driving into the garage_, and by the time the cop turned the corner, the garage door was already shut. He drove right on by, never found her. I'm sure she'll tell you dirty jokes and race you when you get to heaven, too. She'd approve of your naughty sewer-level mind.


Jae and Jimbo have kinky sex with laptops, Anxiolytic Thorazine, and 10 foot poles.


You forgot the blue plastic lightsabers with cherries impaled on them.


(seriously, how does Jimbo compete with a 10 foot pole?


Who says he needs to compete? ;P


Eddie likes to do puzzles of Jae's bedroom antics.


As long as it's not a Rubik's cube. We're not _that_ kinky.


My translation is sooo much more worthy of Hotel Asylum.


fixed! :xp:

@Jae, The GRAND POOBAH currently supports ED's claim of supperiority due to..

A. His previous claims to the status of Dark side, which overrules a member of the sith (followers of the DS)

B. Only one nemesi actually chose to abide by the ways of Mojo and sought the aide of the GRAND POOBAH...if the other were to do the same, who's to say what the final result would be...


If in fact Emperor Devon were to uphold his past dark side rank, the nemesi would be classified as lightside...FYI


I'm so pwned.... But it was worth every moment of laughing writing that Memo on Your Brain. :giggle1:


Love the new avatar, Emperor Devon. :D

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S/he still is....


You're never going to let that go, eh?


I'm sure she'll tell you dirty jokes and race you when you get to heaven, too.


I'm having an amusing time picturing that... Whatever happens to godless heathens such as I? :xp:


Who says he needs to compete? ;P


As long as it's not a Rubik's cube. We're not _that_ kinky.



I'm so pwned.... But it was worth every moment of laughing writing that Memo on Your Brain. :giggle1:


I would be very interested in seeing a medical report on RJM's brain... :D


Love the new avatar, Emperor Devon. :D


Thank you. :D

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If I might make a point on TSL - the DS ending is exactly the same as the LS ending. It kinda removes the point of playing through differently, IMO.


Now, back onto the real topic:


In order to balance the Daft Side, Since the Grand Poobah has weighed in on Empress Devonia's side, I should really weigh in on the side of Jae as the Walrus.


Unfortunately, my reign as Dark Lord never actually ended. I took a skiing holiday on Rhen Var and well...


Being Dark Lord got boring.


Anyhow: ED's an impostor :xp:

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@RJM--Aw, you forgot I'm a Redhead! That should count for something! :D

I am so hosed in November. Jimbo doesn't need any more help with that day :) . He already has Plans....I don't know what they are, but I imagine it might involve me running screaming to Hotel Asylum.


You're never going to let that go, eh?

At least not for another 12.4 hours.



I'm having an amusing time picturing that... Whatever happens to godless heathens such as I? :xp:


eh, we'll figure out something. The more the merrier in heaven, you know. :)


I would be very interested in seeing a medical report on RJM's brain... :D


Memo on RJM's Brain. Post #28 in the Lego Kotor thread in Ahto. :)


@DI--I suddenly have a Beatles song running through my head. "I am the Walrus...."

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He already has Plans....I don't know what they are, but I imagine it might involve me running screaming to Hotel Asylum.


Capitalized ones? My, my.


At least not for another 12.4 hours.


Time's up. :p


Memo on RJM's Brain. Post #28 in the Lego Kotor thread in Ahto. :)




Empress Devonia's


Hmm, that's a good name for a female counterpart of me.


Anyhow: ED's an impostor


I claimed the title long ago. ;P

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What do you guys think is the main reason that KOTOR 3 hasn't been done (or at least announced to be in the making) right now...


Personally I think it was because KotOR2 was a load of bollocks. I've never been so disappointed in a sequel. The best game ever and its sequel totally missed the point. But that's just me.


I played KotOR1 as a female. Imagine my surprise when KotOR2 referred to my old character as a male. What was the point in allowing players to play the lead as a female in KotOR1 if they were going to undermine the whole choice issue in KotOR2?

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I played KotOR1 as a female. Imagine my surprise when KotOR2 referred to my old character as a male. What was the point in allowing players to play the lead as a female in KotOR1 if they were going to undermine the whole choice issue in KotOR2?


All you had to do was tell Atton that Revan was female (on Peragus). I haven't actually tried it myself since I always go male, but from what I hear, its supposed to work.

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I played KotOR1 as a female. Imagine my surprise when KotOR2 referred to my old character as a male. What was the point in allowing players to play the lead as a female in KotOR1 if they were going to undermine the whole choice issue in KotOR2?

The Revan settings occur when talking to Atton about Revan near the beginning... if you answer that you don't care about Revan it defaults to LS Male.


There are differences in the game that come from that dialog. Cameos of Carth and Bastila. If you state Revan was a DS Female you see another Admiral and not Carth, for example.

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I played KotOR1 as a female. Imagine my surprise when KotOR2 referred to my old character as a male. What was the point in allowing players to play the lead as a female in KotOR1 if they were going to undermine the whole choice issue in KotOR2?


As others have already pointed out, it did respect it, and to a great degree - there are actually separate voicefiles all the way through the game depending not only on both Revan's and Exile's gender, but also on their alignments, especially for Revan.


It's a shame you missed the opportunity to set Revan's gender, especially since you'll have to actually correct or dismiss what Atton says to set it to male, as Atton assumes Revan is female - all you had to do was to agree with him... (and then tell him what Revan's "correct" alignment is afterwards).


The game actually sets several things that way. The Exile's lost lightsaber, which is in Atris' possession and appears in the trial cutscene as well, is set by the conversation you have with Atton about it as you flee Peragus.

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All you had to do was tell Atton that Revan was female (on Peragus). I haven't actually tried it myself since I always go male, but from what I hear, its supposed to work.


I did tell Atton that she was female, but the game slips up from time to time.

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Jim Ward, you [illegitimate child]!

The above sentence encapsulates my feelings upon finding out that Jim Ward has effectively dissolved the team working on KotOR III, and that he essentially crossed KotOR III off LucasArts' development list.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is an act so evil that only a child whose mother* was unmarried at the time of conception and birth could be responsible for it.

[A 'working woman', probably.]


I would also like to point out that 1/2 of the above is irony and does not accurately reflect the feelings of the poster (nick3333). Let's play a little game of "spot the sarcasm", shall we?

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*** loud sigh *** :roleyess:


Please, nick3333, do try to contribute something meaningful when posting in a thread where the last post was over a month ago. And just to be clear, I don't think referring to the president of LucasArts as an illegitimate child is meaningful nor will it do anything to encourage him to make KotOR 3. :dozey:


They won't until every thread in The Unknown Regions is about where is Kotor, so come on people keep making more and more threads, the game won't come out till we're flooded with KOTOR 3 Where is it and why isn't it here posts
I really, really don't think flooding The Unknown Regions with spam posts about wanting KotOR 3 will do anything to sway LucasArts one way or the other on KotOR 3. Besides, I have a feeling the LF staff wouldn't appreciate this type of activity.


IMO KotOR 3 still isn't on LEC's priority game list as it seems they are concentrating on the Indy Jones and Force Unleashed games and their overall next-gen strategy.

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