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After Lego Star Wars II what about Lego Star Wars III?


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nah. the LSW is gonna end after 2. they havnt got anything that would be considered "popular" enough. you go to a random bystander, and ask them if they know about starwars, and if they can name a couple of characters. you'll get the same old ones, yoda, chewie etc etc, the more renown people. But you ask them if theyve heard of, say, Queen Apailana (between the evnts of the clone wars and the fall of the empire) they wont have a clue. So to be safe, i reckon they'll leave it at 2.

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I agree I think they will stop and I would rather have KOTOR III but I just thought it would be cool becasue they would make lego sets of them and all those people on ebay would stop ripping people off by selling them lego figures that have krappy paint jobs of the EU characters. I also think that maybe if the game sold maybe they might make some EU movies like KOTOR I don't know about you guys but Darth Malak fighting Revan on the big screen? or even Jacen Solo and Ben Skywalker! George Lucas probably won't make another though.

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I don't honestly beleive they will make a lsw3 but i hope they do but there is something of the 'use the old save' extra that got me thinking of what lsw3 could be LEGO STAR WARS : SAGA EDITION this would have all 6 episodes to play through and u could customise characters from bits and bobs from all characters throughout the saga, maybe even customise your own ships lol, but they would have to add a few new tricks to coz if it just lgsw2 with a few new levels it will get boring pretty quick, one addition i would have is have a booths on each level to allow u to use a vehicle you have created/ bought i.e. zooming around tattooine on a speeder bike


i too am anciously waiting for kotor 3

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If they do make one it should be Lego Star Wars III: The Battlefront or Lego Star Wars Battlefront. It could be like the battlefront series and with lego people fighting. And with missons put in it to from KOTOR time peroid. This would be very good for profit for them. Any other ideas...

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