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Star Wars: Shadow Wars

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"As in Crystal Gray," Kat answered. "Ancestor of mine from some 4000 years ago. She had Jedi-like powers with no Force sensitivity and some of those..." She rose slightly from the ground. "... have been passed on from generation to generation." Dropping again to her feet, she shrugged. "It just kinda makes sense, I guess... I've been on the receiving end of some interesting abilities. Seems I should associate myself with the first in my bloodline who had them."


“It would have been helpful if Luke told us which ship we’re looking for…”Kyla said as they were walking through the hallways.


“Dang, forgot about that.”


“I’ll go see which ship we’re looking for …” Jethro replied, walking towards a nearby console.


“Alright let’s see…” he said softly. He pressed a couple of buttons and searched through the list of docked ships. “ah here it is, the Northstream. It should be on landing pad number….4” He said without looking up.


“Let’s go then.” Kyla said, already walking towards the hangar. They reached the hangar entrance and noticed two people standing near it.


“I wonder if one of them is the captain we’re looking for…” Jethro thought as they approached the two young women.

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"Thank you. You're not bad yourself as well," Zhane said, swinging from the left to the right, followed by a backflip, and then running at har, spinning and swinging once again, ending in a horizontal lightsaber strike.


Jakyl re-ignited her lightsaber as Zhane flipped through the air, and blocked his attack with a low guard.


"So," she asked, as their blades locked, "do you have any idea what Master Skywalker's up to?"

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"Ah, I see." Sara said with a nod, "Well, that makes sense I suppose. Could use the Force without actually using the Force...that's why I remembered Gray..."


The pilot looked up as she heard light footsteps echo across the durasteel. Two Jedi were heading towards them, a man and a woman. They were both young -- siblings, if she guessed right.


"You two the Jedi being sent out at this un-godly hour?" she called as they approached.

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((This post may be subject to change, depending on what Kira wants to do with Amol.))


Amol stood in the shadows behind Luke as he spoke to the padawans, apparently unnoticed - but it was impossible to tell with Jedi. They either hadn't noticed, or hadn't cared. As they left, he stepped out of the darkness. Skywalker sighed heavily, then spoke.


"I need you, Amol," he said simply.


Amol arched an eyebrow, folding his arms across his chest. "And what exactly do you need me for, Skywalker?" he asked. "You seem to have everything under control."


Luke turned to face him, his face irritatingly unreadable. "I can't tell you much, Amol," he said. "But I can tell you one thing: that disk must reach Naboo."


Amol glared at Luke. "I'm not doing anything for you until I have the whole picture."


"I can't give you the whole picture," responded Luke calmly. "I can only tell you that I need you to help us. Now more than ever."


It was Amol's turn to sigh. "Alright. Let's say I were willing to help. Why do you need me? Can't this 'Sara Klint' get them to Naboo safely?"


"I would feel better if you and the Stephanas were with them," he said.


Amol stared at the floor for a moment. "What's in it for me?" he asked.


Skywalker's face changed visibly for the first time, forming the smallest traces of a frown. "I'm not hiring you, Amol - I'm appealing to you. I have nothing to offer you other than my gratitude."


Amol snorted - but something in the way Skywalker was looking at him made him think about it for a moment. "So you want me to do this... out of the goodness of my heart?"


Luke nodded. "If you're unwilling to help, I'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangment..."


Amol shook his head. "No," he said. "I'm going to regret this, I'm sure, but... I'll do it."


Luke smiled. "Thank you, Amol. I appreciate it."


Amol grunted, then moved towards the door. He stopped. "Oh, Luke, there is one thing... Klint may not be too happy that I'll be tagging along - we sort of... got off on the wrong foot, while in orbit. She strikes me as the kind of wamon who'll go for your kidneys when you tell her about it. You might want to take your lightsaber."


Luke smiled again.


Amol didn't. "I'm serious."

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Krell was of two schools of thought on this new alliance they might be forming, on the one hand, access to a fleet for raids and the like was, well a very useful thing. On the other hand, they knew nothing of this group, had no reason what-so-ever to trust them, and this could quite possibly be a ploy to lull them into a false sense of security and kill them all.


"Wabacca say on the ship, and don't let any of them on board. And we'd rather you didn't clean our ship, some of that dirt is holding hull on." He looked at the tall man, gave a side glance to Va'ala and then back to the man. As he moved off he leaned in and whispered in her ear so only she could hear.


"Think he's got a crush on ya cap'n, and a bit to open with his life in my opinion, what was that crap about his adopted daughter? Why do we care?" Krell shrugged, and followed Va'ala out.

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''True, true. As for checking up on the good Admiral Onasi, it is merely a precaution after all these incoming ships. My superior was simply worried if everything was alright here at the Academy.'' Hall explained in a friendly sort of way, ''So, Admiral Onasi, may I ask if you've had a chance to talk to Master Skywalker?''


"Not yet no," Vok told Hall, "He is a Jedi Master and as you may know, Jedi Masters are some of the very busiest people in the entire Galaxy. Maybe more than me."

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"And we'd rather you didn't clean our ship, some of that dirt is holding hull on."
Trailing behind Ex-Zar, Blink, and Sarfas, Va'ala agreed with Krell's assessment of their ship. "Yeah, don't clean it," she said to Ex-Zar as she followed him down the ramp. She looked over her shoulder at the Riever's exterior, still glowing with the blue dust Ex-Zar had used to find them. "Besides, I think I rather like electric blue." She paused on the ramp, closing the gap between her and Krell.


"Let's see if we can figure out what that blue dusty flak is while we're taking our 'tour'," she said softly into Krell's ear, "so we can figure out a way to repel it for next time.”


"Think he's got a crush on ya cap'n,” Krell whispered in her ear so only she could hear. “And a bit too open with his life in my opinion. What was that crap about his adopted daughter? Why do we care?"


“Chill, will 'ya? Think he’s trying to gain our trust." She exchanged a look with Krell. Despite their attempts to suppress it, a small laugh escaped the both of them anyway.


Suddenly, Va'ala paused mid-step, and she turned back to the Reiver. "O-oh, B-ob...?" she called out sing-song.


Bob appeared at the top of the ramp. "Yes, Boss?"


"Would you like to come with us?" she asked invitingly. "And see the big ship?"


Bob grinned, and nodding vigorously he hurried down the ramp to join them.


She felt Krell's elbow dig sharply into her ribs. "Chill," she said to him between the gritted teeth of her disingenuous smile.


She hurried her pace to catch up with Ex-Zar, and fell into step between Sarfas and Blink, with Krell and Bob trailing just behind her. "So, quarters are nice and all, but…” Va’ala said to Ex-Zar, “…can we start with a tour of your ship first? I’ve got this ‘obsessive-compulsive fetish thing’, you see, that I have to know the layout of a place before I accept any hotel room or board a commercial flight. You just never know when you might need an emergency exit in the event of any ‘rare but theoretically possible’ freakish emergencies that may suddenly crop up. And I've never been on a Super Star Destroyer before.” As they walked, she looked up at the ceiling of the huge hanger bay they were in, and she whistled impressively. “This baby’s huge!” she said to Ex-Zar and his cohorts. “From what I’ve heard, there were only four of them ever built. Is that right?"

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"Very well," said Jakyl, deactivating her lightsaber and bowing slightly. "It's been a pleasure meeting you, Zhane."


"The pleasure's all mine," Zhane told her, deactivating his lightsaber in a twirl and made his way back to the Praxeum. He was going to the Apprentice Quarters when he noticed Kyle waiting outside the elevator outside of Luke's chambers.


"Waiting for Master Skywalker, is it Master Katarn?" Zhane asked his Master.


"First off, just call me Kyle, you should know that titles make my skin crawl," He grinned, "And yes, i'm waiting for Luke, you know i don't like doing nothing."


"Yes Master...i mean, Kyle, and i know that very well," He grinned as they both smiled.

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She hurried her pace to catch up with Ex-Zar, and fell into step between Sarfas and Blink, with Krell and Bob trailing just behind her. "So, quarters are nice and all, but…” Va’ala said to Ex-Zar, “…can we start with a tour of your ship first? I’ve got this ‘obsessive-compulsive fetish thing’, you see, that I have to know the layout of a place before I accept any hotel room or board a commercial flight. You just never know when you might need an emergency exit in the event of any ‘rare but theoretically possible’ freakish emergencies that may suddenly crop up. And I've never been on a Super Star Destroyer before.” As they walked, she looked up at the ceiling of the huge hanger bay they were in, and she whistled impressively. “This baby’s huge!” she said to Ex-Zar and his cohorts. “From what I’ve heard, there were only four of them ever built. Is that right?"


Ex-Zar looked over his shoulder and said, "that's right, only four. This is the last surviving one...the 'Sovereign'. Little odd that its name is the same as its class...oh well" he shrugged. Ex-Zar stopped, and turned to an engineer and said, "get two trolly's." The engineer ran off, and shortly after, he came back towing two small hovering vehicles. "These are our trolly's, they're for moving quickly around the ship. These will be for the tour" Ex-Zar said motioning to the two seated craft. Ex-Zar walked a ways forward, and got on a third trolly farther up, Blink and Sarfis mounted theirs likewise. "Well come on, you want the tour so bad, maybe you can give me the quardnents to this 'The Wheel' while we're on the tour" he said smiling at Va'ala.

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''Of course, Admiral Onasi.'' Hall said, ''If I may only ask that you contact the Admiral'' Hall refered to Thrawn II, ''when you finish your meeting with Master Skywalker.''


Hall now turned his attention back to John:''I'm in somewhat passive command of the Star Cruiser Origin. It's a Mon Calamari ship, like most capital ships of the New Republic.''

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It was a girl, about Ryan's age, and she had entered the shack. The girl got scared by seeing Ryan's lightsaber, and apologized entering thhe shack.


"Wha!...Look, I'm sorry I didn't knew that there was someone living in here. Please don't hurt me."


Ryan turned off his saber.


"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm a Jedi, a Guardian of The Peace."


"Well, seeing your saber on scared me. I'll be going now." She said going in the door's direction.


"No, wait." The girl stopped. "I would like to know why do you come where, I'm Ryan by the way."

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''Of course, Admiral Onasi.'' Hall said, ''If I may only ask that you contact the Admiral'' Hall refered to Thrawn II, ''when you finish your meeting with Master Skywalker.''


Hall now turned his attention back to John:''I'm in somewhat passive command of the Star Cruiser Origin. It's a Mon Calamari ship, like most capital ships of the New Republic.''


"Of course," Vok told Hall, "I doubt Master Skywalker has the time for me right now. I'll send a transmission to Mon Mothma and leave with you when you are ready."

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''Agreed. You can reach me over the com. Now if the two of you would excuse me, I'd like to enjoy the wonders of the Jedi Academy for awhile.'' Hall said politely. ''Admiral Onasi, John.'' Hall politely said goodbye and left to take a look around the rest of the Jedi Academy. After all, the Admiral did order him to try to find out something about that shuttlecraft.

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Kyle and Zhane had noticed Jethro and Kyla leaving.


"Well, i guess this is our cue," Kyle told Zhane, "Come on, let's get going."


They entered the elevator, stopping at many points in the Praxeum before reaching Luke's chambers. He was looking at the "window" as usual, in his usual pose as well.


"So, got anything for us Skywalker?" Kyle asked the rather thinkful master.

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"I'm Kayla, and the reason I came here, it's because I can be relaxed, in peace, like I can talk to the animals with my mind. It's almost like this place has power..."


"It has, but you too."


"What? What are you talking about."


"I'm talking about the force. This place contains a lot of force power, that's the reason that me and my master built this shack in here."


"The Force! You mean I can be a Jedi!"


"I don't know, but surely there is a lot of power in you. And I need to know if that was just residual force or it was you, I want to meditate with you."

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"Ah, I see." Sara said with a nod, "Well, that makes sense I suppose. Could use the Force without actually using the Force...that's why I remembered Gray..."


The pilot looked up as she heard light footsteps echo across the durasteel. Two Jedi were heading towards them, a man and a woman. They were both young -- siblings, if she guessed right.


"You two the Jedi being sent out at this un-godly hour?" she called as they approached.


"Yes ma'am." Jethro said as they approached the two young women.


"We've been told that you are the captain of the Northstream and you'll be dropping us off on Naboo, so allow me to introduce myself. I'm Jethro Frost.." he said, bowing slightly when they were near. "and this young lady here is my..."


"Sister. Kyla." She interrupted. "Is there enough room on your ship for duels? I want to whipe the floor with him...."


She turned her face to Jethro "No escaping that duel now...brother"

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Kat laughed. "Good luck with this one, Sara," she said. "Sounds like you'll need it."


She took a step back. "Well, I'm gonna go see if I can find good ol' Skywalker and find out if he's got something interesting for me to do." With a friendly wave to Sara, she turned and danced away down the hall, further into the Academy.

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Amol stepped up the docking ramp of the Stephanas, speaking to the computer as he entered the ship.


"Computer, power up the sub-light engines, and lay in a course for the Academy."


"Calculations indicate that Amol Kotay has been terminated, and the current occupent of the Stephanas is an imposter attempting to gaim access to critical systems. Please verify identity."


Amol smiled. "It's alright computer, it's me. I'm doing a favour for Skywalker. Don't ask me why - I'm not sure. It just... feels right."


"Please verify identity."




"Please verify identity."


He sighed. "Computer, override command lockdown. Authorization Kotay two four six."


The computer beeped an acknowledgment. "Identity verified. Command lockdown overridden."


Amol nodded. "Now: power up the sub-light engines."



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Hall sat on a bench in the Jedi Academy courtyard. He almost lost track of time, enjoying the small pond and the various smells of the surrounding plantlife and then he saw something he didn't expect in a million years - the T2c shuttlecraft. Flying over the Academy. Hall hurried through the corridors of the Academy, trying to follow the sound of the aircraft's engines. The trail lead Hall to the Academy's landing bay. The shuttlecraft was just landing. Hall took out his comlink device and contacted the Origin.


''Admiral?'' He said.


''Yes, Captain Hall?'' The calm voice of Thrawn Nuruodo II answered.


''You won't believe this Admiral, the shuttlecraft...'' Hall started, but paused.


''Yes, Captain?'' Thrawn II inquired.


''It just landed at the Academy.'' Hall reported.


''Interesting. Keep observing and inform me of anything significant.'' Thrawn II commented.

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Kyle and Zhane had noticed Jethro and Kyla leaving.


"Well, i guess this is our cue," Kyle told Zhane, "Come on, let's get going."


They entered the elevator, stopping at many points in the Praxeum before reaching Luke's chambers. He was looking at the "window" as usual, in his usual pose as well.


"So, got anything for us Skywalker?" Kyle asked the rather thinkful master.


Luke didn't turn to face the new arrivals for a few moments, continuing to study the night sky as if the stars would suddenly shift and spell out an answer to all the things he now had on his plate.


"Kyle, Zhane," Luke said, beginning to turn towards them. "Any reason the two of you are still up, especially you, Zhane? No, nevermind. Don't answer that question."


The aging Master let slip a small sigh, gazing at the flagstones of the room. "I don't know what to do, Kyle." he said quietly, though his tone showed that he wasn't expecting an answer. "And here I thought..."


Luke's blue eyes cleared and hardened. He was back on track. "Sorry, the thoughts of an old mind. Yes, I as a matter of fact do have something for the two of you to do."


Reaching to his belt, he took a small, black disk-shaped item from his belt, and activated it. A section slid back to reveal a lense, and a holo-picture of the galaxy map formed in the palm of his gloved hand.


"It turns out that a bit of a diplomatic crisis has been unfolding on Tatooine." the map zoomed in on the great ball of sand, and the planet rotated in the Master's palm. "Two of the most influencial families -- the Trarace and Rekk families -- have had a bit of a...disagreement. This has been spanned over a few years now, however things have suddenly escalated, and both families are beginning to 'recruit' the locals in their area. If this is allowed to continue, it may be possible that further, greater unrest can be sent rippling through the city and surrounding Moisture Farms. The head of the Trarace family, a man by the name of Erlong, is accused of stealing Derek Rekk's personal journal. Normally it wouldn't cause much more of a problem than the day-to-day affairs of the families, except that Derek is the head of a weapons manufacturing facility near the system. His work is top-secret, and was stored in that encrypted journal. Erlong is a Stormtrooper-turned-spy."




Kat's words rang in Sara's ears as the other woman left the dock, and she sighed heavily.


I always have fun with these missions...


"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you...Jethro and...Kyla? I'm Sara Klint, and yes, I'm the captain of the Northstream. If you'd follow me..."


The woman turned on her heel and headed back to her ship, the Jedi pair following. As she stepped up the loading ramp, she began giving the tour.


"Alright, on the left just up the loading ramp you'll find the hallway that'll lead you to the 'guest' dormitories -- that, obviously, will be where you'll be sleeping. Go right in the same hallway and you'll reach the crew's dorms. Me and the two others that make up the crew can be found there. You won't see much of the crew; the live-in one-man repair team by the name of Deib is rather seclusive, and the Rodian...we'll, we're not sure what he does. We call him Twitch, and he seems to like to hang around the ship -- things get done better when he does too, strangely -- but he doesn't socialize much. I'm the one who does the socializing and flies the ship."


Continuing deeper into the ship, she motioned to the cargo hold, "As long as you don't go putting holes in my hull, the cargo hold should serve your sparring needs just fine. Then you've got the medlab, main hold, and cockpit. Any questions?"

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