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I can help you understand the story!!!

Lord Ritly

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I have been playing TSL for 4 years and now I know the mysterious storyline that everyone have been confused about. I relized that Obsidion wanted you to hear & read the storyline than see the story like Bioware did. If anyone needs help understanding the story, I'm all ears. :ears1:


(note: There will be spoilers in this, & I don't know stuff outside the game like cast members names, directors & etc.)

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Quite right. To be more specific, KOTOR II was released on December 6, 2004 for the XBox and February 8, 2005 for the PC.


Sorry, I don't have a question about the "mysterious" storyline, other than to wonder how much better it might have been with all the cut content intact.

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Well Lord Ritly it seems you're looking for questions to answer.

Usually it's the other way around but, alright.


First off, Welcome!


Why is it that when Kreia confronts Sion in the beginning, he only cuts off her hand?


Why doesn't he kill her and how does she escape?


All the times I've played, I've never discussed this with her.

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Well cutting off the hand is a mark of the sith and to disarm her so he can kill an helpless opponent. Also, Kreia needs to manipulate the Exile so he can't escape her grip. When she saw Sion she got the bright idea to make the force bond to harness the Exile. How she escape could be kinda obvious, Sion wants to kill the Exile, the last of the JEDI, more than Kreia. Sion could've shown mercy & let her go, or Kreia tricked Sion & used the force to unlocked the doors. ( that is shown in the Jekk Jekk Tar if Hannhar were your choise.)

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hold the press, since when was cutting someones hand off a sign of the sith??


personally i dont think kreia escaped or anything, i think that sion just let her live because he thought she would suffer more from living than him killing her, and sion would believe she was no longer a threat to him because he and nihilus had cut her connection from the force, he may also believe she could act as an example of what happened if you messed with darth sion.

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It's tricky, Jedi do not kill helpless opponents, but they disarm them. (no pun intended) Sith like to kill helpless oppenents, Anikin kills dooku even though he doesn't like it. We don't see it but I think Sion was playing with Kreia, making her suffer then to kill her, but maybe sion was tricked by Kreia. That is what I think what happened.

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