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I can help you understand the story!!!

Lord Ritly

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If Malacore deafened the Exile through the force, then she would have to kill several planets, all the Jedi, & all the Sith! I guess without their teachings no one would hear the force. It would be dead to everyone in the galaxy. Also, she could mean nihilius power and actually suck the force right up, makeing the planet dead. I think she failed because ALL THINGS are touched by the force, if she wants to kill it, then she would have to kill the entire galaxy! I would go for the deafened galaxy theory.

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Very well my Lord, you are observant and wise.


I'm not sure if dismemberment is a mark of the sith, however it is a prevelant theme in StarWars. It always seems to happen around lightsabers, hmmm...


I don't have much interest in the whole "wound in the force" thing.

To me, that's where this story went a bit south. Kreia's po'd about her own dependance on the force and she's madly jealous of the Exile's ability to be cut off from it and not only survive, but become even stronger. She needs to take a midol and chill out.


I do have another question, my lord. If you have the time and inclination.


Ratrin Vhek claims to have owned the Ebon Hawk and had it stolen from him sometime near the close of the Mandalorian wars. He says that he was on a routine run in the mid rim.


Who's ship was it originally and how did Davik Kang end up with it?

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I'm not sure if dismemberment is a mark of the sith' date=' however it is a prevelant theme in StarWars. It always seems to happen around lightsabers, hmmm...[/quote']IIRC there was something along those lines mentioned in the Legacy comics, but I'm not sure of that.
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I know, I want mechanicle hands so that if they get cut, I could just buy new ones.


I saw a mod about the history of the Ebon Hawk, but I didn't check it out. Search your feelings padawan, :p The Ebon Hawk was THE fastest ship in the galaxy. That Vhek probably did supply runs for the war effort. Then the prisoner from Daviks embassy said he origonaly had it and he knows the security codes to unlock it. Aparently the prisoner stole the ship from vhek for smuggling. The prisoner most likely didn't pay his debt to Kang wanted his ship for buisness. The original owner of the Ebon Hawk is unkown to me & insignificant, the games original owner is Revan, & that is enough. :jedijawa:

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Kreia brought back Hannhar for his strength and rage, like what she did with Mandalore, she want the Exile to be safe, & perhaps help him/her to learn about strength. That big yellow thing in the DS movie is a Nebula, I suppose it represents the Unknown regions where Revan went after Korriban. I heard it's supposed to be a mural of Revan, but I don't beleive it.

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Not that i agree with alot of what you say, but thats what makes opinions great ;)


I have a couple of questions for you;


1. What happens to your party members on Malachor?

2. Where does Bao Durr disapear too before Malachor?

3. Why is it the Eban Hawk, gets destroyed on Malachor, and then is resurected to resuce you?

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Well i had heard he was supposed to die, the rumour id heard was he was involved/died on the side quest involving the HK Factory on telos, but people over at TSLRP gave me the impression Bao Durr just dissapeared off the scale just before Darth Nihilus attacks Citadel Station.


I quite like good old Bao though (mainly as im a lightsider) and would like to see him in the next, thought he was a good bloke really.

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Bao is supposed to die in TSL, I believe. In the cut content, he's killed on the droid planet, M4-78.


I've extensively looked through what M4-78 content still exists, Doc. The only place I've seen that is Wookieepedia. It's also contradicted by how other cut content mentions Bao-Dur being alive when Nihilus attacks Telos. :)

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1) The Mass Shadow generator suposed to crush everything in its gravity, so Bao Dur problaby said don't go out or you are crushed. With the lak of animation Obsidian didn't have time to make the Exile walking hunched over of the gravity. Although, I have no idea how the generator kills the Mandalorians, but it sounds like it's gravity. Obsidian probably overlooked this because of the rushing.


2) A sidequest for HK factory!? I know I talked to HK for where he was made but it was a dead end. Bao Dur was haunted by Malacores destruction he was a chicken. :toilet1: or he was on the Ebon Hawk but the story was concerning the Exile & Traya, not anyone else. Mira was tieing up the loose end on where Hannhar went.


3)The Ebon hawk has two ends, LS Bao Dur, Atton, & T3-M4 fixed the Ebon Hawk during the fall & tracked the Exile's Signal to Malacores Core, then flew out while malacore was destroyed. DS however, has a stranger ending. The Ebon Hawk was never seen fleeing out of Malacore which led me to believe the ship and the passangers where killed, & the Exile is the Dark Lord of Trayas Achademy. :sithk:

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1) The Mass Shadow generator suposed to crush everything in its gravity, so Bao Dur problaby said don't go out or you are crushed. With the lak of animation Obsidian didn't have time to make the Exile walking hunched over of the gravity. Although, I have no idea how the generator kills the Mandalorians, but it sounds like it's gravity. Obsidian probably overlooked this because of the rushing.


It was gravity, and when it was activated at the end of the Mandalorian Wars, the Mandalorian fleet was crushed by the increased gravity. Note that Malachor V is sacred ground the Mandalorians, so that they could never set foot on the planet. It seems the entire final battle was fought in space over Malachor V until the MSG was activated.


2) A sidequest for HK factory!? I know I talked to HK for where he was made but it was a dead end.


Yes, it's cut content removed from the game. Remember the HK-50 unit you find in the military base on Telos that explodes after taking a few steps? Right in that area is a door you cannot enter. That was supposed to lead to the HK factory, which was on a sublevel, but could only be reached by HK-47. Thankfully Team Gizka will restore when the TSLRP is done.


Bao Dur was haunted by Malacores destruction he was a chicken. :toilet1: or he was on the Ebon Hawk but the story was concerning the Exile & Traya, not anyone else.


The Exile's background is closely tied to the events of the final battle over Malachor V when he cut himself off from the force. It is THE single most signifcant even of the Exile's past, and the only person who was there to share it with him was Bao-Dur. And just as the Exile blames himself for ordering the use of the MSG and killing thousands of jedi and Mandalorians, so Bao-Dur blames himself for building the ghastly thing in the first place. They also both hold the other one blameless, since the Exile feels it was his responsibility for using the MSG and not Bao-Dur, since he merely built it. Bao-Dur, of course, blames himself for building this technological terror he constructed (!) and therefore holds responsibility for its use, while he sees the Exile as blameless, since there was no other choice. It makes the Exile and Bao-Dur like "old warbuddies", because they share an experience neither of them can bear to talk about, and which they cannot share with anyone else.


Mira was tieing up the loose end on where Hannhar went.


Yes, but I guess the question is more why Kreia kept the old carpet alive in the first place...


3)The Ebon hawk has two ends, LS Bao Dur, Atton, & T3-M4 fixed the Ebon Hawk during the fall & tracked the Exile's Signal to Malacores Core, then flew out while malacore was destroyed. DS however, has a stranger ending. The Ebon Hawk was never seen fleeing out of Malacore which led me to believe the ship and the passangers where killed, & the Exile is the Dark Lord of Trayas Achademy. :sithk:


Perhaps. Actually we don't know what became of the Ebon Hawk in the DS ending, because it's never relevant, since the Exile stays on Malachor as its new lord. This does not preclude that the Ebon Hawk might have survived just fine. In the LS ending, however, you definitely need the Ebon Hawk, or the Exile and the entire crew will all be killed when Malachor V is destroyed.


There is also speculation as to what became of Bao-Dur. I hear these persistent rumors that he was supposed to be killed in the plot at some point, which is apparently the reason why he talks to Remote only through a holographic recording on Malachor V. He is also absent from the crewlist at that point, having been replaced by Remote. Kreia also never mentions him in her final predictions. Not sure about that one, though...

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It was gravity, and when it was activated at the end of the Mandalorian Wars, the Mandalorian fleet was crushed by the increased gravity. Note that Malachor V is sacred ground the Mandalorians, so that they could never set foot on the planet. It seems the entire final battle was fought in space over Malachor V until the MSG was activated.


Note completely... I think it's more likely that all ships were drawn to the location of the generator like a black hole. It's the only thing which accounts for how Malachor is made of five planets fused together, and how in the LS ending they fall apart into five major chunks. :)


And just as the Exile blames himself for ordering the use of the MSG and killing thousands of jedi and Mandalorians,


My Exile doesn't mind how she commited mass genocide, thank you. :p


Yes, but I guess the question is more why Kreia kept the old carpet alive in the first place...


As was previously stated, she wanted another pawn. Kreia isn't the type to let anything go to waste. ;)


Perhaps. Actually we don't know what became of the Ebon Hawk in the DS ending, because it's never relevant, since the Exile stays on Malachor as its new lord.


Unlikely, Jediphile, as both LS and DS Exiles are aware of the True Sith. The DS one didn't just leave Malachor in a dramatic voyage to the unknown, as the Sith at the academy would not doubt have been at each other's throats. Not very good for the goals of the Sith. ;)

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How can Bao-dur have died before Malachor?? After the battle with Kreia you can ask her everything, when you ask her about your party members Bao-dur is still an option. So he hasn't died, but still she can't predict his future.


Well, we don't know exactly. Obviously it's cut content, and since Kreia's predicitions were added at last second to replace the more demandning confrontations among the Exile's companions (in terms of programming, I mean), naturally Kreia's comments would reflect the altered plot. Note that Bao-Dur is never accounted for in the original confrontations, which were Mira vs. Hanharr (still there, if you play LS), Handmaiden vs. Visas (if male), Atton vs. Sion, Atton vs. Disciple (if female), and Remote and HK-47 vs. G0-T0.


But I have heard rumors that Bao-Dur was supposed to sacrifice himself on M4-78 in the plot as it was originally written.


Note completely... I think it's more likely that all ships were drawn to the location of the generator like a black hole. It's the only thing which accounts for how Malachor is made of five planets fused together, and how in the LS ending they fall apart into five major chunks. :)


Where do you get the idea from that it's made of five planets? That's certainly not what descriptions of the the Mass Shadow Generator or the battle itself seem to suggest on Wookieepedia.


As was previously stated, she wanted another pawn. Kreia isn't the type to let anything go to waste. ;)


Yes... Isn't she a charmer? ;)


Unlikely, Jediphile, as both LS and DS Exiles are aware of the True Sith. The DS one didn't just leave Malachor in a dramatic voyage to the unknown, as the Sith at the academy would not doubt have been at each other's throats. Not very good for the goals of the Sith. ;)


True enough, but it's left far more vague in the DS ending, where it's up to the Exile to decide whether to stay and show others the way to Revan or whether to himself/herself.


But if you're suspecting that the Exile will have chosen to find and assist Revan in K3 even if DS, then I do agree. It's just not said explicitly at the end of TSL that it will happen.

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Then maybe in KOTOR 3, you play the Exile again because you have to know where Revan went off to and what worried him/her so much to abandon his/her freinds. even in the ending of the DS Kreia asked if you go follow revan or to go into exile again & loose your power. This is all speculation however, but I think you play the Exile again

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