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K3 could be a prequal to K1


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I think

k3 should be a prequal! where you play as a young jedi who either goes to the mandlorian wars or stays with the jedi,


but insted of fighting, you have to go to planets and "scout" for either Revan or the jedi concil, then the game ends as you as either the jedi who gets chocked by revan on the bridge or the dark jedi who gets slain by bastila! ;)

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I respectfully disagree both with your idea for a story and with your urge to post the same topic twice.


Edit: The last part of the sentence is now obsolete, as the topic author (malak-something) has kindly deleted said double topic post.


I should add, however, that the poster below is correct in stating that if KotOR III were to take place before I & II, it would not be KotOR III. In fact, it would probably be KotOR I (seeing as how it would be a prequel), and the rest would have to be renamed accordingly (KotOR III=KotOR, KotOR=KotOR II, KotOR II=KotOR III...).

So, according to your logic, dear topic author, KotOR III already came out! In fact, we've already played it! YAY!!

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No good came ever comes from a prequel. Isn't that right Jar Jar? Oh mesa love a prequel!! Shut up you stupid nightmare of an idea(multiple blaster shots). Sorry about that, stupid gungan.


Thank God. He's dead.

Imagine Lucas makes some sequels to the OT, and instead of Obi-Wan, Jar-Jar comes back as a force ghost? That would be the funniest thing since Sacha Baron Cohen dreamt up Borat. "Mesa force ghost! Mesa walk through walls! Mesa talkie to yousen aall daaay long"

I imagine the Jedi whom Jar Jar came to communicate with would end up killing himself and everyone around him. (effectively putting an end to all Jedi forever. Who knew? Turns out Jar Jar was the prophesised "chosen one" all along.)

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Mods, please B& and V& those JarJar Cultists! :3 j/k


Well, While I am sure there would be no JarJars in K3, the same cannot be said for the Gungans. Though earlier history of these humanoids does not normally feature Force Wielders or Jedis we can surely say they won't show up in K3. Also, Gungans are not big on leaving their own planets, and one of their earliest interplanetary colonization efforts goes Resident Evil/DooM when many of the members become brain slurping zombies(no joke).


Even if a lone (probably exiled/lost/kidnaped) Gungan or two is featured it won't be as annoying as JarJar. Maybe, they will actually create an honorable, an hero Gungan that changes our view to the entire species. They have a decent depiction of a better Gungan in Galactic Battlegrounds, maybe they will do the same this time.


Either that, or a squib sithlord.

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Jar Jar is awesome. Just are just too afraid to go against the crowd and admit it!




Jar Jar is not necessarily awesome, but he isn't a bad character. God forbid that every character in our make believe universe isn't annoying and is a great guy we wall love! There are people out there who are stupid/not funny/ugly/lame that you just have to deal with, and Jar Jar helps show the realistic side of the Star Wars galaxy.


I loved the prequels.

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God forbid that every character in our make believe universe isn't annoying and is a great guy we all love! There are people out there who are stupid/not funny/ugly/lame that you just have to deal with, and Jar Jar helps show the realistic side of the Star Wars galaxy.
Yes, but we don't pay money to watch Star Wars movies and listen to people who are stupid/not funny/ugly/lame. I can look out my window for free and see that. At least the Ewoks in ROTJ didn't have that moronic faux-rasta meets cable-access comedian accent. "Exsqueeze me! Meesa going to fall down and it be soooooooooooo funny!" I just hope that in some future Star Wars game, you get to be a wookiee and eat Gungan BBQ.

I think

k3 should be a prequal! where you play as a young jedi who either goes to the mandlorian wars or stays with the jedi,


but insted of fighting, you have to go to planets and "scout" for either Revan or the jedi concil, then the game ends as you as either the jedi who gets chocked by revan on the bridge or the dark jedi who gets slain by bastila!

No no no no no nonononono NO!

The whole point of K3 is to actually finish up the story, not go marching back somewhere it's already been. Prequels suck major donkey balls.

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Yes, but we don't pay money to watch Star Wars movies and listen to people who are stupid/not funny/ugly/lame. I can look out my window for free and see that. At least the Ewoks in ROTJ didn't have that moronic faux-rasta meets cable-access comedian accent. "Exsqueeze me! Meesa going to fall down and it be soooooooooooo funny!" I just hope that in some future Star Wars game, you get to be a wookiee and eat Gungan BBQ.


You really should play Battlefront as the Confederacy, which begins with the drone armies invading Naboo - "Meesa gonna die..." :D


Not a particularly good game IMHO, but it was worth it just for that.

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If TSL hadn't been left on a cliffhanger, that could have worked. But if the bulk of the game only gives detail of the Mandalorian Wars and what happened to Revan's forces then I don't think it'd work... yet. Could be an idea if Lucasarts finally make K3 and want to juice some more out of the story afterwards.


But I say if there is another KOTOR game it should cover the unanswered questions of TSL.


As for Gungans, they could be a fairly solid foot soldier for a PC to be allied with if they find themselves on Naboo... however I think Gungans would get squashed by the Mandalorians... so... GO MANDOS!


Yeah, you can guess how I view Gungans...

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The problem with a prequel is the same that always haunt the majority of prequels, namely that the plot must be fixed unless facts known in the original plots are unmake, like when the crew in the Enterprise prequel series meet both Ferengi and Borg or when Zhan has Leia explain about the clone wars taking place more than a decade before when we now know them to have taken place.


A prequel would have to limit the use of characters like Revan, Malak, and Exile severely, since their choices and the events they participated in are all firmly established as background already. If I played Revan, I wouldn't want to kill all those jedi on Malachor V. But the plot would demand that I do. If I were an unknown jedi in Revan's army against the Mandalorians, then I would not want to fall to the dark side, nor would I want to be killed on Malachor V. But I would have to since the only surviving jedi who didn't fall to the dark side was the Exile. These facts do not make for the best basis for an RPG, I fear. A prequel focusing on the Mandalorian Wars would therefore be much better suited for a FPS or RTS, where the plot is usually fixed, and the focus in instead on action. Then again, how much such a game would appeal to KotOR-fans (being fans of CRPGs) is doubtful.

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Omg! KotOR 3 before KotOR 2...

That would be like if Metal Gear Solid 2 was happening in 2007/2009 and Metal Gear Solid 3 was happening in 1963!

That would be SO dumb!


Seriously yough, I want to wrap up the cliffhanger of KotOR 2 first, but for KotOR 4....

I would like to know what drove Revan to war, how he discovered the Star Forge etc. etc.

The rise and fall of Darth Revan.


Oh, and it is humanly possible to make a prequel without gungans.

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While prequels can be interesting I think most people would like to know what hapend to Revan and the Exile. Besides in a prequel we wouldn't be able to choose Light or Darkness or anything else because we already know what happend so it wouldn't be much of an RPG (it could make a nice action\advenuter game). Someone here said we could be a Jedi that scouts for the Counsel or Sith that works for Revan but I'm getting tired of new characters I'd like to continue with Revan since I like him better ( I used to like the Exile just as much but when I learned she was a female by canon I once again chose Revan). Any way lets finish with the curent story and then we'll worry about prequels.

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But...but...the prequel ALREADY exists.


In K2, land on Korriban and go into that Skyhark Cave, and see the visions of getting recurited by Malak and fighting the Mandalorians. That was a prequel, showing you about your past, and having you confront it. You learn about the past, and see what has happened. That is enough prequel fluff that is needed, IMHO. No more.


We already know what happened during the Wars, mostly. Let not go over old territory.

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