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Random Events in an Iraq War Simulation


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I decide to post here, so that I can get a varied amount of suggestions. Since I seen that the Saddam Hussien topic got large, I can assume most people here pay attention to current events, and therefore, would be good to ask.


I'm planning on prehaps making an (free) Iraq War Simulation, which takes place in May 2003, "after major operations" ended. Your goal is to take the position as Ambassdor of USA to Iraq, as you help the government of Iraq get back onto its feet and to rebuild its economy and increase its Freedom.


Now, this idea came to me when I wonder about the possiblities of having the player discover a cache of nuclear weapons in Iraq. While it is determined and usually accepted fact that the Iraqi Government had no nuclear weapons to speak of, but this was not known at the time, and there could be or not be nuclear weapons. I also don't want 20/20 hindsight to make the Simulation too easy...I really would like to discourge people from looking at present events, and say, "Okay, I won't do what Bush will do, and I'll win the simulation!"


Hence, I decide that there should be random events in this simulation to get the players off-base. But I only have one, the discovery of nuclear weapons (which will increase the war's popularity in USA). I would like you fine people to suggest other random events. If you make a good suggestion and I use it in the free simulation, I will credit you using your board name as a "contributer", unless you would like to be called something else, in which, you place the name in the post.


Thank you for helping me out here. If I do make the game, I will post a link here to let you download it.

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What about getting impeached (yeah, unlikely) back home? Or having someone get assassinated/removed from office?


In the game, you run as an Ambassador for the USA, so you are insulated from any political change or chaos, for simplicty's sake. However, if you reach 2004, and support for the war is low, then in the Presidental Election, John Kerry will win against George W. Bush. That is not a random event, IMHO, but rather an event that is determined by the support level for the war.

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....Now, this idea came to me when I wonder about the possiblities of having the player discover a cache of nuclear weapons in Iraq......


ah, so its a comedy then :) Can you make it like "Monkey Island" I'll do the voice of the Monkey :D


btw, who's financing this project ? Its quite ambitious. Have you got a talented crew of skinners, modellers and modders on board ??



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ah, so its a comedy then :) Can you make it like "Monkey Island" I'll do the voice of the Monkey :D


Your simian antics can find ample reflection in a Monkey Island-esque comedy, Astro. :p


I take it that the nuclear cache is revealed to the player by a black activist Voodoo Lady sitting in a Wal-Mart? :xp:

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ah, so its a comedy then


It actually is very serious indeed. The idea of WMDs in Iraq is considered a possiblity, and I would like to reflect it here. It is also done so that players don't automatically assume that certain facts exist, using hindsight to help them win. The Americans back there had no hindsight, and did not know what we know today.


btw, who's financing this project ? Its quite ambitious. Have you got a talented crew of skinners, modellers and modders on board ??


It's a text-based stratgery game, where you choose your actions and see the result. Sorry if it is diappointing. I'm doing the project by myself.


Also, a note. I'm looking for major random events that would affect all of Iraq, since it is a simulation of the War and you somewhat lead Iraq as the Ambassador of Iraq.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the bump, but I think I will need some more ideas. I am half-way done with the simulation, I think I'll need about 6 random events to finish it.


A note, though. The reason the random events play a role is that the player can react to it, and how he reacts to it can have ramifications during the rest of the gameplay. If you can add in the options the player has when confronting the situation and what effects it can have on gameplay, that would be swell.

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