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Wii Want to Play


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How do you type on the Wii?
I just click on the quick reply box in this case and it brings up a keyboard, and you have to point and click to every letter you want to type. So its not very convenient for typing but it's just cool that you can do it.
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My grandma has a huge present for me that is heavy. I'm wondering if it's possibly a game system, though I doubt it. It prolly wouldn't be a Wii anywat, cause she was the first to tell my about the wiimote dangers. And she'd be scared for me. Plus, I just got my xbox in 03, and I don't need anymore systems.

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My grandma has a huge present for me that is heavy. I'm wondering if it's possibly a game system, though I doubt it. It prolly wouldn't be a Wii anywat, cause she was the first to tell my about the wiimote dangers. And she'd be scared for me. Plus, I just got my xbox in 03, and I don't need anymore systems.

My Grandma tells me I'm going to hell, a wonderful gift that keeps on giving.

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