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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Their software is, excuse my French, ****ty. Some of the buggiest code ever.


Back when I used to assist people with PC issues on a regular basis 75% of the problems I personally saw could be traced back to AOL installs.


Not to mention their sterling reputation and record in protecting user information... :rolleyes:

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oh. well it hasn't affected me. yet....


recap of the week so far...


did alot of running and walking and bike riding, 4 miles walk/run on one day, 4 mile bike on the other day....did that from monday-thursday...today i decide to rest from it and keep an eye on weatherbug.


my dad said the freight team is hiring at home depot, it's 3rd shift though and they're just starting the switch to 3rd shift, so i may end up heading over there...probably. on the bright side of that....at least i can see as much daylight as i want. badside is i will be asleep during some of the day. hmmmmmm......and i'm sure they pay more than what i get payed to do now...heck my sister is making more than me. another cool thing, if i get hired there...i won't have to deal with ****ing customers. we'll see what unfolds. if it payed me $1-2 more an hour than what i'm making now, i'll be glad. i'm pretty sure i'll get at least a dollar more, since it's a weird shift.....another cool thing is i'd get 2 days off in a row. of course, they start ya part-time there...my dad says alot of people are probably going to quit there cause of the hours so that could possibly leave a door for full-time for me. plus it's set-hours, so that would be nice. i'd also get forklift training...hm. now i dont want to go to work at walmrt, too much on my mind!! DAMN.

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  edlib said:
Their software is, excuse my French, ****ty. Some of the buggiest code ever.


Back when I used to assist people with PC issues on a regular basis 75% of the problems I personally saw could be traced back to AOL installs.

I'll back up every word of that... I worked for them for three years troubleshooting said buggy software. ;)

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Eh... I guess it's a non-issue now. I signed up for an AIM screen name. I feel so unclean now... violated, dirty. The mark of the beast is upon me.


I should have held out and sold my soul at the crossroads at midnight for unearthly guitar playing abilities.... that way I could have gotten more out of it.


It's edlib02169 if you must know.

My Yahoo is fflynn02169.

I guess I can do without the MSN for now... since it gives away my full name.


(And now you all know what zip-code I live in. Swell.) :dozey:


Off-line at the moment. I haven't set up the client at work to my tastes yet. Try me later once I'm at home.

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You know mine. Crackensan.


Hey, Ed, while you're getting all tehse new fangled chat programs and catching up to the rest of the known world, get a program called Skype. It's a video conference software client. Very little sign up, and I'm on it, so you can actually see me.


Got my hair cut today. 8 inches off. which still let's me have my ponytail of doom.


GOnna play wow most of the day, but having two monitors is awsomesauce, since i can stil surf the web/chat/play flash games while waiting for a group.

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Ha. I don't listen to Furtado as well. I just happen to know that. And seriously, who uses the ISP's software??? This cannot be any good.


Hm.. Skype. Since I now run on a 64bit processor, the linux client doesn't work anymore. Have to do some research, but have no fear, if it runs I am in!! -- Hey! Where are you going? Stay!



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My twin brother got married last weekend, and the ring bearers got everyone violenty ill with some sort of stomach/GI virus, so thats when I have been since last week.


Now I'm about to head out of town all weekend, but let me tell you, being the oldest unmarried cousin in my family is odd and quite unexpected..........


guess I need to really get on to fixin that............



I got two knives in the mail today, a gerder truss 2.0 which is small and 'pretty', and a colt tactical II cobra, which is still small(IL has a 3" law) but way more usefull as something other than a utility knife.


the colt:



the gerber:



the action on the colt is great and smooth, the gerber is pretty dissapointing, but its a 2.13 inch blade so its really just for cutting zipties rope thread etc.......



the colt is a tanto blade, 2 7/8" 440 stanless blade and the rest is all 440 aircraft aluminum...........


eventually I want a much nicer carry than the colt, larger, titanium or tungsten, teflon coated blade and bearings, and an auto unfolder.....

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Skype, huh?


Well... that sounds a bit advanced. Let me just sort this stuff out for a few days first before I tackle that kind of thing. Remember: I just lost my virginity here this morning with this... I'm not quite ready to go on camera with it yet. :D


I might go and see if I can't set up a Yahoo and MSN account to match the screen name of my AOL one now. Make things easier. Maybe use Trillian to setup IRC and ICQ ones too. Yeah... if I'm gonna do this thing, I'm gonna do it for real!!! Make up for a decade of lost time, uh... un-instant messaging, I guess?


Cold as a bitch out there today. Like 8 or 9 was the high. And that's Nute's 8 or 9... not the commie, pinko, metric crap. Cold. Sub-zero wind-chills. Glad I went out and got that coat now... although I'm still doing 3 or 4 layers anyway.


Short day at work. A quick surgical strike on my office. Got in. Got out. Left no trace of my presence. Complete deniability.

Got home and watched all the PBS politico-blab shows.


Thinking about getting something to eat, and getting to bed. I'll play with the messaging more in the morning. Gotta populate my buddy list with you clowns,.. or somethin'.




P.S. -- Scary knives, Zarg. Hope I never get on your bad side in a dark alley some night. ;)

A guy I used to work with had one very similar to the top one. Didn't have the serrated saw blade part... but otherwise looked the same.


I just use the knife blades on my multi-tool. I have the Schrade.




All IM handles (AIM, Yahoo, and MSN) are now exactly the same: edlib02169

The fflynn02169 still works... but I don't plan on using it.


That is all.




EDIT #2:


Just added ICQ ID: 459796022

If something is worth doing, it's worth totally overdoing. :D Yee-freakin'-haw!

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  Ikhnaton said:
yeah, that's logical. the software sucks because no one wants to talk to you, so they say they are away.






very nice one Ike.


I love trillian, the new lame looking AIM 6.0 added alot of trillian features but is clumbsy and looks stupid.


Ed: thanks, I hope to slowly build a small collection with some really scary ones. I have my eye on some nice teflon coated ones with tungsten and titanium handles. There is a really nice 400 bucks on thats an auto un-folder that comes straight out the front, the springs for the load are only under load when its open instead of shut so they barely wear out.


edit: I'm posting from enemy territory right now, the girl is getting ready for going to the bars with friends and being the classic male I am, I changed and everything in just under 5 minutes. So now I am posting while watching 13 going on 30 on her couch while she finishes up, but no worries guys, I have one of my motorcycle boards up for cover if she gets nosy :D


ugh, I found the diamond I want to buy earlier, 2200 bucks, well, the one I really want is 3200 bucks, but the 2200 buck one will do, when I told the future lady to be what I wanted to spend she threw something at me and said thats way too much :-/


so....anyone got 2200 bucks laying around I could borrow or keep?

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Laying around? No... I have plans for it. :D


Actually, I blew a big chunk of that on my excursion today. Remember last weekend where I said something like "I'm gonna go out with the sole purpose of buying CDs..."?

Well, I actually got around to it today. DVDs too.


I mainly went out to get my mother a gift for her upcoming birthday (an "Out Of Africa" DVD that she told me she wanted.) While in Best Buy I... well,.. I went a little nuts.


What I ended up walking out of the store with:


Out Of Africa DVD


Empire Of The Sun DVD (My favorite Spielberg film. He's still my favorite director. And it was written by J.G. Ballard, who is my 3rd favorite author, right after Douglas Adams and Kurt Vonnegut.)


Fargo DVD (Had it on tape, but it was really cheap, so I had to grab it.)


Schindler's List DVD (Ditto. I've been trying to get the entire Spielberg catalog on DVD.)


Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy BBC TV Series DVD (Also had on tape... but looked and sounded horrid. Plus the DVD has features I haven't seen yet. HAD to grab it. I had no choice in the matter.)


On the CD side:


Iron Maiden - Powerslave (Despite being on my desert island disks list, I didn't actually have it in any other form than an incomplete collection of poorly ripped .mp3s since I gave away my worn out cassette copy many, many years ago. This is corrected now. Got it cranking this very minute! Oh hells yeah!)


Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast (See above.)


Peter Gabriel - Shaking the Tree (A Greatest hits collection. Pretty cheap. I need to get all of his earlier disks one of these days... but for now this will do. I desperately needed a copy of Solsbury Hill...)


Genesis - Foxtrot (Remaster)

Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (Remaster)


I saw a bunch of other things that I really wanted to get (definitive version of "Office Space" anyone? Oh God yes please!) but I had to put the brakes on before I started probing the outside limits of my credit limit.


There's always next weekend...


As soon as I got home I watched Empire of the Sun, and all the special feature documentaries. I haven't seen this movie in years. It's still amazing. Now I need the soundtrack...

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'Ey! Crackman: As per our conversation last night, I sought out some other favorite hot guitar tracks on U-Toob. Thought I'd post them here for all... just 'cuz.


Steve Morse - Tumeni Notes:


Steve Morse - Cruise Missile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBl3klf8Vh4

(Vid is pretty damn corny and dated. Song is smokin'.)


Steve Morse - Classical-ish Pieces: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIu7UA-823Y


Eric Johnson - Cliffs Of Dover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByxMjopyjOk


Danny Gatton: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzPRfojMZ1E


Danny Gatton - Funky Mama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJCyABnw1fc


These are the guys who are about the biggest influences on me. Thought you might like them too...

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Today in summary:


Got up.

Surfed net whist drinking tea.

Listened to new CDs.

Watched special features of Hitchhiker's DVD.

Ate lunch.

Took nap.

Watched more DVD stuff.

Ate supper.

Logged in here.

Typed this message.


And that brings us up to date.

Awesomeness, no?


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my day off....


woke up took shower got dressed went to cvs and walmart for groceries, came home played galaxies for about 90 minutes, gathered laundry and went to parents', then i played star fox command for over an hour, switched clothes to dryer, went w/my parents, picked up sister at work, went to restaurant, when we got in i was greeted by one of my 'regular' customers...(don't know if he recognized me) i had chicken cordon bleu, it was goood. I ordered cheese cake for dessert. was surprised afterwards when waitress brought out a cake for me. my mom told them it was my birthday. (though it was really last week, we didn't go out cause she wasn't feeling well) anyways she even took my picture and i got a pic of me w/the cake.


got back to my parents', picked up laundry, came home and watched the protector, it was a pretty good action movie.

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It's early. Damn early! I don't know why I'm up right now. Been up for over an hour. I had to get up early... but not this early. My alarm hasn't even gone off yet. Gonna be tired tonight after work.


But I'm sitting here, listening to "Sweet Child O' Mine" and re-reading through this thread.


One thought keeps coming back to me as I do: I really want to see a picture of Cracken's new avatar kissing Niner's new one. That would be hawt!


Is that wrong?


Of course, another thought: This idea will become far more entertaining for people to read after both parties have changed their avatars again.




I hate mornings...

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That's an interesting idea , Ed.


Opened today. Went ok, short on people, which pushed my errand running back until 11am. But i didn't mind, got a quick break from the customers before the lunch hour, which was disgustingly busy. >.<


have tomorrow off. DOn't know what I'll do, but I'm sure I'll enjoy myself.

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Ed, good show with the classic genesis. do you have selling england by the pound? foxtrot is great (mainly supper's ready and horizons) and the lamb is excellent, but SEBTP epitomizes everything that PG-era genesis is, for me at least. Firth of Fifth, Cinema Show, etc.


The Lamb is supposed to be remastered to 5.1 or something, and it may already be out, i don't know.

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