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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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  K_Kinnison said:
do we really need the Harry potter themed review

No... but I really couldn't think of any other way to title them all this time.

I was racking my brain to think of other multi-year series of literature or movies to compare to... and that was the first and most obvious that came to mind.


  K_Kinnison said:
Maybe I can start it.. if the PTB don't mind?

Fine by me. It would be nice to give everybody a shot starting one, since, other than the first couple that R.L. did, it has been a different person each time. It's kind of become a tradition in itself.

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Some negative (but p'haps somewhat amusing in an ironic way...) suggestions:


The One Year Thread - 2008 Edition: XWA Raging Against The Tides Of Oblivion

The One Year Thread 2008: Just Marking Time Before We Die

Why,.. it's The One Year Thread '08!!! We just don't know when to give up!

The One Year Thread Vol. 2008: Here We Go Again.

Another Damn One Year Thread.


Some more positive ideas:


The One Year Thread - 2008: XWA Rocks Your World Again!

The One Year Thread Rides Again! Twenty Ought Eight

The One Year Thread '008: Licence To Thrill!

The One Year Thread '08 - XWA Pwns you, fool!

The Stallion Corral


Or everybody's perennial favorite:


Hawt Naked Chicks and FREE BEER!!!




Yeah... I dunno either.



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umm staying past 6 hours without clocking out can get me fired as well, and they were getting someone to cover me supposedly.


i SKIPPED MY LUNCH BY 2 HOURS (no big deal to me, as it made time go by really fast lol) to help lower the lines.


i was only supposed to be there for 20 minutes and nobody came and relieved me, so i stayed and just kept scanning until it came around my 6 hours w/o lunch, then it gave me the warning 'operator lockout approaching' on the customer right after someone came and told me they were gonna find someone to relieve me. so i finsihed scanning them out, and once i totalled it and they paid, a message came up that said 'PLEASE SIGN OFF' so i had no choice, it wouldn't allow me to scan any items, and i would have got in trouble had i went over my 6 hours (home office would have seen it and management would've gotten in trouble and i would've gotten in trouble too most likely :rolleyes: ) so i told my line that i had to leave and someone else would be there shortly. (if the person that told me she was getting me relief was telling the truth)


being locked out of register=you cannot even scan an item.


i work in the photo department anyway, this is like the 2nd time i've operated a forward register.


and what is with the 'that is why you work at walmart.' comment? what do you mean by that?


I love my job (photo lab specialist) and the people i work along side, that's why i work there. plus the pay is decent.

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Played a round of Halo 3 co-op, and Crackensan joined our party! :D


Cool. Saved us a lot of time, since he's actually played through the game once, so we didn't need to keep hunting and pecking to find the object. I still got lost in one of the levels, though. And now we know what each other sounds like... kinda eerie.

Live was being a bitch again... but we connected long enough to rescue Cortana, before the married one of our group (neither one of the XWA'ers, BTW...) was called away to keep the wife happy. :rolleyes:



Played some Halo 2 after that (once able to connect and download the updates, that is... that took forever, though.)


Did a bunch of chores round the house all morning. Took a walk in the afternoon, since the weather was so nice. (Not a really long one though... only about an hour.) Took a nap after dinner.


Still no plans for tomorrow night though... other than sitting tight and avoiding the crowds and stupidity. Playing some more games and watching DVDs might be in the works as well.


Back to work on Wed.


Seems like this break was really short this time... but since work will be slow most of the month, I'm actually looking forward to going back. Gonna be lots of new toys for us to play with when we return, too! :D


That should be fun!!!

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Well... I have been playing co-op as the Arbiter. I keep finding myself with the sword when I re-spawn.


Did a little sword ownage myself. :D

But I do prefer a ranged weapon.


But yeah... the pit with all the flood is not my fave level so far.

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The more the merrier! If I see you on next time, I'll tell my friend to add you.


Our campaign progress is on his machine, since we started the night I was over there for dinner.


I just started a single player game on Legendary this am... in order to get better at the controller. Playing through Halo 2 should help too.


Then I should be ready to try my hand at a multi-player frag-fest.


Still miss my keyboard/ mouse combo though. :(




Got my PC and 360 to talk together this morning, though. That's sweet. I can now listen to my .mp3 collection downstairs without having to fire up a PC... and through the good surround system too.

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damn i miss that connectivity i had w/my old computer (with all my cd collection ripped to it) yeah go through the campaign, i recommend starting on easy or normal just to get yourself adjusted to the controls. you can also adjust the sensitivity on it if you need to.

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Yes... goodbye to you, 2007.

While you surely weren't the greatest year in the annals of my personal chronology... you also didn't suck nearly as bad as you certainly could have!


Sooooo... Welcome 2008!

May you kick 2007's ass up one side and down the other in terms of sheer awesomeness for us all!


Here's hoping the coming 12 months are the best ever for everyone reading this!

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As you may remember, the 2nd half of 2006 was a personal low-point for me in almost every way... probably the worst 5 or 6 months I had in a row for over a decade.


It really wouldn't have been difficult for anything to be better than that.


So while it's not really possible for me to say that '07 was a spectacularly amazing year for me... it was a whole lot better in it's overall average uninterestingness than the horror show that '06 turned out to be.


At least I'm not ending the year in a gloomy depression this time around. A bit bored and lonely, perhaps... but at least not grimly questioning the futility of my own existence.


That has to count for something. ;)

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No complaints about 2007 here...I actually enjoyed it in a lot of ways. Boston's sports teams kicked butt, my best friend got married, finally posted my karaoke demo, and returned to ten-pin bowling, something that gave me much satisfaction in my youth. I hope I enjoy 2008 as much, if not more. :D

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