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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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going to Hershey Park today, my mom got some tickets so we're all going, sister is skipping out i think, cause she has a sinus infection/cough. sucks cause only day we can go is on a saturday or sunday, i'm the only person in the family that works weekends most of the time. :rolleyes:

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Yay! Outdoor all day jazz festival! Yay!


Eh... wasn't that bad.


Long. Tiring. Nowhere to sit. Didn't get much in the way of food all day.

Still... I've had worse.


The bands weren't bad. Our crew rocked!


So... despite everything: It was a pretty decent day, if a long one.

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Had a real good day! :) (And for once, no sarcasm...)


Spent the early afternoon over my boss' house in Hull, troubleshooting a couple of network issues there.

Got that sorted out pretty quickly, and got a really good lunch out of it. (His wife is an excellent cook.)


Left there, and went to a co-worker's house in Dedham to hang out with a bunch of friends from work for a dinner cookout, and stick around and chill.


We had dinner. Dessert. Watched "Knocked Up" (funny as ****, by the way...)


Just got home. Just about midnight.


I'll be stupid tired tomorrow... but having the coolest day I've had in a while seems pretty worth it.


I'm starting to get worried... I've been in far too good a mood lately. Feeling too good. Things have been going too well for me.

I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.


My outlook on life has taken a surprising turn to the positive and optimistic of late.


And it's beginning to worry me...



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got my phone banking set up! next stop is internet banking and perhaps i'll get around to that direct deposit thing.


checked the mail, apparantly i overpayed my vehicle insurance so they gave me a check. probably because i tried to do 2 payments (last month's and this month's) w/1 check. i needed the cash for my archery hunting license and 3 months xbox live anyways. *shrug*

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Finally got around to getting/playing Halo 2. (For Vista!)


The flood levels weren't as frustrating as they were in Halo 1 and the only annoying thing about the Live integration is that I had to update both it and Halo 2 before I could do anything. In other news I finally have a use for my ancient Hotmail account.

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Knew my lucky streak would come to an end sooner or later. Got my first rejection in the mail yesterday from AZ School of Dentistry and Oral Health. I had a feeling they would. No biggie. I have 5 interviews out of the 11 schools I applied to. I've done three of them so far, have one this week and one next week.


I gotta tell ya I'm really getting sick of flying. Don't EVER fly US Airways. EVAR. I'm not just complaining about the flight, I'm dead serious. Don't waste your money or time, because they will waste it for you. None of my flights were on time, they ran out of food right when they got to my row, the seats were rock hard, they kept changing gates on me, etc. ad nauseum.


On the flip side, if you need to get to the midwest from the west coast or areas in between, try Expressjet. Smaller jets with direct flights. Free meals, cheap ticket. Very pleasant experience.

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I'll post about it in my blog later, but I had a pretty good bowling practice session today, culminating in a 173, and closing that game out with a turkey (3 strikes in a row), my longest string of strikes since I returned to the game. The 173 game is also my best single-game score since my return.



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Hmmm... my hope is to never be encumbered by the abject horrors of commercial airflight ever again in my lifetime,.. if I can at all help it.


That's probably not very realistic, though.


Business-class or better from this point forward though...




Another show down.


This one was pretty easy. Piano trio (w/ guest sax player...) Done before 10.


Headin' home.


Need food and sleep.

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work was boring today...same old crap, stupid **** breaking down on us as usual for the beginning of the month. tomorrow i have to go in early for a stupid dept meeting, apparently it's not going to be fun...hopefully i'm in the green, i don't know what i could be doing wrong...aside from ignoring the customers that have the word 'bitch' stamped onto their foreheads.


Got home, played some GRAW 2 w/my friends, connection kept cutting out on me for some retarded reason so i quit and put Oblivion in. dunno why but that always seems to happen alot in GRAW 2 compared to Halo 3...maybe i should host next time.


Going bowling w/my friends friday night so i am looking forward to that.


Need to get a haircut, as my hair is growing out of control. last time i got it cut was before 4th of july. it grows too damn fast once i am able to spike it. :( and when i dont spike it, it looks like pure ****....and when it grows too long and i spike it, the gel doesn't hold up and makes me look like i haven't showered. -_- time to get it shaved off. -at least i won't get lice.


I'm really getting into Oblivion, it's alot of fun. Trying to get all my major skills to journeyman before i go to level 20. Getting better at marksman, that is FUN...and i'm trying to get my alchemy up so i can poison those arrows and kill **** from distance.


Gonna try and get up early tomorrow...since i gotta be in at work at freakin 11am..and be there til freakn 9. at LEAST i don't have to work on wednesday, i plan on putting away all my laundry, washing the dishes, cleaning the living room, and then i might get a little brave and go get online banking set up and get all set up for direct deposit. *HOPEFULLY* i can get my truck fixed w/o having to spend all my life savings...i think it may need a few hundred to pass inspection, the rest may need another paycheck.


At least i've got my priorities set....once that crap is taken care of, i can go on my hunting trip(s) and get me some venison.


My sister is still sick from a week and a half ago, the damn doctor up here likes to send people all over the place for tests and useless crap cause he doesn't know **** (well, i don't know that, basically that's all he's ever done for anyone in my family aside from myself because i refuse to go to the doctor) he's got my sister here on this augmentin XR and Mucinex as well as some other hardcore medicine and she still coughs herself to sleep. her boss is also an *******, made her call people all day today about stupid ****, perhaps the dark brotherhood shall pay him a visit. o wait this isn't Tamriel. dammit. j/k..... she definetely doesn't need that kind of retarded stress right now. =\


i need new work clothes -_- tired of wearing the same stuff every day...guess that's what i get for buying 2 of the same shirt and pants. :rolleyes: maybe i'll go salvation army and get some for cheap.


hm i wonder, did i even make any goals or resolutions this year?

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I've flown on USAirways, Delta, United, TED, Skywest, Comair, and an ex-Song 757 that got absorbed into Delta. Aside from one flight being on a very rickety 737, my USAirways experiences have been very good. Which is odd because they have a reputation for being very bad. And mine was on Pittsburgh and Charlotte based crews, which are old school crews that got that bad reputation, not the America West crews I assume Ike had. Nothing has worked right for USA since they merged with AWA. Except repainting their fleet. That worked out.


Comair had the best crew I dealt with and it was on a CRJ-200 so new it still smelled like paint. But that Song 757 was great. Even though it was put into regular service with Delta it still had all the Song equipment on board, so it had leather seats and DISH Network TV at every seat. That plane was awesome.


Oh, when I fly, my ticket is bought or influenced in price by my family's extensive collection of miles. And it is thusly known that the boarding pass in my hand is in the hand of a member of the Triple Platinum Golden Emperor's Executive Inner Circle Club, so instead of being herded on the plane as fuel consuming weight, I am welcomed as if I were the president boarding Air Force One. I get bulkhead and exit row seats when I want them, no questions. Its...unfair.

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stewardesses??? sure, if i'm interested in washed up, middle-aged women who probably have a full time cat-sitter on payroll.

The stewardesses I know personally are 25-28, and frankly, they are anything but washed-up.


Sure, they get older on their own, and those I saw on my one flight I did in 2001 were more like "meh", but you never know, that's why I'm asking, you know? ^^

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got a cupboard load of dishes done. took me about an hour. guess i won't be doing dishes tomorrow...have to get the garbage together and take that over to the dumpster after work tonight. still deciding whether to bring it to work with me and let it sit out..don't think there's anything that will stink.


got evanescence playing through my xbox 360, bought the cd last year i think...only listened to it about 10 times.


charging my DS lite, batteries kinda ran out on it. I may be going to the renaissance faire in manheim this month, depends on what my truck bill comes to.


oblivion is definitely my favorite game on the xbox 360.

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Finally got around to getting/playing Halo 2. (For Vista!)


The flood levels weren't as frustrating as they were in Halo 1 and the only annoying thing about the Live integration is that I had to update both it and Halo 2 before I could do anything.


Is Halo 2 as bad as it's made out to be? i.e. another poor console port to Windows. Just I've done Halo on the PC and enjoyed most of it but I've been quite cautious about getting Halo 2 due to all the negative stuff I've seen on the internet and in several reviews.

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Didn't even know it was out yet.

I'll have to get a Vista machine at some point to give it a shot.


I'd still like to play through Halo 1 again someday, at some insane settings, too. Had to scale back most of the goodies to get decent frame rates on this geriatric machine when I went through it before.


Slow day at work.


Walked back.


Really hungry.


Area meeting tomorrow. Hmmmmmmmph. Joy of joys. Oh well. Shouldn't be too bad. That's really the only thing on my plate tomorrow.


Steve Vai all day Thursday, though.

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