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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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got my room all cleaned up. lots of laundry had to be put away, took me a good hour to do that. was gonna do the dishes, but there's just too many of them. slowly coming down with a cold. the congestion is there, the sore throat and stuffy nose hasn't started yet. I'm back to browsing the goarmy.com forums, trying to consider my options, if i go back i'd like to be a mechanic, this way i'd have something to fall back on if i didn't want to reenlist. I believe i've got all my **** together for when i go see a recruiter, got all my paperwork together, the only thing i probably have to do is to lose 15-20 pounds, guess i could start working on that by just drinking water on my 15 minute breaks at work instead of buying snacks. I do need to talk to my parents and tell them i'm considering going back in, active duty this time. I don't really have anything to lose, well my life i guess...but looking at it right now, im not much of anything to anyone except old people who aren't technologically inclined enough to use a kodak picture maker even though it talks to them and tells them step by step exactly what to do, hell yesterday i had to remove 2 ****ing media cards from INSIDE the damn machine cause people are either too ****ing retarded or illiterate. -_- i don't hate my job. i hate 1/2 the customers i have to deal with. and then we have managers pulling us up to the front registers cause walmart doesn't pay cashiers enough to deal with retarded customers all day.


i need to get on with my life....

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Mary Black at work. Another easy, fun one.


Co-worker's wife brought dinner. Salmon, rice, asparagus, pumpkin-pie... Nice! Dee-lish, too. Good cook. I needs to find me one like that.


Well... I needs to find me one, period... but that's a whole 'nuther story...


Day off tomorrow. List of chores as long as my arm. Last chance to get them done, too. No sleazing out this time.


Whoopee. :rolleyes:

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decided to come home for lunch, on the way back the ****ing converter fell down and dragged the whole way to work (no point in stopping the truck, didnt have anything non-flammable to tie it back up) anyways im bummed out...after work bought some bolts and nuts to patch it back up so i wouldn't get cited for it. -_- took about half an hour to figure it out, but it is busted for good cause it's sooooooo damn loud. **** it, i'll go just go blow my $$$$ and get a decent car this week, hopefully it won't be so hard to get one as i have 0 credit...but then again nothing goes my way for a while and then everything goes good and BAM. like i was saying those few weeks ago about how everything happens as soon as my debts are payed off and i start getting money to save. just doesn't work for me. think it is time to just say **** it...

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Day off tomorrow. List of chores as long as my arm. Last chance to get them done, too. No sleazing out this time.

Yeah,.. 'bout that... :dozey:


Actually got a few things done.


Got the AC units out of the windows and packed away for the winter. Cleaned up the lawn furniture.


But it was such a nice day... and I only have one foreseeable day off in the next 3 weeks or so... that I had to get out and take advantage of it. Chores be damned! Put me horribly behind winterizing schedule or not.


Left my house mid afternoon, and took what I thought would be a short walk...


Almost 4 hours later I hobbled in my front door again. Yikes!

Covered a lot of ground.


Watched "Jungle Book" DVD as I ate dinner. Cool. Little corny... but still pretty fun.


Wiped out. Off to bed. Long day again tomorrow. Something to do with The Doors... then a symphony orchestra rehearsal.


Oh goody.

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I had to do some monthly maintenance on a machine tonight...while i was doing that, the one coworker of mine just stands idly by, doing hardly anything except getting in my way and aggravating me cause she's supposed to be my help for closing the rest of the place down while i took care of the monthly maintenance. I finish that monthly maintenance, and well guess what...she hardly did a damn thing. so i was like 'WTF' and closed the printer down (told her to do it, she didn't even touch it so i said to hell with it and did it myself) DPCs weren't restarted because the printer wasn't touched. -_- and at 9pm she JUST STARTED to mop the floor. disgusted, i took the keys, locked up the price scanner and label printer, walked keys up to csm, and left w/o saying saying bye or anything. she should ****ing know better, we had a MEETING almost 2 freaking weeks ago about certain people (no names were said) being dead weights. It's ****ing ridiculous. think i'll call my dept manager tomorrow morning or send her a message on myspace about what happened to i don't get called out for it.


also, one thing that REALLY pissed me off is, the lady got the chemical waste tanks out, and drained them and goes and puts her initials AND MY INITIALS right by them!!!! I just left them, that isn't my handwriting. another thing that really pisses me off when working with her is that she is like a nervous ****ing wreck....she doesn't even TRY to learn anything, expecting everyone else to do it. hell, there is an 80 year old man that can do more than she can, and no offense but sometimes he half-asses it, but at LEAST HE FOLLOWS THROUGH WITH THE CLOSING PROCEDURES.


if i'm scheduled to work with her again, i may end up calling in sick. i hate working with people that don't even make even a little effort to pull any weight at all. :(

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ah, i bowl right handed though i write, eat, bat, and bow and arrow with my left hand. I go bowling w/friends from work about twice a month, i've been getting better, used to bowl under 100s now im getting above 100s, last game i bowled 140, think that is my highest.



Not a bad day today....not too slow and not too busy, time is kinda going fast. it's going to suck tomorrow though, i work 10-7...


I watched 2 good movies last night: 28 Weeks Later, and Planet Terror. 28 Weeks Later was excellent, 28 DAYS later i lost interest in it 3/4 the way through the movie. Planet Terror was pretty good.


I went hunting yesterday for squirrels...I missed 2 of them, probably would've been more focused had 2 other hunters not been so close (one was using a semi-automatic, which is illegal for hunting in pennsylvania....unless it was a pistol, i'm not sure) I went to my usual spot for hunting, didn't see any deer i did see pheasants though.

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That's funny. I'm right-handed for most things... but I swing a baseball bat lefty.


I used to do this when I was little, but my dad forced me to do it the other way. I'm right handed, but I do all sporting things left-handed for some reason. Not throwing stuff, but gymnastics, boxing, anything like that, I do left-handed.

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Yeah, that was silly! :D Not even in the O.C.S... where ever that be for the Navy.


OCS is at glorious Naval Air Station Pensacola, land of the ancient prop driven trainer, hurricane ravaged historic building, wrecked Spanish warship, and all the German Air Force officers you can handle.

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I used to do this when I was little, but my dad forced me to do it the other way. I'm right handed, but I do all sporting things left-handed for some reason. Not throwing stuff, but gymnastics, boxing, anything like that, I do left-handed.

I think it all stems from holding the guitar. ;)


Yeah... I had a lot of people try to tell me that I couldn't bad lefty if I was right handed... except I was REALLY good when batting lefty. Like a lot of home runs out of the park good. Plus I was totally incompetent holding a bat right-handed. Couldn't even get the grip correct. Feels so foreign.


That... plus it usually freaked out the pitchers I was up against.


So they shut up and let me do what came natural.

I've never tried golf... but I imagine I'll get that backwards too...


I used to be almost totally ambidextrous when I was little. It wasn't until I had to start writing for school that a dominant hand presented itself.

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I've never tried golf... but I imagine I'll get that backwards too...


I think golf is one of those things you are supposed to do right-handed whether you are actually right-handed or not, like playing a stringed instrument. But I know there's at least one professional who plays left-handed, so perhaps that's not so true anymore. Whatever - golf is boring anyway.

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Interesting. He's only a couple of days older than me, too...


Well... golf does look boring... but I've recently been invited to go with a friend sometime. And in the interest of trying to have a slightly more interesting and active social life than in years past, I will accept when plans are made final, if at all possible with my work schedule.


It's probably one of those things that are a bit more fun to do than watch.


I did once work at the Ryder Cup when it was at a local course. Setting up all the media tents, and P.A. stations around the course and clubhouses.

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