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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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god damn ****ing kids that were next to us were ****ing w/my style. also could have been the shoes i rented, it said 9 but felt like 10. going bowling tomorrow w/my family, maybe i'll do better. probably not. damn kids will probably be in my way again.


Hee :D


You sound like an old geezer who goes to farmers markets and tells kids to "get off yer lawn" while sitting on your front porch

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I'm looking forward to the days when I can pull that off with no irony at all.


Not that I truly believe that I am destined to live that long... I have trouble foreseeing myself as an old man.


I was telling someone last night: I don't think I have ever, in my entire life, visualized myself past the age of 40.

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went out w/my mom dad and sister and bowled a 151 to make up for last night. first and last games sucked though. second game i just played 'horse shoes' throwing the ball in the air and i picked up the spare every time, got 2 strikes and i only missed the first frame and the very last frame. afterwards dropped sister off back at the apt cause her bf's bday is today as well and she wanted to go see him, then we went to fridays, i haven't had anything to eat from there in forever, it was pretty good. now i'm full. and freaking tired. -_- might watch The Devil's Rejects and crash out here on the futon.

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Today was declared a ME day. this is a day where I am completly selfish , and only do thinks *I* want to do, and do not have to answer to anyone


This was because i just spent 19 straight days working without a day off. 40 hours of overtime on top of 80 hours of regular work in a two week period (CHA-CHING!)


started with going out to eat for breakfast by myself and reading the paper.

Followed by playing some D2, getting a nightmare rush, and pigging out on a lunch.


Then watching some Collage football, taking a nap, reading a book.


Now I am ending by watching the Michigan/illinois game just starting after the half, and allready have drank over half of a bottle of Bongle Pinot Noir.. i would not recomend their 2005 vintage it needs to age another 2 years at least.. but it definatly gets me plently drunk


I think after i finsih this glasss of wine i will switch to a Vodka Martini, before i pass out


only thing that could make this me day perfect was to be sleeping with a cute girl and the aerobic activites that would preceed it

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i just spent 300 bucks of my student loan money on computer parts. I'm tired of this machine running so friggin slow.


old rig: athlon xp 2000+, 512 mb RAM, 120 gig hd, geforce 4 ti 4200 128 mb


new rig: athlon 64 x2 4800, 2 gigs RAM, 320 gig HD, geforce 8600 gt 256 mb, plus a new PS.


Unfortunately I lost my corporate license CD of windows XP, so for the first time since windows Me, I have to buy an OS, so I'll be getting Vista Home Premium for the student rate.


total cost is between 600-700 for all these upgrades, I think. Not too bad for every 4 years or so.

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Hmmm... was wide awake again at 3 am. This is getting old.


My body doesn't seem to want to let me sleep more than 6 hours at a time anymore. Of course, by 2 this afternoon, I'll be ready for a nice long nap... except I'll be right in the middle of the work day by then. Perfect.


Feeling kinda funky this morning. A bit dizzy. Kind of a chill. Can't. Get. Sick. Now...

I hope it's just the wacky weather around here throwing me off.


I'm going to really try to make it through work today. I'll take time off during the week if it gets any worse.


Need 2 or 3 days off in a row so that I can detox from the caffeine and catch up on rest.

Unfortunately, I don't see a single spot on the schedule until Christmastime to really do that. Not even around Thanksgiving.


And what kills me was that yesterday at work was kind of stupid. I really don't know why I was even there. I did almost nothing all day. Waste of my time. I could have been catching up on rest then...

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i just spent 300 bucks of my student loan money on computer parts. I'm tired of this machine running so friggin slow.


old rig: athlon xp 2000+, 512 mb RAM, 120 gig hd, geforce 4 ti 4200 128 mb


new rig: athlon 64 x2 4800, 2 gigs RAM, 320 gig HD, geforce 8600 gt 256 mb, plus a new PS.


Unfortunately I lost my corporate license CD of windows XP, so for the first time since windows Me, I have to buy an OS, so I'll be getting Vista Home Premium for the student rate.


total cost is between 600-700 for all these upgrades, I think. Not too bad for every 4 years or so.






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It was my friend's 30th birthday yesterday, so a few of our coworkers met for dinner at the Greene Turtle. He was with his wife, one guy brought his girlfriend, and another spent the whole night texting his new girlfriend. And then there was...me, just sitting there. We waited an hour for a table, then when we sat down, a crappy band started playing. It was ridulously loud as well, although pretty much all I could hear were the drums. All in all, I would have rather done nothing.

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Just doin' mah duty. :D


Spent the day with 12 VERY cute Chinese ladies. Hmmm... yeah.


They're called the "Twelve Girls Band." They play pop-type music on traditional Chinese instruments.


They were really late in arriving. Our call was at 12 noon. I was there at 10:30.

At 12:15 we get the call that the bus is at least 2 hours away. After 2 hours pass, we get another call that they are at least another half-hour away at that point. Almost an hour later they finally show up.


Of course, we didn't have one iota of information about what they needed.


So I went shopping while we waited. Went to the Army/ Navy Surplus store a couple of blocks over. Picked up a couple of new utility field vests. :D


It was a happy day.


There was a slight communication problem/ language barrier with the band's crew when they did arrive,.. but we, as the consummate professionals we are, got them up and running smoothly, and in record time.


It was actually pretty easy.


The music was pretty corny... but whatever. It wasn't crazy stoopid loud like the other night... so I was happy. And the band was very easy on the eyes.


And it ended early enough to get out of Boston before the big game ends and whatever riot that is bound to ensue afterwards has a chance to begin.


Oh by the way: Boston is totally swarming with cops tonight... just in case you were wondering.


Gotta try to get some sleep now. Oy! Am I wiped out!

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damn those indians for chocking just like my cubs did :(



yeah so I'm alot lazier than my twin brother and have only recently garnered a larger amount of work ethic.


makes me wonder if I should go back to school.....


even the MLB doesnt want the red sox in it the series, the best business world series for TV is the Cubs v the Yankees, the two largest fan bases palying each other


they think it could actually get better ratings than a super bowl

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