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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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I was about to say anyway: Don't you work at Best Buy now? You should be surrounded by music... and geeks. :D


Well, I'm off to a friend's house... to attend a "Dog Party!" (Don't ask... :rolleyes: Well,.. it's an afternoon away from the house and around other human beings for a change. And that's all I really care about at this point.)

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K, sack up and just ask her if she'd be interested in going on a date. Forget this whole idea of holding out until you know she'll say yes. If she says no, then there might be some awkwardness in the immediate future, but if you're friends enough, you should be able to get over it. If you never face adversity, how do you grow as a person? If you never lose a game, how do you know what needs improving?

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well today started off bad.


i wake up to my alarm and get ready to go out and get my hair shaved off (it's been since july 12th and the hair gel just isn't holding up anymore), i lost my set of keys to the truck, car, and apartment, but found the ones to my truck. go outside and the damn windows are all frosted, so i have to go back into apartment and get the scraper, fortunately i hadn't locked the door! so i get that all done, then i go to the bank to withdraw some $$$, go to the town and park my truck, pay the stupid meter, and it's 9:00, so they should be open. nope, there's a closed sign on the door. So i figure they need more time to open the place......soooo.....i walk quarter mile down the street to the gas station to get some cappacino, i see they have new flavors like reeses and ****, so i get the reeses one, pay $1.40 for it, then go outside, take a sip.......IT'S ALL ****ING WATER. grossssssssss.....so i dump it and chuck it in the trash, oh well. so i walk back to the hair cutters and the sign is moved from the door to the window, and the door is locked, there's a 'looking for help' sign, so i guess that explains that. so i get in my truck and come back home, wasted a freaking hour plus gas. funny note however, i put $20 in my truck and it's got 120 miles on it w/that...wonder if i should fill it now or wait.


oh and the transmissions place hasn't called me back. damn it. think i'll scrap the idea of getting the car fixed, and get truck fixed piece by piece. -_- if i get caught w/o new inspection sticker, o well. unless i can get a bank loan for $1000....

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good thing just happened:


daylight savings time revealed!


i just applied for a loan....they better approve me so i can go get my truck fixed!!!!


edit: well apparantly dlt is next week? lol guess the hair cut place messed up. or they just didn't want my hair :(

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Today: Bank. Shopping. Haircut. Nap. Worked on friend's guitar. (Nice Strat. About the same vintage as mine. Plays and sounds GREAT... now. ;) )


Looks like a busy day for me tomorrow. I have friends coming in to town for the Sox parade, and we are probably going to do lunch... then a bunch of co-workers are doing a pre-Halloween walk through of supposedly haunted historical sites of Boston. Probably dinner with that group too...


Looks like a lot of meals out... and a late night getting home... even though I'm not working a show.


Oh well... it's something to do.


I promised myself I would grab any social opportunity that came up. Gonna be a crazy busy week of shows... might as well try to go into it in good spirits (no pun intended this time...) at least.

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Because if i get a free copy of Hellgate: London, it's MINE. ALLLLLLLL MINE.


I need a good game to play, and that would be it.



Meh, i'm just playing RE4 on my lappy.

i mean, no biggie, it's just the greatest game ever and all...




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Did we finally manage to tap the wallet once and for all, Nein?


You know, ed, Niner has now two wallets. One is in his pocket, and the other one is, well, hidden in another, uuh.. hidden pocket? So you cannot find it. Never. Ever.


However, in case you unexpectedly manage to find this one, there'll be no money in it either, because all the cash in another, third wallet which doesn't even exist.


Death proof plan mwahaha!

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Well, thanks, Mister ed. :max:




I have been hiding on the Moon's dark side, and made my own not-really-a-birthday-but-still-relatively-strange thread over at

Ahto Spaceport thingy.






However, latest news is I expect my son to leave his mother-ship within the next two or so weeks. Fear teh Joneses. :)

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well i just wasted money...and then some! got my acclaim the vehicle registration and insurance....pulled out of my driveway and then the transmission decides to **** me, so i put my 4 way flashers on and go to make a left turn to get in a parking lot, and someone drove around me and well......colllllllissssion. left a nice scrape down the left side of the man's truck...i was pissed....and he gets out and i thought he said 'you pay for yours and mine' i was like 'hell no!' and called the cops....but what he actually meant was 'you pay for yours and i pay for mine'......too ****ing late though, so i let the guy go and the cop gets me on overdue inspection. -_- $107. now i am wondering, will this put points on my driver's license??? i need to know, because if it does, i will have to go to court, it's been 3 years since my last citation...


now i got my truck, its inspection is due tomorrow. so basically i am screwed.


oh i got my head shaved today. :)


now i am in depressed state as to what to do about my truck. bank hasn't called about the loan yet, so i'm probably not going to get approved. -_-

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God, i had to get up early this morning. had to do a silly thing with the ship. didnt get out til a few hours then normal.


but when I left, I noticed that all the guys who are in the deck department were working late today, and considering that it was dinner time, i went to BM2 and offered to buy something.

he went and ask me to go to the golden arches for a few dbl cheese burgers for him and the other two guys working with him right there, but with my kind self i went and got the whole division burgers. yeah, like 20 of em.


getting mad props for that.

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her birthday is coming up in a few days, I am going to give her some small earrings apologize and ask her out to dinner. She can say no, but she is going to be guilty doing it.


Apologize for what? Unless you actually did something wrong, don't apologize, because it makes you look weak.


Besides, anyone that isn't interested in me, isn't worth my time to go after


That's what losers tell themselves. If she isn't interested in you, maybe she is just better than you and she realizes it. I know that's not a popular thing to say in our society these days, since we are all busy patting ourselves on the back and telling ourselves that we are good enough no matter what. But the truth is, that is a load of B.S. If she isn't interested, make her interested. That's your job as a man - you pursue the woman. The trick is not to pursue her too hard or too far, because that is undignified and pathetic. And possibly creepy. You have to act in such a way that you let her know you like her and that you are willing to work a little for her attention, while at the same time letting her know that if she isn't interested, it isn't going to bother you, since you have other things to do.

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