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Been gone a while now. At least 9 or 10 months by my calculations.


He disappears like this all the time... only to arrive without warning one day, splatter us with wisdom, insight, and random weirdness for a couple o' months, and then disappear as suddenly, leaving an insanity vacuum which no other can completely fill.


He'll sneak up on us when we least expect it...

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Lynk, there's something coming out of her ear. What can you expect more!?

But tell me, GUNNER, who is the one on the very left side, with the pink dress or something, I mean, I cannot see her face, but maaaaaan, these are boobs. XDD


Hmm .. this time Zoom's longer off then usually. Maybe he's married again? :dozey: No? Okay, no.


Last time I saw him was 2005 I think. I think he also said something like he was away because of a girl. *sigh* Although he's one of the wisest among us, there seems to be no way for him to restrain from falling for man's greatest weakness.


What weakness you ask? -- Well, let's say it all together now, in memory of Zoom Rabbit (and, this also brings us back on topic):

Page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 butt, page 1 bu--ooOooOOoooOOOOooOooOoOOOOooooooh. *feels satisfied*

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Profile: Zoom Rabbit - Last Activity: 03-02-2006 10:57 AM Offline Last post.


A girl, you say? Well, that's a bit... ordinary.


I aways fantasized that he had to hide out for months, alone deep in the woods and the Oregon mountains from Government agents determined to bring him in for seditious activities.

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  edlib said:
A girl, you say? Well, that's a bit... ordinary.


I aways fantasized that he had to hide out for months, alone deep in the woods and the Oregon mountains from Government agents determined to bring him in for seditious activities.

Yes, but these agents are females.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay...this will be my one and only post here, and after that I know this account will be banned and deleted, and that is fine.


  GUNNER said:
Then there was Guilo. Like Ike said. A bigger ego maniac was no where to be found.


You're right. You're absolutely right. I was a real jackass back then...and why I was is not important, so I won't make excuses. I only ask you to forgive me, nothing more.


  GUNNER said:
He had an opinion on everything and his was usually right.


LOL...well, then I had you fooled better than I felt on my end.


  GUNNER said:
Until he played around with my account.


Yep, this was something for which I reaped what I sowed. I still cannot explain what came over me that day. Just be happy I'm no longer able to make such reckless decisions.


  GUNNER said:
Stealth kicked his ass out and of course he wasn't to blame.


Yes, I was. If I didn't admit this then, I shout it from the rooftops now.


  GUNNER said:
It was everyone else's fault and we were just jealous.


I certainly regret having given THAT sort of defense. 8 years is a long time to have to wait for an apology, but I am offering one now.


Sorry it took me this long.


  GUNNER said:
What a tard.


LOL....well, I've been called worse.


After how I behaved 8 years ago, you have every right to feel as you do. I only hope that you will all perceive my words as genuine, because I can see that I must have really done some damage to good people for you all to still feel this way 8 years later. I don't want anyone having to carry a burden that I put on them over something I did, although that is ultimately your decision to make. Just know that I am not trying to get back into anyone's good graces...I just happened to see this post while skimming through old favorites and seeing how the site had changed, started reading through some of the threads.


I am sorry, but I can't take back what I did and said all those years ago.


I just know I have no hard feelings toward any of you, and I would only hope the healing could begin at some point. You won't be seeing me here again, but I do hope you'll understand that I come this once only in the spirit of repentence to let you see for yourself that I am sorry, and I hope for the best for each and every one of you.


Take care of yourselves, everyone.


You may now delete this account.


- (Formerly known as Lt. Guilo)

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