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What did you think of Sion?


What did you think of Sion?  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. What did you think of Sion?

    • Completely awesome, wanna see more of him!
    • Cool character for TSL
    • Ehh I still like Malak better
    • Didn't really live up to expectations
    • Worst character in the game!

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Not at all biased in your post Darth Sion101 ;) I think Sion was a really cool badguy, I think he is far superior to Malak, in my opinion Malak sucked big time! I liked Sion's power, and I don't know why people think its un-realistic. After Obi-Wan had beaten Vader he kept himself alive due to the DS untill the Emporer found him. So why couldn't Sion do this? And in all honesty Nihilus and Sion's powers are alot less silly than alot of what has happened in the EU! I remember when I first saw the Video of Sion arriving at Peragus I was thinking 'Poo in no way am I ready to face this guy!'


Me Biased? NAH couldn't be :D

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I don't know why people think its un-realistic. After Obi-Wan had beaten Vader he kept himself alive due to the DS untill the Emporer found him. So why couldn't Sion do this?

Well, there is a slight difference. Anakin was able to survive some serious burns just long enough for a medical team to arrive after Obi-Wan had left him for dead. Sion is able to immediately stand up again in a fight, even if his opposite is trying to kill him. That's like Obi-Wan slashing at Anakin, and instead of dropping to the flour with 3 less appendices Anakin happily continues the fight. I cannot see how any Force power should make one's arms regrow after they have been cut off or something similar.

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Well, there is a slight difference. Anakin was able to survive some serious burns just long enough for a medical team to arrive after Obi-Wan had left him for dead. Sion is able to immediately stand up again in a fight, even if his opposite is trying to kill him. That's like Obi-Wan slashing at Anakin, and instead of dropping to the flour with 3 less appendices Anakin happily continues the fight. I cannot see how any Force power should make one's arms regrow after they have been cut off or something similar.


He didnt make his arm re-grow though... as the doctor said on the harbinger 'his spine is shattered, I don't know whats holding him togeather'. So he wasn't regrowing anything he was just putting back togeather the things that had broken. He was just holding his body togeather.

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Yeah, but you'd think that after being hit multiple times by a lightsaber your body is somehow injured; (I'm referring to the exile's duel with Sion); my point was that he could stand up again after being defeated in a lightsaber duel (and I don't think you only disarmed him every single time)

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He didnt make his arm re-grow though... as the doctor said on the harbinger 'his spine is shattered, I don't know whats holding him togeather'. So he wasn't regrowing anything he was just putting back togeather the things that had broken. He was just holding his body togeather.



If that's true, he's the worst saber duelist of all time. So many cuts. But we all know that's not why he looked like a 1500 years old zombie.

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^^ lol that is actually an interesting point and does say something about his abilities.


Darth Sion was a tortured soul and in his final moments he died... the only way he could die was to let go of the dark side that held his shattered body together. His final words implied he found peace with his death and this was enough to do this.


I'm sorry but Darth Sion is dead.


After Obi-Wan had beaten Vader he kept himself alive due to the DS untill the Emporer found him.'


ONLY Darth Vader could have survived his. Remember, even though he never reached his potential due to these injuries (losing literally around 60% of you total body mass and recieving critical burns to your body and lungs) it was his emense powers that kept him alive. Remember that he was still one of the most powerful Sithlords ever, even after being maimed.


We don't know that Sion can regenerate limbs and i think it's pretty clear as day that he cannot. However, the loss of an arm or leg would not stop him as it would somebody else. A normal jedi/sith would drop their saber and fall... Sion would have the choice to continue (even though you may as well yield).


I think if the game makers made a cutscene of the final battle with Darth Sion it would have shown a series of duals, each with Sion ending up with a heavy blade mark across the torso. The would glow red for a moment (he would do his shakey thing he does when beaten) then it would just turn black, blending in with the rest of his scars.


just my opinion :)

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Alone, all the Sith Lords in the game are flawed, but together, they embody the Hunger, Pain, and Treachery of the Sith. Of the three, I think Sion is the best. He looks freaky and is, as it has been said before, the only Sith truly loyal to Sith ideals: pure servitude of the Dark Side and a bloodlust for Jedi.


I think it would have been cool if you fought some sort of Sith spirit at the end of the game, formed from the souls of the Triumvirate and having all their powers. It would have been the perfect Sith, with all three 'virtues'.

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My view of Sion? A ****ing cockroach, a worm. Why? Heard he tortured Lonna Vash to death. Well I guess in creating a character to despise he did the job well. Aside from that he wasn't some one dimensional evil. He seemed to be hurting, wanting death but had so much anger and hatred he couldn't die. He didn't take pleasure from the acts he committed, which has him one up on Malek, Palpatine, most Sith, ect. Maybe a victim of circumstance.

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  • 5 years later...

Nihilus while interesting in concept. For me, was never really built on. Nihilus was built up to be this monstrous planet eating master who was the biggest threat which the galaxy could face, especially without a real Jedi order to fight back.


However, in the actual game, Nihilus was just some bloke on a Ships bridge beating up a women. An example of this is in the cut content, when Sion and Nihilus face Kreia, Sion does all the work, has the speech and casts out Kreia. While Nihilus crosses his arms and doesn't even move. Sion is the true Sith, while Nihilus is just a plot point to force you to rebuild the order, OR if you're evil, gain enough power to stop him.


Sion is definitely the main threat, ousting his Master and taking her power, sneaking onto a republic ship and killing every single man on it, so that he could travel through hyperspace to a mining facility in pursuit of the last Jedi. Them two acts, come across to me as being a bad ass. A bad ass hell bent on kicking and raping my anal vicinity. And that, is why I love Sion.

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An example of this is in the cut content, when Sion and Nihilus face Kreia, Sion does all the work, has the speech and casts out Kreia. While Nihilus crosses his arms and doesn't even move.

That wasn't cut, and it's Nihilus that cuts Kreia off from the Force. In cut content, Sion tells Nihilus "You did not kill her as you assumed." Then Nihilus proceeds to come as close to killing him as anyone could.


I like Sion. He's an interesting character concept with complicated motives. But Nihilus is way out of his league. The only thing he has going for him is the whole not dying thing, which is rather passive for a Sith.


Also, 5 and a half years... yikes.

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I think he's much better than Malak.


His voice is TONS better, he has a better face and skin, has a totally better personality, and could NEVER be redeemed like Malak could.


Also, I REALLY didn't like Malak. His voice was annoying, *SO WAS HIS LAUGH*, and and faceplate was a real turnoff (not in g*y terms).


What I really like about Sion is that he is the definition of a True Sith.


He is completely cold as ruthless, stops at nothing to achieve his goals, and can never be redeemed, only defeated. I think inability for Sion to be redeemed makes him a badass.

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He's a powerful sith, but he's not a good TRUE sith lord.


He is more a general. less of a political leader, I don't think Malak would handle the politics very well. There are different types of sith. Some are more suited in warfare than others.



Sion is more subterfuge and convert warfare than Malak. Malak is great at overt warfare. Under the leadership of the Kotor 2 Sith Lords, they used convert warfare due to their much smaller fighting force. They can't do sustain warfare like Malak did.


The only reason that Republic won the Jedi Civil War is due to Revan leading a small convert strike team into the star forge and killing Malak. Malak was beating the crap out of the Republic by forcing them to over reach themselves.


Malak has never been redeemed and died as a Dark Lord. He admitted that he fail and wonder if he could be redeemed but knew that his time was over anyways.

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