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Which server do you play on?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Hello there just, signed up to the forums..

A mans gotta have something to do during DT


Main server - Farstar since launch.

A Commando an Architect a 'Miner' & an Entertainer



Intrepid - To get away from it all.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Well, if I have enough $ to come back....


Name: Okoe Kithoran


Race: Zabrak


Profession: Medic


Guild: Elite


Faction: Imperial


Melee Weapon of Choice: Katarn Knuckler


Range Weapon of Choice: DC-15 Carbine (so far anyway).


Combat Level: 84


First Started Playing: June 21st 2005


Ended Account: August 09th 2006


Server: Intrepid


Professions Before NGE: Beast Master/Rifleman, Bounty Hunter/Rifleman, Master Doctor/Tier 3 Fencer almost tier 4 before NGE hit.

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  • 4 months later...

Server: Sunrunner

Name: Thady Quill

Profession: Trader - Droid Engineer

Faction: Alliance

Class: CL 67

Race: Human

Current Guild: None

Started: 25 Dec 07


Server: Scyllia

Name: Quajin Gon

Proffession: Jedi

Faction: Alliance

Class: CL22

Race: Human

Current Guild: None

Started: 15 Jan 08

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Sunrunner seems to be pretty good. I started playing on it because I have family who were on it also. We do a lot together. I think it helps keep the family closer. It has become more than just a game, but a way to keep in touch with those at a distance. I am enjoying it.

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  • 1 month later...

dose anyone know were the rouge star destroyer is?????


Server: Sunrunner

Name: scrooze loose

Profession: mostly jedi

Faction: rebel

Class: forgot

Race: Human

Current Guild: forgot (havent played in a while)

Started: forgot


anyone know where the rouge star destroyer is ???????

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Old Main

Name ...............Drexc

Faction ............Imperial


Server .............Scylla

Race ...............Human

Current Guild ....None

Pilot Status ......Imperial Ace

Started ...........Years Ago


New Main

Name ...............Drexc

Faction ............Imperial


Server .............Bria

Race ...............Bothan/Short ****

Current Guild .....Nub guild - Warriors (-W-)

Pilot Status ......N/A

Started ...........Couple Days Ago


If your on Bria hit me up with a message, im looking to get to know more people on Bria and get really active within the community so i can make it my main server, so far im lvl 21 and going to be climbing fast, i know how to hold my own, had a re-eng alt on Scylla making 35s and going to be doing the same on Bria so dont expect me to ask for free stuff cause I wont ever, i like to earn everything. Scylla may have all my rare stuff (musty bunker/AT-PT/elder buff/elder rewards) but its pretty much a dead server so there's no point in staying on it.

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# 1

Name ...............Tay-Ad Ma-Da

Faction ............Rebel

Profession.........Jedi (CL 48)

Server .............Chilastra

Race ...............Human

Current Guild ....A-team

Pilot Status ......? got a Y-Wing lol

Started ...........Year



Name ...............Duuce Cu'nny

Faction ............Neutral

Profession.........Bounty Hunter (CL 12)

Server .............Bloodfin

Race ...............Human

Current Guild ..... N/A

Pilot Status ......Noob

Started ...........Couple Days Ago



Name ............... Akiba (Elder)

Faction ............ Rebel

Profession......... Officer (CL 90)

Server .............Bloodfin

Race ...............Zabrak

Current Guild ..... N/A

Pilot Status ......Noob

Started ........... 2004

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Name: Nedak Pather


Faction: Imperial


Class: Spy CL86 (it's been a year with this toon and I still am too lazy to grind to 90)


Server: Sunrunner


Race: Zabrak


Current Guild: RIO


Pilot Status: nub


Started: Sometime during CU

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Hi all. Nubsauce player here.


Name: In'ar Serr (Nars'serrh with home-clan spacing and speech - long story involving too much to drink and a malfunctioning vocoder on a protocol droid. Needless to say, the "In (faint hiccup) ar" version of the name has stuck.)


Faction: None yet. Aiming for Alliance.


Class: Spy (lowbie, lowbie spy)


Race: Twi'lek


Guild: N/A - looking for heavy RP


Pilot: Not so much yet


As I said, I am nubsauce for this game, but my household did beta test back in the day. The game's changed radically so I am getting my bearings all over again.


Cheers for the lovely forums!

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Hello Mr.Serr!


Glad to hear of fellow spy; the class that actually takes skill.


I myself and starting a guild on Sunrunner that you can only join if you're a friend of mine or a Spy. If you decide to go to Sunrunner you are free to join.

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  • 7 months later...
I will create more forums this week for those playing on the servers listed below. Tell your pals they can sign up and communicate on them



Name ...............


Faction ............


Class ................ CL -90


Server .............


Race .................


Current Guild ...


Pilot Status ......


Started .............



List away!




Name ............... Tohee Liveewidee


Faction ............ Rebel Alliance


Class ................ CL -90


Server ............. Kauri


Race ................. Human


Current Guild ... Knights of Kauri


Pilot Status ...... Two boxes shy of Master Rebel


Started ............. Account: September 20, 2005. Current main character: January 16, 2006.

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  • 6 months later...

Server: Starsider

Name: Lesro Ima

Race: Human

Combat Level: 50-Something

Profession: Medic

Allegiance: Rebellion (All the way man, ALL the way!)

Homeplanet: Don't remember

Creation Date: Don't remember


You could say I'm a nomad, I like to explore, observe, take notes, etc.


I haven't been on in a LONG time, but you can commonly find me hanging around the Rebel Outpost on (Rori? I think it was, you know, Naboo's Moon).

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  • 9 months later...

Haven't played in 3 years but here goes...,


Name: 'Sokar'


Faction: Empire


Class: Can not remember, CL -90 (I changed my class like once every week lol)


Server: Bria ;)


Race: Human


Current Guild: Was 'DEVO' (Darkest Evolution) but that was 3 years ago..


Pilot Status: Dunno


Started: A long time ago

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  • 1 year later...
Name ............... Tohee Liveewidee


Faction ............ Rebel Alliance


Class ................ CL -90


Server ............. Kauri


Race ................. Human


Current Guild ... Knights of Kauri


Pilot Status ...... Two boxes shy of Master Rebel


Started ............. Account: September 20, 2005. Current main character: January 16, 2006.


I will miss this after six years. RIP Star Wars Galaxies

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I will miss this after six years. RIP Star Wars Galaxies


yep, I had some things to say about SWG along the way... Good and bad (NGE not one of them, it was a far superior game after the enhancements), but I had some Awesome times, and met some great people. I didn't renew my subscription after the Announcement, so I missed the final moments, but I'll never forget the ole' Galaxies. :)

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