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What kind of love interest theme do you guys want in K3?

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I will like a love interest theme where you can flirt with any women on your ship; have them be competitive with each other for the PC's love.

A theme where the PC can sneak around if he want to with any of them without anyone of the women finding out if your steath skill and persuade skill is high enough to persuade either one of them you are being faithful; a option to cheat since that will make it more real.

Also with the other men in your party, you can be competitive with them to gain the love interest of any of the women in your party.

Well, you know speak more game to the chicks in your party, better than the others guys in your party; if your persuade skill or influence skill is higher enough.

Also if you manage to piss one of the chicks off in your party, you can try too win them back, if your influence skill is good or you can have a option to seduce the women, for those of us guys who believe they can accomplish that difficult task or those who actually can do it.

That also will make it more realistic.


Oh, yes, I want my Star Wars game to be as real as a cheap, tawdry bar scene. I cannot begin to tell you depth of excitement I'd feel playing that kind of realism. :roleyess:

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No joke. Truly, there would be a ton of Women gamers pissed off to see a romantic relationship reduced to the drunken flirtings of a barfly. If you want to incite a riot, be my guest.



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Love interests in the SW universe are like Fijian globes on your chimney. Mostly you don't notice them until they're gone. A well-fit romance doesn't add much to the general entertainment which the story offers, but it will subtract a great deal in its absence. Because it's Star Wars. There have to be kissing people. Or at least that deep stare, anyway.


Windu6's ideas are...extreme. I wouldn't wanna play as Hugh Heffner, thanks. But c'mon, there's no need to go that far in picking on someone.


A romance somewhere between Bastila and Visas would be nice and more than enough, I think.

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If they put in love interests, have you need to work for it. I had the ugliest man in the world in KotoR 2, my face looked like someone had run over it with a garbage truck, yet I had not one, but two women that were intensely attracted to me despite my physical and spiritual ugliness.

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I won't get involved in any of the big debates raised here. All I'll say is that I'd like to see Revan/Bastila or Revan/Carth reappear. By the end of KOTOR, the relationships between R/C R/B had really only just begun. It'd be nice in KOTOR 3 if they could be built upon, developed and established.


If you wanted, of course. There should be some dialogue at the beginning where you can decide whether or not you started a romance with Carth/Bastila in KOTOR, for those who aren't interested in exploring the romance stories.


Edit: also, if they did the above, maybe there could be a little something in the Revan/Carth plot about Dustil, like maybe Revan should think about whether she can handle step-motherhood, or maybe Dustil takes issue with his dad's new gf being an ex-Sith Lord and replacing his mother. *shrugs* Just seems that that should come up further along in the Revan/Carth romance.

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I will like a love interest theme where you can flirt with any women on your ship; have them be competitive with each other for the PC's love.

A theme where the PC can sneak around if he want to with any of them without anyone of the women finding out if your steath skill and persuade skill is high enough to persuade either one of them you are being faithful; a option to cheat since that will make it more real.

Also with the other men in your party, you can be competitive with them to gain the love interest of any of the women in your party.

Well, you know speak more game to the chicks in your party, better than the others guys in your party; if your persuade skill or influence skill is higher enough.

Also if you manage to piss one of the chicks off in your party, you can try too win them back, if your influence skill is good or you can have a option to seduce the women, for those of us guys who believe they can accomplish that difficult task or those who actually can do it.

That also will make it more realistic.

I'd rather the game not to turn into some pathetic version of a drunk bar scene where I'm trying to pick up cheap whores. I'd much rather there not be any focus on romance than have that situation.

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I'd rather the game not to turn into some pathetic version of a drunk bar scene where I'm trying to pick up cheap whores. I'd much rather there not be any focus on romance than have that situation.

Who said anything about picking up sluts and whores, what the hell you are talking about, man? :confused:

I said, I want a more complex love theme, not go to strip bars and flirt with Twi'lek strippers. :lol:

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First off, I think the love subplot(s) should be optional; as it was in both Kotors. I'd rather it be more like Kotor's in the sense that it's involved, and not just talked about. Also, I understand people's dislike of love in a game with a Jedi, but neither Revan or the Exile or ordinary Jedi. Quite the contrary,they are very unique, and I'm hoping the main character of Kotor III is also unique.

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Who said anything about picking up sluts and whores, what the hell you are talking about, man? :confused:

I said, I want a more complex love theme, not go to strip bars and flirt with Twi'lek strippers. :lol:

It's just that all the talk of cheating, competition, and winning chicks over with your persuade skill makes me think of whores. I don't know why, it just does. The bottom line is, I don't want to have 3 or 4 possible love interests, and then have to compete with my party on top of it. No romantic sub-plot is necessary for the story, but if there is one, I only want 1, possibly 2 choices for each gender.


Then again, this is just my take on it, and from what I've seen, we disagree on pretty much everything in every aspect of life. ;)

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If they put in love interests, have you need to work for it. I had the ugliest man in the world in KotoR 2, my face looked like someone had run over it with a garbage truck, yet I had not one, but two women that were intensely attracted to me despite my physical and spiritual ugliness.


See? There's proof that looks aren't everything. :)

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If they put in love interests, have you need to work for it. I had the ugliest man in the world in KotoR 2, my face looked like someone had run over it with a garbage truck, yet I had not one, but two women that were intensely attracted to me despite my physical and spiritual ugliness.


Are you sure you didn't use Force Persuade a bit too much with your Dark Sided transition? ;)

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Are you sure you didn't use Force Persuade a bit too much with your Dark Sided transition? ;)

Yeah, you are always ugly when you chose the path of the Darkside.

You won't get no chicks, by being evil. :lol:


I guess the developers was trying to make it clear to the player; if you do evil, you get no pleasure with the girls.


Real tricky they are! :lol:

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But fact being, girls gnjo guys that are a little bit bad. Think Anakin. I mean, he is definitely not the most romantic guy out there, gosh those so-called pick up lines.


I mean, even Han is not perfect. He get that bit of badness in him, hence a babe magnet.


If they put in love interests, have you need to work for it. I had the ugliest man in the world in KotoR 2, my face looked like someone had run over it with a garbage truck, yet I had not one, but two women that were intensely attracted to me despite my physical and spiritual ugliness.


Well, you must have a really big club then. Hunting for girls cave,man style? I mean, physical and spiritual ugliness.


But yeah, the working too much for a love interest thing does defeat the purpose though. It would make romance the main theme rather than a nice addition. This is star wars, where you go save the day, witha a bit of love by your side, cause you are a hero and is cool like that. This is NOT the game of love/romance simulation, and oh you can save the day if you have time.

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True, but at the same time, when I'm going around acting like a total jackass, crushing souls and flinging people around with the Force, squeezing them for a few credits or for just getting in my way, and I've got women fawning over me, there's an issue. A very large issue.


Wow, that's not a double entrende.

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True, but at the same time, when I'm going around acting like a total jackass, crushing souls and flinging people around with the Force, squeezing them for a few credits or for just getting in my way, and I've got women fawning over me, there's an issue. A very large issue.


You'd actually be surprised at how much women like diabolical madmen.

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If they put in love interests, have you need to work for it. I had the ugliest man in the world in KotoR 2, my face looked like someone had run over it with a garbage truck, yet I had not one, but two women that were intensely attracted to me despite my physical and spiritual ugliness.


I don't want to ruin the story for you, but there is a Force-related reason why people are attracted to your character...

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I'd like to see some Romance in the Third game. But like others have mentioned give the option of initiating it or not. The Jedi Code that Revan and The Exile knew, does need some fine tuning.


And Anakin was mostly influence by Palpatine. Because Anakin wanted to save Padame from what he saw in his vision, he turned to the only person he thought he could trust and understand. Palpatine told Anakin that he could show him a power that could save Padame, but in the end Palpatine ultimetly got what he wanted he got Anakin to attack Padame and in a way killed her. He attacked her at his weakest when he felt betrayed.


It only proves that emotions themselves are flawed in a sense, but also you can't control how you feel for something or some one. It isn't possible. You either feel something or you don't, and suppressing any feelings can cause and emotional conflict.

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Well, I always think that if ObiWan would actually go help Yoda against Palpy instead things would be different. Even with all his rage Anakin may not attack Padme, if ObiWan is not there to tick it off. And with Padme by Anakin's aide, things would be more under control, even if Anakin should remain DS he would be "softer" and may actually go against Palpy.


While the Yoda-ObiWan combo may still prove not powerful enough for some Palpy slaying, it might actually help with the case of Anakin.


But as I have said before, sometimes "what if" is kinda meaningless. What if Palpy got a heart attack?

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Ok my opinion on the topic which isn't worth much.


I've always been a sucker for love, but I know a lot of people think it's pointless. I think that you should have to work for love, kind of like the influence system. If you do somthing a specific female/male in your party agrees with I.E. Killing someone in front of a darker character, or saving a life of a dying old man in front of a lighter character, it would influence your ability to be able to have a relationship with them.


Another thing I think that the love should be initiated if you want to have a relationship with someone you have to actually ask them out like in real life, if you have enough influence with them they say yes, if not they reject you (you could get slapped that'd be funny :p )


Last thing, I only want to have a relationship with ONE girl/guy at a time, I want to make this somewhat realistic it would add more to the storyline and have a deeper meaning, I'd love for the relationship to have more of an impact on the overall storyline.


That's my 2 Pennies worth waht cha think?

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Not all Relationship starts with asking them out, not all people have only One relationship at a time. Obviously taking multiple targets can cause you trouble, which is what happened in TSL where Brianna does not care for Exile anymore (cut content is even better).


But really, Over than the whole ordeal of the cycle good over evil, evil over good, LOVE IS THE THEME.


This is true for OT, PT, and even EU. Love is celebrated, Love saves people from the darkside (its fear that falls Anakin/Jacen not love) Love allows those to complete unbelievable feats. Hack, the galaxy far far away is saved by Love in OT, and not ewoks.


Well, I don't see why Love should not be included in any star wars game (unless its a puzzle type like droids or something) There should always be the OPTION to love (nothing way too hard, so the story can be easily enjoyed by the more casual gamers), and obviously you don't always have to go up that path. But things are more interesting with it.

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