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A Toast to RD -- Our Final Memorandum

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A toast? Final memorandum? If you are confused, it means you haven't been RDing lately and have contributed to it's demise. Those of you have stuck it out till the bitter end know, know all too well, that RD's glowing golden glory days are long since past. We've moaned and complained about RD's death many a time, but all those times were lively as compared to the slumbering carcass the Heathen Islands have now been reduced to.


RD now lives only through the occasional snarky post or unwin comment, and it pains me to say, but the jovial romps we remember are now over. So here, we can make a toast, an eulogy for the special little forum that made 2006 and a portion of '07 so sweet and memorable and awesome and kickass.



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Damn, well, it's not my fault. I've been really busy trying to get this fanfic done, and I'm not doing so well. I mean, Soda and Ritz just has sex! and it's the 6th chapter! Well, there may be a comeback of old members. God this is really sad, there's just nothing to post about and nobody to reply to. Oh man, this sucks.

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So do we get free stuff, like t-shirts? T-shirts would be awesome. Still, I wouldn't give up on snarky posts entirely.



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I feel bad for the '06s and beyond, though. We've gone from a thriving community hyped as hell to a hundred excited people squealing over their copy to a large yet incredibly close family to a couple of good friends.


To a dead little lump of Psychonaut fans who just don't care.


What a shame. Psychonauts gives me such happy nostalgia feelings to play in the summer.


RD2 didn't help and RD2 seems to be dying on its own.

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Pulled up the timeline myself, here's the actual list though.

-Purple Squid's permenance dissaperance

-1 year of Psychic Goodness:Psychonauts 1st anniversary

-Smon is elected mod

-Mashi An'krekku leaves

-Gruducuzz leaves

-Carol of the n00bs/ The coming of many newbs unto this place. Only a few stayed as forumites

-Kiss Me:The SashaxRaz Pornfic contraversy.

-RPG hayday

-Flood of the Sasha fangirls

-Darth_Ave's dissapperance due to groundage

-Formation of the 'Psycholovas' grafitti/danceing gang.

-Darth_Ave's 10,000 post in the LFRD. (I plan on putting it here.)

-Psychonauts In: series

-The Awesomest Day

-Ave/Cheez on again off again war

-Darth_Ave quits because she reached her goal and doesn't wanna deal with the sh*t.

-SamnMax finally lost it.

-DarthxPoopdog almost wed.


-Smon disappeared. I miss him.

-Dark may be returning.

-New RPG

-Another RPG

-Another Awesome Year at WR RPG

-Off Topic RPG

-Zombies Attack! RPG

-Boarding School RPG

-Anti Tim RPG

-The "I just want to make this clear" thread fad.


- The Big ByeBye/ Rebirth - Over period of ... some time I guess ... RD regulars, Mashi, Pyro and Grud all gradually left LFRD. Grud stops by every now and then but in a sense they are dead *sheds tear* A month or two later a flood of newbies ... flooded and were eloquently *coughyeahrightcough* welcomed.

- Halloween 05 - Where Cheez, Purple, Smon, and myself were all Psychonauts characters for trick or treat.

- Ninja Madness - On 7-06-06 the Pirates Versus Ninja thread wsa created. At first general opinion favored the pirates, but then swayed to ninjas. On 11-03-06 at the request of some people, the hterad got stickied by Smon. Talk became increasingly biased, so the Ninja Appreciation thread was created (http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=171719). Later on, talks of a ninja for prez in 08 began and the Ninja for 08 thread was made (http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=172654. The fictional ntity, Ninja ForPrez was created.

- Princess Dark (aka- B****face) - The manical and insipid little brat that descended onto LFRD to pester her ex-friend, Zelda. At first Dark acted sweet, but when Darth Ave extended out an olive branch Dark slapped it away and called Ave a 'whore'. This resulted in a forum-wide flameware between Dark and Ave with the inclusion of everybody else to a lesser extent to aid Darth and aid Zelda (who had given up before the fight began, though the support helped her pick up steam). The threads that were desicrated include the Rant Thread, The Talk About Anime You Like Thread and ended in the inaguration of the Fight Thread. Dark and Zelda said they'd fought over a boy, though the truth was that Zelda finally told her 'friend' that she was a whore for the way she treated any and all boys with an interest in her. Dark left at some point. Though it appears she is back because she has nothing else to do. (Cont’d by Ave) Then, late one night. Darth had enough and PM'd Thrik about Dark's evilness. He showed interest in this devil spawn and asked for proof of the evilness. Ave included the links to the entire war, the reason why the fight had come, her vendetta thread, and why I retalliated so badly. Thrik saw it was bad enough, and Princess_Dark was banned from lucasforums. Than we had a parade like at the end of star wars episode 1 with guggans and jedi, and Halo took the glowing ball thing from Ave and yelled 'PEACE!' Than the credits rolled and we lived a happy ending.

- Darth's 'Death' - One day, Darth Ave simply stopped posting. Her custom title read 'dead'. This spurred some controversy and Smon started a 'Darth Ave: Dead?' thread concerning her departure. Many thoeries were raised, most ridiculous, a few in the realm of possibility. At last, Darth came back and admitted to being in a crummy mood and simply being fed up with LFRD and didn't feel like posting. Something along the lines. In turn, another thread of unknown name was posted about her return.

- Darth_Ave/Ross (aka Poopdog) Drama - Simply put, Darth and Ross nearly get e-married (in the Scars thread). The plans were in progress, however it came to the attention that Ross was probably older than Darth. When someone asked his age, Ross responded by calling the marriage off. Apperantly being an internet pedophile was unfathomable to Ross, and while being a fugitive on the run would be interesting, he noted, it wasn't a path he was willing to take. In turn, Darth was devastated and became depressed. The girls on RD attempted to console her and offered her other possible suitors (St. Jimmy, Smon, Halo, Das Mole, and Davinq). She refused and is currently still upset about the entire affair. As of now, Bitchface's return is still only a rumour. While some plans to scar her for life and scare her away would be helpful, an RP or something like that isn't neccesary until she makes herself public. She is really only amusing, not much of a threat at all.


-Cheez goes psycho over that one slash artist and then feels like crap but never apologizes for fear of rejection

-worldwide pizza night


-Raz Day

-We forgot Raz Day this year damnit

-Jesus is reincarnated

-A kitten launched from a trebuchet breaks the sound barrier

-l33t circus


-I beat Psychonauts for the second time today (12/3/06)

-Heard about calea zacatechichi from elTee

-Discussed politics with Eric

-Got called Wapanese by Jmac

-Generally cheesed Ave off

-That one time Ave was wearing a vest and dancing for old people

-All the fashion madness

-Jmac continually picks increasingly cute avatars until it destroys us all

-Jmac acts defensive around me

-Jmac converts me into a lesbian

-I become Jmac's apprentice

-And get mod status over at the illustrious Sam & Max board


• I drive Mashi to lesbianism

• Thrik closes the epic thread in which I do this

• Smon gets mod

• Ave turns out to be a 13-year-old elvish being

• Cheez vs. Sezza, ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN

• **** SUX

• -Cheez gets married

• -I go the the ceremony and make gay jokes

  • :spinnaz:


-The coming of the narutards


-Dark vs Ave & Zelda & and pretty much the rest of the RD forums.

-Zombie addiction

-Ninja starts campaigning fo prez in'08

-Dark reapears and is still a little b***h

- Halo makes a thread complimenting all of the threads in the past and their contents.


- Ave and I fight on and off

-Dark turns to an evil bitch

- I don't even have 1,000 posts yet

- Zombies attack the forums with new threads

- Dark leaves for like, 3 months, never to be herad of again

- I make a timeline and waste like 5 minutes of my life

-I make a new thread to tell how smart you are

- Zelda goes emo over the fact she's like the only girl besides Mayhem left on this board because Darth leaves

-Zelda adimits she likes somone online

-Maggie ruins my life, along with Zach

-Friday was the BEST DAY EVER!!!! (check livejournal)

-my rp reaches 3 pages. wow, i thought it stop at 1


I think the whole month of June should be put into this timeline, because it's the same date a bunch of us joined:






Someone else



December 8th, 2006: Davinq and Miss_Mayhem both reach the 1,000th post mark.


- Das takes a month and a half to finally realize this thread exists


Kinda brings a tear to your eyes, huh? Whatever happened to the good old days, when we were all good e-buddies?

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There AREN'T noobs crazy enough to join, Psychonauts is out of print, nobody is buying it on steam.


We got our copy last week on amazon, and after I get my Neverwinter nights 2 fix, I'll be playing that. They might not be making more of them, but there are still plenty of copies available.

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I have to say, I actually thought it went down after we stopped talking about Psychonauts because that's kind of the reason why I joined.


Doesn't mean I still don't suck whatever enjoyment I can get out of this place, and there sure is a lot to suck.

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