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Visas or Handmaiden?


Visas Or Handmaiden?  

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  1. 1. Visas Or Handmaiden?

    • Visas
    • Handmaiden

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This is a tough one as I enjoy both of these NPC and their back stories. I enjoyed Visas chilling renditions about what happen to her home world and how she first meets her master. What I didn’t like was you can get her to tell you everything in your first conversation. I really liked that it was not the case with The Handmaiden. You had to take the time to earn her trust, before she forgoes her loyalty to her former master and really joins your team.


I’d give Visas a slight edge in looks (in game) and they are both voiced exceptionally. Personality I’ll give a slight edge to Brianna as I like the tough girl exterior over the submissive Visas. Loyalty Visas get the edge as she sticks with you no matter what and does not act like a three year old when you like the other more.


So I’ll vote Mira, no really my vote was cast for Visas, but only because you get Brianna only if you are a male Exile. However with Stoffe’s Handmaiden Choice Mod that isn’t a problem.

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Altough Visas vioce acting was the best in the game IMO I have to say the Handmaiden. Like mimartin said Visas open up way too quickly. The handmaiden takes time and it just seems more real. Plus she betrays that witch with a capital B Atris.


That girl is a kick ass melee fighter and when given a lightsaber is even better. Plus she knows how to get the exile to take his clothes off...for strictly training purposes of course.


Out of curiosity how is Visas more powerful? I always found her to be rather weak in the way of health and force. Handmaiden could wipe tha floor with her.

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Well, Visas is probably an apprentice to Nihilus. I don't think her torture is aimed at preventing her growth. Rather, its more like a way to induce hatred, amongst other things like the pleasure of pain(sado-masochistic relationship?). But to be truthful though, while Visas is hot and lovely, she is a bit too submissive (other than no willing to wear bikinis) when it comes to taking the title of a Sith, not enough ambition.

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Altough Visas vioce acting was the best in the game IMO I have to say the Handmaiden. Like mimartin said Visas open up way too quickly.


The voice acting was great... I like Kreia's a bit more... but Visas is definitely up there.


I do admit that I hate how she opened up so quickly... but that's more of a game type flaw than a flaw in her character...


she is a bit too submissive when it comes to taking the title of a Sith, not enough ambition.


You make a good point but I disagree. She does betray Nihilus and help the Exile defeat him... And if you play DSM Exile... She develops a quiet hatred which she makes known while meditating right before you face Nihilus. She also sides with Vaklu because he is a more ambitious person than Queen Talia. Like most Miraluka... I think she just waits for the right moment to act. Not in the sense of Jedi "patience" but you get what I mean. I think Brianna is actually less ambitious simply because her sense of morality slows her down and keeps her guilty (Betraying Atris was just from the realization that Atris was wrong). Visas... well... she may have some odd beliefs for a Dark Jedi... but she doesn't hesitate to kill someone, like Brianna does.




I do believe Visas to be stronger than Brianna. She has much more foresight and makes it known to the Exile that he/she MUST be prepared to face Nihilus. Brianna is much too impulsive, which leads to her near-death. Visas thinks before she leaps... and it isn't so much thinking that she doesn't make the leap at all. Brianna may be trained in the Echani Arts and whatnot... but that first cut-scene with Brianna and Visas reveals that Visas in fact, beat her in a sparring match. Additionally, Visas has been a Force-User longer... which can give her an edge in expirience. Her knowledge in the Force is also much broader than Brianna's... who seems to be a bit naive when it comes to such philosophies (which Kreia points out very well).


Although Handmaiden makes a full-arc from being the last of her sisters... and then beating all of them in battle... Visas makes a full-arc by going from Nihilus' hopeless apprentice... to being his most imminent threat... bringing the one person who can actually fight Nihilus... the Exile.


Plus, I think Visas connects to the Exile far better than Handmaiden does. Although Handmaiden is lonely and has a somewhat rocky past... Visas' is far more parallel to the Exile's. Both have been wounded deeply and are in dire need of companionship (both plantonic, friendly, and romantic)...

They connect better in their dialogue too... especially the part where Visas is talking the loss of her homeworld and the Exile says, "...as if everything went silent," While making the connection between Malachor and Katarr... therefore making a connection between his/her pain (the Exile) to Visas' pain.


Yes, I'm a hardcore Visas fan-boy... :p



EDIT: Also, in addition, to Visas' ambition, she also lets that out when her and Brianna are debating on Nar Shadaa...

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Definetly Brianna the Handmaiden. My reasons are:


- I prefer her character, voice, looks and backstory.


- She isn't an apprentice of Nihilus (and he is one of my least favourite characters in TSL).


- Has a more interesting story within the game.


- Doesn't open up as quickly as Visas.


- Not as badly developed as Visas. One minute, Visas is an apprentice of the Sith and just because she is defeated, she becomes good instantly.


- Stronger in battle.


- Not as creppy.


- Has more connection to the Jedi Exile and Kreia (if only she could replace G0-T0 as a Party Member for females).


To be honest though, I don't like Brianna or Visas together in the party (partly the reason why I prefer playing female for TSL), since they argue over me and if you spend too much time with Visas (why would I?), Brianna would get annoyed with the character and never speak to you again.

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Definitely Visas, there's everything to love about her - her homeworld is consumed by Nihilus, (2nd most awesome TSL character, btw) and all her ties to humanity have been sliced off in one terrible instant. Nihilus was the first character to embrace the idea that all life should die, yes, but he's no longer sentient in the normal sense and it was interesting to see a mere mortal enthralled to his will and brainwashed into believing his nihilism. She's a very unique character in that sense of the word, and is all the more so by how she wants nothing more than to die and join her people. By the time she meets the Exile she's a broken, utter wreck of a woman deep in the thrall of the dark side without any hope or light to look to but her own death. Fascinating character, I tell you!


Whatever alignment the Exile chooses to take develops her character further. If she chooses DS Visas has a new master, but is denied that final rest she seeks in death by the Force bond she's become all but enslaved with. By the time she confronts her old master she's irrecoverably in the clutches of the dark side, with nothing to live for yet unable to die. She is undoubtedly insane by then.


LS is also interesting, as it's a redemption but not in the same sense as a normal character's. She's not a goody-two shoes being given a second chance to amend for an evil-filled past she strives to correct, she's a lost and damned soul being raised out of the abyss she's let herself slip into with the Exile's compassion and Force bond as her rope out. She's not amending her past deeds, she's coming to realize that life can be more than suffering and to let go of the grief for her people she's buried deep down. By the time she confronts Nihilus again she's learned that there really is such a thing as compassion, and why his teachings are no longer true.


Anyway, I think she's a fascinating, if vastly underrated character.


Not as badly developed as Visas. One minute, Visas is an apprentice of the Sith and just because she is defeated, she becomes good instantly.


Hardly. She's a complete nihilist with zero faith in life who's still sad the Exile refused to grant her rest (death) once she joins the crew. She only truly becomes "good" by the time she meditates on the Ravager. "Good" is actually misleading, now that I think about it - she simply doesn't want to kill herself anymore. Very different.

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Definitely Visas, there's everything to love about her…
What you wrote...makes me want to vote for Visas all over again. Very well written Emperor Devon.


I don’t believe there is a wrong choice here, both NPC are interesting well developed characters IMO. I believe all the female NPC were way more interesting then their male counterparts

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Not a big fan of Visas, she was kinda boring, but IMO, Handmaiden wasn't much better. But I chose Handmaiden in the end... Mira ftw! :)


Haha yeah when I saw this thread my first thought was- can I vote for Mira? At least shes not thowing herself at the male exile like Brianna and Visas.

"Get away from me! If you come ask me more questions I swear I'll shoot you in the head and jump you out the airlock." Loved that line. Even though Mira is one of the weaker characters as for as combat goes she's still probly my favorite.


mimartin: Yeah they were better developed and much more interesting.

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- Stronger in battle.


However, my Visas can wipe the floor with Brianna. On a realistic scale... I strongly support that Visas is indeed more powerful in battle. I've brought up a lot of reasons as to why, in my other post.


- Has more connection to the Jedi Exile and Kreia (if only she could replace G0-T0 as a Party Member for females).


I strongly disagree. Like I said in my earlier post, Visas connects with the Exile on a MUCH deeper level than Brianna does.


Specifically, even the Exile potentially admits such a thing. When Brianna asks the male Exile why he stands with Visas rather than her... he says, "Her wound... is similar to mine,"

Both Visas and the Exile are broken people who feel that they must endure because they have no choice. Brianna has no connection in that sense whatsoever... she may have had a rocky past... but the Exile and Visas are virtually parallel in their suffering. Plus, Kreia connects better with Visas because both have a somewhat cryptic understanding of the Force... whereas Brianna's is completely naive. Kreia clearly points that out. In addition, Kreia only seems to have a connection with Brianna because it is in fact Atris who Kreia connects with... Handmaiden is just another puppet. Even then, Atris is considered to be a DISTRACTION in Kreia's eyes... whereas Nihilus is a THREAT. A threat that Visas has a direct connection to... which, in Kreia's eyes, gives her more usefullness than Brianna. Kreia tends to show much more intrest in the case of Visas than in the case of Brianna.


Also, Visas doesn't betray the Exile nor does she ever intend to. Brianna may betray the Exile if she has less influence than Visas. So that also points out that Visas will stay with you no matter what happens... while Brianna will not. Visas clearly has a deeper connection to the Exile than the Handmaiden could ever aspire to.

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isas will Kill Herself for Exile, Nuff Said. Granted, she is only willing to do it if she is wearing her old red dress.


Oh, the whole Visas "Opens Up Quickly" thing is a problem with the game mechanics I think. If anything Brianna "opens up" her body way too quickly...loading ramp or not. Plus her normal outfit is more skimpy than even Visa's Undergarment...

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And seeing as how evil acts get you influence with Visas that rubs the wrong way as well.


She's like Atton, she can flex either way on the Light/Dark scale. You can get influence with Visas for doing good/light acts as well. So Visas evilness depends on how evil the Exile is. :)

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Difference being Visas does not look buttt ugly when she goes DS. :)


I've been playing through the game again and Handmaiden is an absolute powerhouse. Pound for pound (only Exile is stronger) she has been better in combat, every time.


And seeing as how evil acts get you influence with Visas that rubs the wrong way as well.


Pound for Pound? maybe Brianna is just heavier? Well, eyeballs are heavy...


Then again, all/most females in the game looks like they are anarexic or something, give them a sammich. Not to say they have to all go BBW, but a few more pounds would look much better.

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