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Florida Student Tasered at Kerry Forum


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I'm not ruling out the possibility that this kid might be an absolute jerk, I know that. But I'm focusing on what the police did, which was way out of line.


No, his mic was simply cut. We don't know if the cops did it, if the sound controller did it, or if one of the political figures requested it. It was simply cut. Which was taken as a cue for the cops to ask him to leave.


Yes, his mic was cut. And I don't know if you know this, but the cops were talking to the guy who did it, and when the guy cut the mic they were told to move in and get him out of there. Both the cops and the sound person were cutting his mic off.


And they had no reason to drag him out, he was told to leave, requested to leave, what difference does it make? The cops came up to him and told him he needed to leave. Wow, big deal, so he wouldn't get to blast his agenda in front of a couple political figures who were probly the wrong target anyway.


It would have been much simpler if they let him go on, or maybe even just gave him a "tap on the shoulder" or whatnot and said, "hey, your time is almost up bro." But no, I guess they had to be antagonistic.


Any sensible person would think thusly:

My message was just cut off

The Police as asking me to leave.

I don't want to get hurt, so I should just leave.


I don't think I would. I'm not saying I would fight the police, but I sure wouldn't be thinking "oh, I should just leave." No. I'd would be thinking "why the ---- are you guys dragging me off, I haven't done anything!"


Besides, like he said, he wasn't doing anything wrong. And as I said just before, they could have handled it much differently.


At some point in this guy's train of thought, he thought the best solution would be to refuse to leave, struggle when he was made to leave and completely freak out and try and get away.


Think about the context here. He's at a *political* forum here. And when you've done nothing wrong, and are getting dragged off for asking questions of a *political* nature, it starts to smell a bit.... hmmm, I'm not sure what word to use. I'm not saying it was, but that sure sounds like it. Remember, people do have the right to Free Speech here, and exercising shouldn't be a crime. Especially when that right seems to have been walking all over by some recently (in the sense of, "I can say what I want, but you can't" kind of thing).


He wasn't even being accused of a crime, he was simply being asked to leave. Which anybody with the authority to do so can request of ANY person in such a meeting. Police, Kerry, sound guy, whatever.


Doesn't make it right. Or proper procedure by the cops. Just because they can, doesn't mean there should be no consequences for their wrong actions.


People who have done nothing wrong have no reason to freak when the cops ask you to leave. You simply realize that now's not the place for whatever you're doing, and you leave. And given that this guy has a record of causing trouble, I wouldn't be surprised if this was just another instance of that.


On the contrary.... I think it would be exactly a reason to start freaking out. When you have done nothing wrong except ask tough questions (which I think political candidates should have to answer) then there should be NO, repeat, NO reason for the cops to remove you from the site. That, as I said, starts crossing the line from upholding peace to upholding a political agenda. Perhaps that would be your response. But I wouldn't stand for that kind of, I don't know, perhaps "censorship" would be the right word. I have the right to ask that question, and some cheap cops can't stop you on someone else's orders.


Because, really, was it the kid with an agenda, or the cops with the agenda that wanted to stop him from talking?


Even if the kid was an obnoxious punk.... I'm more worried about the cops trying to suppress what he was saying and then feeling that they could throw him out of the building based on that, than I am on this kid's behavior. Because who is going to police the police, I guess you could say.....

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I think this point about the mic might have gotten lost in my long post.


There was a time limit for people to ask questions. The kid's time was up, but he tried to continue talking. He was violating the rules set up for the people asking questions, and he was talking about odd stuff on top of it.

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I think this point about the mic might have gotten lost in my long post.


There was a time limit for people to ask questions. The kid's time was up, but he tried to continue talking. He was violating the rules set up for the people asking questions, and he was talking about odd stuff on top of it.



Actually, his mic was cut when he used a sexually explicit remark that detailed why Clinton was impeached.

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The kid's time was up, but he tried to continue talking. He was violating the rules set up for the people asking questions, and he was talking about odd stuff on top of it.
Now I obviously don't know the context of what EXACTLY went on before the video I've seen begins, but his mic gets cut off, he continues talking for about a second (You've got to try and say a few words before you realize that you've been turned off, yes?) and then the police step in right quick and GRAB HIM.


Now maybe I simply am unaware that the police tried to ask him nicely to leave before clutching at his arms, but what kind of response do they really expect? He's a 21 year old in a political forum, doing nothing wrong, and suddenly he is being forcibly ejected without even being given the opportunity to leave of his own volition? Yes, he could have handled it better, but the police created a situation where none should have existed.

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The police subject cadets to things such as capsicum stray so they know the effect it has. I doubt any member would have the 'shocking' opinion that someone deserves what they get.


On Andrew Meyer, it seems he wanted to play up the issue of police brutality and otherwise gain attention for the cameras and incite anger.

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I'm not ruling out the possibility that this kid might be an absolute jerk, I know that. But I'm focusing on what the police did, which was way out of line.


Tasering him 10 times might be out of line, once is not so bad. A little overreaction? Sure, but cops are supposed to be the strong-arm that makes you play by the rules. Not you're best friend.


Yes, his mic was cut. And I don't know if you know this, but the cops were talking to the guy who did it, and when the guy cut the mic they were told to move in and get him out of there. Both the cops and the sound person were cutting his mic off.

as is brought up by the posters before me, he also made some explicit remark about Clinton(Bill), which likly violated some "play nice" rule of the question forum. This also likly stirred the cops and sound guy into doing something.


It would have been much simpler if they let him go on, or maybe even just gave him a "tap on the shoulder" or whatnot and said, "hey, your time is almost up bro." But no, I guess they had to be antagonistic.

And they did, they said "time up" and gave him a light tug on the arm, at which point he completly weirded out, thus requiring to be drug off. "letting people go" is not how you control a situation.


I don't think I would. I'm not saying I would fight the police, but I sure wouldn't be thinking "oh, I should just leave." No. I'd would be thinking "why the ---- are you guys dragging me off, I haven't done anything!"

And fighting with the police would prove this? The best way to prove you are innocent, is to simply leave.


Besides, like he said, he wasn't doing anything wrong. And as I said just before, they could have handled it much differently.

As I and others have been saying, he was in clear violation of the rules of the forum. Thus, YES he WAS doing something wrong.


Think about the context here. He's at a *political* forum here. And when you've done nothing wrong, and are getting dragged off for asking questions of a *political* nature, it starts to smell a bit.... hmmm, I'm not sure what word to use. I'm not saying it was, but that sure sounds like it. Remember, people do have the right to Free Speech here, and exercising shouldn't be a crime. Especially when that right seems to have been walking all over by some recently (in the sense of, "I can say what I want, but you can't" kind of thing).

Again, he's being dragged off for freaking when told to leave and being an ass and disrespecting the forum rules. There is nothing this student is saying that a thousand other people who nobody listens to aren't saying, or havent said to Kerry before.


Exercising free speech is great, but the Forum had rules to be followed when doing so, one was a time limit, and another was likly respect and lack of cursing, all of which this kid broke, that sounds like good enough reason for me to throw somebody out of a political forum. In fact, that's why people get thrown out of THIS political forum.


Doesn't make it right. Or proper procedure by the cops. Just because they can, doesn't mean there should be no consequences for their wrong actions.

They could have shot him. They could have beat the crap out of this guy. A single taser shot may hurt, but it ain't gonna kill you. As is proven by the fact that this kid is in good spirits afterward and ready again to freak before some cameras.


On the contrary.... I think it would be exactly a reason to start freaking out. When you have done nothing wrong except ask tough questions (which I think political candidates should have to answer) then there should be NO, repeat, NO reason for the cops to remove you from the site. That, as I said, starts crossing the line from upholding peace to upholding a political agenda. Perhaps that would be your response. But I wouldn't stand for that kind of, I don't know, perhaps "censorship" would be the right word. I have the right to ask that question, and some cheap cops can't stop you on someone else's orders.


Again, he was removed from the forum for violating the rules he agreed to by being there in the first place. Which were a time limit and respect. Ask the tough questions by all means, but there's no need for disrespect or expletives.


Because, really, was it the kid with an agenda, or the cops with the agenda that wanted to stop him from talking?

yes, because one random college student's oppression is going to stop it.[/sarcasm] If anything it'd make it worse and the agenda of the student get more attention. No, if you want to suppress an agenda, you don't do it where the mass media can get their hands on it. That only vindicates the student and promotes his agenda.


Even if the kid was an obnoxious punk.... I'm more worried about the cops trying to suppress what he was saying and then feeling that they could throw him out of the building based on that, than I am on this kid's behavior. Because who is going to police the police, I guess you could say.....

I highly doubt whatever he had to say was very constructive anyway. Mud raking is great for sensationalism, but utterly pointless in the political system as it provides no solutins to the problem being complained about.


He violated the rules of the forum, and when he refused to go on his own, was made to leave.

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I'm more worried about the cops trying to suppress what he was saying and then feeling that they could throw him out of the building based on that, than I am on this kid's behavior.

Why would the cops give two ****s about what political drivel he was trying to say? People (celebrities, political pundits, Fox News commentators, etc.) say more outrageous things all the time and on national television, no less. You don't see them getting their asses tasered. The cops reacted to how he acted, not what he said.


He's a 21 year old in a political forum, doing nothing wrong, and suddenly he is being forcibly ejected without even being given the opportunity to leave of his own volition? Yes, he could have handled it better, but the police created a situation where none should have existed.

I'm pretty sure that he was given the opportunity to leave of his own accord. :rolleyes:


Imagine if you were the next person in line. This guy takes up more than his allotted time in questioning Kerry, when you're patiently waiting your turn at the mic. Are you going to tell the police "Oh no, don't make him leave, I want him to take up my mic time and cause a general ruckus by being a complete douchebag."


The police didn't create the situation, he did.

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There was a time limit for people to ask questions. The kid's time was up, but he tried to continue talking. He was violating the rules set up for the people asking questions, and he was talking about odd stuff on top of it.

And that gives a reason to half a dozen cops to jump on him? The guy might have said stupidities but he was not threatening or endangering anyone's well being (other than their ears :p ).


If someone would have been tasered or given any kind of physical pain for that here, even after trying to resist arrest, it would have been a huge scandal and an investigation would likely have been launched (and some suspensions would have very likely been issued).


Maybe it's a culture thing but how this guy got tasered for that after being thrown on the floor by 5-6 police officers is beyond me...heck he couldn't even move, just "speak" :confused:

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It's not like the half dozen cops jumped on him while he was standing at the microphone. They tried to escort him out and he raised his voice and arms, saying "Is anyone taping this? I'm not going anywhere!" Then as he is being pushed towards the door he defies the officers again saying "Get away from me man!" and makes a move to get back into the forum. That's when the half dozen officers tackled him. At all times he refused to acknowledge the authority of the police including after they told him would be tased if he didn't settle himself.




Alright I've been watching a number of other YouTube videos and it seems to me the cops were partially at fault for setting the stage for this. I was under the impression that this student had gone over his time allotment, but there are a number of statements that said he was only speaking for less than one minute after being physically escorted. Supposedly, two minutes was the time limit.


Plus the cops resorted to physical control over him right from the beginning. That was probably unnecessary. All that physicality that followed afterwards was set up by that.


So I retract some of my earlier venom towards this person, especially if the time limit thing wasn't actually violated.

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I'm on the side of the cops here. I personally believe they reacted to how he was acting, as in...


• Taking up other people's time on the microphone.

• Openly using profanity during the discussion.

• Resisting arrest.


As it has been stated above me, sure we have the rights of free speech. Does that mean we can abuse that and take up other's free speech? No it doesn't. He was asked to leave, and he didn't and tried to create chaos. He deserved his 'taserism' and i'm assuming he created more chaos after he was removed--


Andrew Meyer Arrested for Speaking at Kerry Forum
NOTE:  The following is not posted by Andrew Meyer, but has been posted by his friends.  

Andrew Meyer is currently [b]incarcerated in Alachua County[/b].  While asking U.S.
Senator John Kerry a question during a question and answer period following Kerry's speech at the University of Florida, Meyer was attacked by five police
officers, manhandled and tasered.  Fortunately there are videos and many
witnesses to this injustice.  Some articles and videos are linked below.
 Please show your support by educating yourselves and raising awareness by
letting others know what has happened.  Continue checking back to this website for updates.


I found that on his site-- http://www.theandrewmeyer.com/. Note that it says he is incarcerated in the Alachua County Jail. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't still be incarcerated right now unless he caused more trouble after.





Krysk--using dark colors such as dark red and royal blue are extremely difficult to read on a dark background when you're using it for large chunks of text. Please use white or very light colors, please. Those of us with 'older eyes' thank you. :) --Jae

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But still, was he that big of a threat. I'm ok with the police arresting him, but using a taser against him instead of tackling him down was just too much.

I disagree. He was a threat to the people around him, as one person above stated it was very possable he may have a weapon or martial arts training. The taser was justified because he could have quietly walked out, or even gave up after they jumped on him, but he didn't and had to be restrained to restore order.




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True, but come on, one officer was enough, maybe even two if he had martial arts training (doubtful by looking at him). If he had a weapon, then I agree. But still I'm not convinced that it was the best course of action, it was a hasty decision taken without deliberation.


Now you just agreed with me that IF he had a weapon it would have been justified, but how do we know he has a weapon or not? That would be the question. Theres been alot of psychopath incidents lately, the highlight of which would be either Combine ten years ago, or the incident where two high school students used heavy-grade weapons, killing on sight and suiciding soon after (This happened about six months ago maybe?).




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Now you just agreed with me that IF he had a weapon it would have been justified, but how do we know he has a weapon or not? That would be the question. Theres been alot of psychopath incidents lately, the highlight of which would be either Combine ten years ago, or the incident where two high school students used heavy-grade weapons, killing on sight and suiciding soon after (This happened about six months ago maybe?).




Shoot first, ask questions later... Nice mentality btw... come on there wasn't the slightest hint that the guy could have been dangerous and he was already held on the ground by several police officers...even without the taser, there was nothing he could do.

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Shoot first, ask questions later... Nice mentality btw...

What can I say to that...? Lol. ;)


come on there wasn't the slightest hint that the guy could have been dangerous and he was already held on the ground by several police officers...even without the taser, there was nothing he could do.


I suppose I do have to admit he probably couldn't have done anything... whatsoever in any way. None-the-less I still think that that the taser was justified, considering he was even warned that if he didn't stop he could be tasered.




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What I heard on the news was his time was up, but if that was not the case, it still does not mean he had the right to resist the police.


When this first broke, I was under the impression that a Taser Gun was a painful yet safe way to subdue someone. However, after reading further I have discovered that people actually have died after being tasered. That being the case, I believe the police should have used better discretion before actually using the weapon on the subject. They had more then enough officers to subdue this jerk and did not actually have to use the Taser.


I do not believe the fear of him having a concealed weapon is a ligament, having been to a number of political rallies I know you are searched head to toe before entering the building.


All that said I would still put 90% of the blame on the jerk that had a problem with authority figures. If he just would have left quietly when the police came up to him he never would have got the shock of his life, not to mention a few days vacation at the counties expense.


If his motivation was to get publicity all I can say is job well done.

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I imagine that there were metal detectors and searches of people prior to entering the auditorium for Kerry's protection. However, as my experience with the hallucinating 'Nam vet showed, just because you have 5 people holding on to him, there's no guarantee that person is going to stay down, or not try to hit one of the cops. They may well have handled it with more physical force than they absolutely needed to, but we don't know if they were instructed to do that by the Secret Service (who I believe is still guarding Kerry as a former Presidential candidate and current Senator), or it's part of their protocol, or whatever. The guy was repeatedly asked to leave and resisted arrest, and escalated the situation by hollering and struggling. If I were a cop and someone was resisting, my assumption is that he's doing so to try to hit me or pull a weapon on me, because that's what people resisting arrest are trying to do in the US--I don't know how bad guys in Canada do things, but that's what they do here. If it's me (and my family)/my buddy or him, he's going down. You cannot partially subdue someone--you either do it completely or not at all.


If the guy had been respectful instead of confrontational and had not resisted arrest, it would never have gotten to the taser point. Probably wouldn't have even made it to arrest level, either.

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Nice find Totenkopf, he violated the rules of the forum. This was supposed to be a question and answer format, but it is oblivious that his intention is to be the speaker and not the questionnaire. People are there to hear John Kerry’s opinion and stand to the audiences’ questions, not the opinion of some random fellow college student.


If someone violated the rules on this forum wouldn’t the moderators cut them off and/or close or even delete their post, how is that any different from cutting off his mic. He violated the rules and disobeyed the police officers request.


By the end of the clip I was ready to taser him.

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Maybe the police went a little far, but the guy still had his destiny in his own hands. If he had just gone out quietly he would have been fine. He pushed the issue and paid the price.


As Chris Rock says, "If the police have to come and get you, they're bringing an ass-kicking with them."

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When this first broke, I was under the impression that a Taser Gun was a painful yet safe way to subdue someone. However, after reading further I have discovered that people actually have died after being tasered. That being the case, I believe the police should have used better discretion before actually using the weapon on the subject. They had more then enough officers to subdue this jerk and did not actually have to use the Taser.


Tasers are deadly on the sick, the elderly, children(little tots), and when used in excess. A single shot with a taser on a healthy 20 something college student who took multiple cops to restrain, is not going to kill him.

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Tasers are deadly on the sick, the elderly, children(little tots), and when used in excess. A single shot with a taser on a healthy 20 something college student who took multiple cops to restrain, is not going to kill him.

And just how do Police Officers know that someone is healthy without first completing a medical examination? People can look and act perfectly health and then just drop dead of a heart condition, even if they are a 20 something college student. Without knowing the persons complete medical condition I just believe the police should error on the side of caution. The Taser Gun is a weapon and should be only used when absolutely necessary. Of course like I wrote in post #47, by the end of the clip I was ready to taser him.


Edit for below: Corinthian I don’t think that is what I was saying, what I was trying to say is, without all the knowledge of the subject’s medical condition it would be prudent for police not to use the Taser until it is absolutely necessary.

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