Rogue15 Posted December 28, 2007 Share Posted December 28, 2007 i bought a few games this year.....i bought graw 2, oblivion, halo 3, and double agent...guess i'm under that 5 games minimum. lmao. unless you count for how many subscription months i bought for SWG. all the games i bought i'd say were worth the $300 i spent on the 360. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyrion Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 Having just beaten Portal around ten minutes ago, I can safely say it's a great game. My only real complaint, and it's not much of one, is that the first 17 or so puzzles are too easy, at least in comparison to the latter ones. Oh, and I hated Room 18: Reveal hidden contents The end puzzle is not for those easily succumbed to the whims of motion sickness. And I did it on the PC; I sympathize for those using a controller. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrWally Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 You're right. I jsut played through the first 17 puzzles in 45 minutes no sweat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leXX Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 Yeah I agree, the first puzzles are easy, but they are designed to give you the skills needed to complete the last few. I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy the last couple days, and I have to say it is absolutely bloody fantastic. I'm only on the 3rd Terrace, but this is definately my 2nd favourite game of the year. It is just fun, fun and more fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZBomber Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 I dont really call myself a gamer. I do enjoy video games but I dont have the money to buy them, and when I do get money it either goes to music or various other things. Whenever I play video games its usually old N64/Genesis games, and on occasion SSBM or a Wii game. Next game I'm gettin is the new Super Smash Brothers in February (Unless they pushed it back again for the umpteenth time)... after that I have no idea.... Link's Crossbow Training and Super Mario Galaxy look good tho. If only they were cheaper! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mike Windu Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 I didn't buy any new games this year either... Go retired gaming community! \o/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
access_flux Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 i have to admit, Skate. was a great game, and i ended up playing about 60 hours of it, just free skating. 1. CoD4 - THE GHILLIE SUITS! OH THE SNEAKINESS! 2. Assassins Creed - fun. very fun. 3. Oblivion. i've finished this game twice now, and i'm currently going through the expansion packs. 4.skate. - most realistic skateboarding game i've played so far 5.MOH:Airborne - i really enjoyed being able to start anywhere in the level. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TiE23 Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 REPEATED POST! Sue me... Updated: 1. Assassin's Creed - It's like GTA with swords and horses and free running, tons of fun! 1. (Tie) Crysis - After playing the game for 4 hours straight (would have been longer if my video card didn't start to over-heat, lol) so far I can say that this game has already impressed me enough to reach the top. Awesome graphics, great voice acting, characters, fighting, AI, level design, and other gameplay elements. If you have a computer capable, you need to have this game. 3. Call of Duty 4 - Ridicously fast action and beautiful graphics. Like a good action movie. 4. Rock Band - Even though I just play the guitar part, this game is a boat load of fun. 5. skate. - Sliky-smooth style and moves and complex tricks really make it a game to remember. 6. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Extremely atmospheric and creepy. The graphics and sound really draw you in. 7. DiRT - Just how I like it, arcadey-realism on dirt with beautiful locales and cars. Finished career mode 100% and unlocked everything on Pro-Am. 8. The Orange Box - Episode 2 was just full of so many "HOLY SH~T!" moments, story and gameplay wise that I just totally loved it. Portal was pretty sweet, too. 9. Mass Effect - Huge scale, so much detail... Just great stuff. 10. Halo 3 - Just more of the same Halo, good stuff. +2 I really like Phantom Hourglass and Jeanne D'Arc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrWally Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 Now I should put out a disclaimer that I do not own an xbox or a 360 and have played through single player (the whole way through) for only the first Halo, but I've heard countless people essentially say that Halo 3 was awesome because it was "more of the same, 'nuff said" and that type of thing. And while I admit that multiplayer for each of Halo games is incredible, I personally didn't see Halo 3 as standing out that much. In my opinion, for a game to be "great" it really has to achieve something new or really surprise me, and for a game that's prided for it's Multiplayer I didn't really see anything special. For instance, in my opinion Bioshock was great because, unlike almost any other game I've played for the past few years, I really felt as if I was trapped in Rapture. It was one of, if not THE, most atmospheric game I've ever played. Additionally, Portal was one of the most innovative games I've ever played, and except for maybe San Andreas, it was also one of the funniest. For these reasons, despite it's short length, I consider it another one of the greatest games of all time. I think that the gaming industry is becoming lazy and falling apart due to its lack of innovation. Sure, being pretty may make a game more enjoyable, but does it really define excellence? Look at Portal: in almost all respects the game is very very bland visually. Nearly all of the rooms look exactly the same and the exact same textures are used repeatedly but is that distracting? No, because the gameplay is so innovative and perfect that it hides the monotonous visuals. Think about it, how often do you go back and play games that are 2 or 3 or 5 or 10 years old? I do all the time, and I'd like to think I'm not the only one. Look at how popular games like starcraft and warcraft are - they are by no means up to date graphically, but their balanced gameplay and fantastic replayability keep people coming back. Another example: Heroes of Might and Magic III, one of my favorite games. It was made several years ago, is completely two dimensional, is turn based, and, of course, very old. Yet it is still one of the most balanced, intuitive, innovative, replayable, and fun games I've ever encountered, and for that reason I love loading it up when a friend is over and going at it against each other long into the night. I'm sick of the gaming industry recycling old garbage, sprucing it up with fancy effects, high resolution textures and DirectX 10 (which, in turn, cause us to waste huge amounts of money on new hardware and the newest consoles), selling it for 60 bucks, slapping on DRM, and then expecting us to beat it in 10 hours and buy some more of their crap. Now, I know this may sound pretty angry and all, and I will be the first to admit that there have been some great games this year (see: Bioshock, Portal, Assassin's Creed (so I hear), and Mass Effect (again, I don't have a 360 so I haven't played it for myself yet)), but there has been quite a bit of games that were clearly made for the sole purpose of making the industry money, not for entertaining the customer. That's what it's all about, right? Don't we play games to have fun? Personally, the real reason I haven't bought more than 5 games this year is I find myself consistently turning back to playing older games, such as Warcraft 3 and others that I have mentioned, and consistently not being impressed by the new games the industry is dishing out to us. [/rant] PS: It's late and I just finished a LOST marathon with my family, sue me PPS: THE CAKE IS A LIE! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BongoBob Posted December 31, 2007 Share Posted December 31, 2007 I have to agree with you that the gaming industry does tend to do more of the same monotonous garbage instead of new ideas and IPs (see any WWII game made with the exception of CoD 1 and 2). However, sometimes more of the same is still fun. Like your example with Halo. Yes, gameplay wise, Halo 3 brough little to nothing new to the table. It brought a few new weapons and vehicles, as well as pretty graphics, and as such was just more of the same. Yet this wasn't a bad thing because it was still fun. While yes we need some innovation in games like Bioshock or Portal or Zak and Wiki, sometimes more of the same isn't exactly bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrWally Posted January 1, 2008 Share Posted January 1, 2008 Hmm... you make a valid point, but in some ways I'd rather see them try to innovate with a new sequel and have it flop than dish out more of the same and have it be just "fun." And come on, with the Halo series I would want to think that any innovation would be welcomed with open arms into the community. Just look at the huge jump between Halo 1 and Halo 2 (dual wielding, for instance), and how great it was for the series. I really doubt they could have easily "gone wrong" or "ruined" Halo. But like I said, your point is valid, Bongo. It is a fun game, nonetheless. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
*Don* Posted January 1, 2008 Share Posted January 1, 2008 Halo 3 Mass Effect Bio Shock Assassin's Creed ... Damn. I guess I didn't make the "minimum 5 game" requirement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrWally Posted January 1, 2008 Share Posted January 1, 2008 I think that I can agree with this list. While I haven't played completely through all of these games I've had a least a bit of time with nearly all of them, and I think they did a pretty good job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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