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DID you know that...(TSL discussion)

What are the most annoying things in TSL? -Please only pick 3 max Story not included-  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What are the most annoying things in TSL? -Please only pick 3 max Story not included-

    • Hard to kill Vrook?
    • Not enough Force point regeneration?
    • Not enough FP's for Jedi Guardians?
    • Nihilus too weak?
    • Shem's mod that kills people at LV 1?
    • Sion being near immortal?

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Kreia took longer than Sion and Nihilus, but I didn't find that fight a challenge either. I'm comparing the fight to KotOR 1, which is perhaps unfair, but Malak was hard for me to beat. Sion, Nihilus, and Kreia were not hard, IMO, especially considering I've only had one play-through.

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Sion was my worst part. Not because I found him especially hard, but because he ruined verisimilitude. We are fighting with LIGHTSABERS. Sorry, but if I land a hit, he should be in half. His regeneration capabilities should not make any difference.

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Sion was my worst part. Not because I found him especially hard, but because he ruined verisimilitude. We are fighting with LIGHTSABERS. Sorry, but if I land a hit, he should be in half. His regeneration capabilities should not make any difference.

well the same could be said for all enemies, since they all take more than 1 lightsaber hit to go down.

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The only problems I really think are Vrook being perhaps too heard if DS and Dantooine is your first planet and Nihilus being too weak. Personally I think the rest are your own pet peves.


Personally I like Sion; I think he has a unique and strange force power gift; which makes him hard to kill.


I really was annoyed at the fact of Shem's super enhanced mod. It's damn impossible to live past the first two droids, unless you know how. But I found Vrook more annoying. :lol:


Why is Shem's mod in this thread? If you don't have the skill to survive level 1 with it installed, then maybe take the hint and don't have it installed.


How is there not enough Force Point regeneration? Even Yoda and Sidious get tired, infact, at least it seems to me all your requests tend to be for God items; if thats your thing fine, but don't moan about game mechanics especially TSL where your PC ends up well over powered in comparison to other enemies anyways.


Jedi Guardians AREN'T meant to have lots of FP, if you want FP go a different class, and quit moaning about people not making a pointless mod; if you want it, frankly do it yourself, the rest of us happily go Consular class if wanting more FP. You could always go Sentinal which is in the middle.

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What are the most annoying things in TSL? -Please only pick 3 max Story not included-


How do you describe it as 'annoying'? You could consider it 'poorly written' (the erroneousness of that opinion notwithstanding), but I don't see what could make it irritating.


Not enough FP's for Jedi Guardians? Request not answered for a mod to sort this


The whole point of the Guardian class is to *not* have enough Force points, so as to offset how much better it is in melee than Sentinels and Consulars. If you wanted a god class, you should've had that as a poll option. (And you can simply cheat your Wis score to obscene levels, in any case.)


Shem's mod that kills people at LV 1? No offence Shem


Er, don't install it if you don't like it? :/


This seems more like an attempt to jab at various mods (and lack thereof) or parts of the gameplay you dislike rather than an actual poll, IMO.


On topic: I probably disliked the scaled gameplay more than anything else. As if the poor AI and overpowered items in the game weren't enough, all the enemies scale to your level and any potential for challenge is squashed. At least in KotOR I a first-level character could be slaughtered by Malak; in TSL the same character should be able to take on the various Sith Lords. (IIRC they don't have very many hit points by default. It's all simply added in accordance to whatever your PC's level is.)

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I really was annoyed at the fact of Shem's super enhanced mod. It's damn impossible to live past the first two droids, unless you know how.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Did you read Inyri's review about my mod?


Let me start out by saying this mod is not for the faint of heart. If you're not an experienced player, and by experienced I mean you're insanely good at the game, you won't want to get this mod. Why? You'll die a miserable death, likely early on in the game.
This should be enough to tell you that you're not an advanced enough player to play my mod. I also mention in my readme file that my mod is for advanced players who need to be challenged.
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Actually, Gurges, from what I remember, the only hits that are actually shown as landing during a lightsaber duel are ineffective ones, not ones with the blade, until you get a killing blow. With Sion, you land multiple 'Killing Blows' but because he's just in so much pain and he's got some dark side (Really, he would do well with 'Crawling in my skin' as his theme song) mojo, he's nigh on invincible.

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Even Avellone can't be consistently brilliant.


If TSL is an example of Avellone at his worst, well, I'd take that over Bioware's story-writing at it's best. ;) Not that Bioware's story for KotOR1 was particularly bad, mind you, it wasn't, but TSL's story was just so unexpectedly un-Star Wars-like, and quite deep as well.


Anywho, back OT: Nihilus being weak as a kitten was rather disappointing, but is also an easy fix with the right mod(s).


And Vrook being so hard to beat in such an unsatisfyingly easy game was not a disappoinment at all; it was rather refreshing.

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Yeah I don't quite understand the TSL story-line bashing. I get that parts were left out, but shortcomings resulting from the crunched timeline were not a result of a poorly written story. I thought it was actually written really well.

Yes - except for the parts where, even with the complete storyline, the gaps were explained 'by the Force'.

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Yes - except for the parts where, even with the complete storyline, the gaps were explained 'by the Force'.

I can understand the criticism there, but I still disagree when people state that the TSL story was poorly written, that it sucks, etc. It was still a great story, written well, but had some gaps that were caused by a compacted schedule, not by poor writing.

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I don't think it's a bad plot. But how much time would Mr. Avellone need to finish his megalomaniac project for the K2 story? Every writer must knows the limits of a book. I'd bet that, even if he had another year of development, we would still see those gaps out there, and he, just as he does now, would blame himself for it.

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I don't think it's a bad plot. But how much time would Mr. Avellone need to finish his megalomaniac project for the K2 story? Every writer must knows the limits of a book. I'd bet that, even if he had another year of development, we would still see those gaps out there, and he, just as he does now, would blame himself for it.

Possibly - I don't know Avellone's work well enough to comment on that. I'd imagine if I were in that situation though that I wouldn't want to give any on my ideas, and I'd probably try to find a way to make it work (creating holes as well). Perhaps I'd never be a good author because of it, but I can understand why Avellone would choose to do that as opposed to cutting out plot to alleviate any holes.

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Exactly! TSL was a perfectly serviceable plot for a game...


But it wasn't Star Wars. It was a plot for something completely different that got used. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if Avellone was reusing stuff from Baldur's Gate III and translated it into Sci-Fi.

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