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Is Revan Skywalker or "Exilie" Skywalker


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Well, is Revan Skywalker? He is (cannonicaly) the jedi who saved the republic, a great pilot, Dark Lord of the Sith, who redemed to save the republic.

Or, is "Exile" Skywalker? She is (cannonicaly) the jedi who was exiled because she had the Revan "Charisma" as a leader, starship pilot, the general that fought in Malachor V and Returned to save the republic and save the force

So that's the question; Is one of they a Skywalker?

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I think it's quite a stretch to call either a Skywalker, especially the Exile. There might be some canon material that I'm not familiar with that defies what I'm about to say, but isn't Anakin the first Skywalker with force sensitivity? Anakin was born "of the force", without a father, and I'm not aware of any of Shmi's descendants that are force sensitive. I could be wrong though.

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@ HK-52: Shmi was the first known Skywalker (So far), do you mean as a Metaphor? Revan is canon male Light side and Exile is female and 'hinted' at being Light side, although no other material on the exile was produced.


I personally view Revan as LSM, and although I do play TSL now and again I don't care what the Exile is :)

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How come you can tell their family by their deeds? And where did you hear that Revan and the Exile were pilots at all?


I would rather that they didn't have any connection with the Skywalkers. Why must everything on that damn big galaxy must be related to them?

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"Well...we got a powerfull Jedi. Let's call him Skywalker!"


Revan deserves a family name of his own...I like the 'Revan' part more. It gives him some...mysterious look and feel. Giving him a name would only damage that 'feeling.'


That's the power of customising your own character. :)

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I think people forget what made Anakin Skywalker who he was. It wouldn't have matter if Anakin was a decedent of Revan or the Exile because that is not what made Anakin strong in the Force. What made Anakin strong in the Force was the fact that his father was the midi-chlorians.

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I think people forget what made Anakin Skywalker who he was. It wouldn't have matter if Anakin was a decedent of Revan or the Exile because that is not what made Anakin strong in the Force. What made Anakin strong in the Force was the fact that his father was the midi-chlorians.
Right - that's what I meant when I said he was born "of the force". There has been some speculation, however, that Darth Plagueis was the one who willed the midi-chlorians to conceive Anakin.
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Rather than Revan or the Exile, with the whole Vector thing in the comics, one could seriously begin to think Zayne might be related to the Skywalkers.


Revan sure shares traits with both Skywalkers, but that's only because the first KotOR has a typical Original-Trilogy-like plot. As for the Exile... Hm. Can't see any trait that might relate her to the family. (And I still have hope that for once, the Dark Side story will be claimed canon...)

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I'm inclined to believe that the forebears of the Skywalker family line were a series of moisture farmers or slaves on Tatooine and other sections of the Outer Rim Territories. I have a hard time believing that every pivotal character of every era has the blood of Skywalker in his or her veins.

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While from a fan's point of view, naming your character Skywalker (or even Kenobi) is quite fun, I don't think it really suits either Revan or the Jedi Exile.


In fact, the only characters I don't mind being related to the film characters are Lando's ancestor and the Fett ancestor.

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It's not the surname but the actions of the individual, Shmi: Slave who (by chance) was impregnated by the force... Anakin: Had it all, Flushed it down the drain... Luke: cleaned up the mess, realized his potential. If anything it was the Naberrie/Amidala maternal gene that lead to Skywalker name to be held at such high regard, by Mothering Luke and Leia, who with there inherited good nature, intelligence and bravery, undid there fathers failures.

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That is very true adam.


I personally don't think that either Revan or the Exile are part of the Skywalker family. I believe that Anakin Skywalker was the first Skywalker with real force potential (essentially the ability to use the force). It just makes sense that way.

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Not that this necessarily means anything, but wikipedia states:

Shmi's son, Anakin Skywalker, was apparently conceived by the midi-chlorians and born with the help of The Force, though her surname seems to imply the family has long been strong with the force.
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I guess because it implies that somewhere along her ancestry there was a pilot who traveled enough to be known as "skywalker" - doesn't necessarily mean that it was a Jedi or a force-sensitive though. But it certainly doesn't fit for a family of slaves/farmers either.

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I have an idea of that. It's awesome.


The name Skywalker came from the name "Skywalker", which is what someone's last name was.


Yeah... really doesn't answer any questions. :p


I'm inclined to agree with Gurges; that the surname was derived from some ace pilot ancestor's nickname.

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Revan and Exile are not long lost relatives of Anankin/Shmi, firstly how do we know Revan and the Exile had kids? And did there parent ammount to anything? If Revan and Exile didn't have Children, and the were the only Children of the family, how would any genes get past on. Also there is no evidence what so ever to suggest Revan and Exile werre related...


Given all the unkown it is highly illogical to think they are part of a Skywalker blood line. Furthermore, as others have said does every powerful force user have to be a Skywalker? Was Yoda really born of a relationship between Shmi's great great great great great great grandmother and a Hutt? I think we just solved what Yoda's species is! ;)

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Revan and Exile are not long lost relatives of Anankin/Shmi, firstly how do we know Revan and the Exile had kids? And did there parent ammount to anything? If Revan and Exile didn't have Children, and the were the only Children of the family, how would any genes get past on. Also there is no evidence what so ever to suggest Revan and Exile werre related...



Maybe they had clone bodies stored somewhere... :p





But on that, I swear, if it wasn't for the fact that all clones were made from Jango, I'd be convinced that Scorch was a clone of Carth

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