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Revan's Flowing Cape & Belt (K1 & TSL)

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Personally if I was Sithspecter, I would just start ignoring most of the questions here and use my energy to finish the mod instead.


I've seen a lot of the same questions and such over and over again. I would be getting annoyed if I was Sithspecter. Let him give you updates on his own terms. The less time he's here, the more time he has to put into this project, the faster it will get out to the public. Pretty simple logic if you ask me.

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Personally if I was Sithspecter, I would just start ignoring most of the questions here and use my energy to finish the mod instead.


I've seen a lot of the same questions and such over and over again. I would be getting annoyed if I was Sithspecter. Let him give you updates on his own terms. The less time he's here, the more time he has to put into this project, the faster it will get out to the public. Pretty simple logic if you ask me.


Amen Shem, amen.

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Personally if I was Sithspecter, I would just start ignoring most of the questions here and use my energy to finish the mod instead.


I've seen a lot of the same questions and such over and over again. I would be getting annoyed if I was Sithspecter. Let him give you updates on his own terms. The less time he's here, the more time he has to put into this project, the faster it will get out to the public. Pretty simple logic if you ask me.

I have to agree sith Shem here. Let the lady... *ahem* MAN work.
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Will SS post a message here that it is done and give a link to download the mod at this site or will you upload it on KotOR Files? I'd like to know so I know where to look when it is done.


P.S. Sorry to waste your time SS by asking you this when instead you could be working on this incredible mod.:(




Behold my inner battle between darkness and light.


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Will SS post a message here that it is done and give a link to download the mod at this site or will you upload it on KotOR Files? I'd like to know so I know where to look when it is done.


P.S. Sorry to waste your time SS by asking you this when instead you could be working on this incredible mod.:(


He'll most likely do three things;


a) Announce it's finished here

b) Post a thread in TUCE

c) Upload it at KotOR Files... trust me, you won't miss this being done...

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He'll most likely do three things;


a) Announce it's finished here

b) Post a thread in TUCE

c) Upload it at KotOR Files... trust me, you won't miss this being done...



I certainly agree with you on your point 'c'

Great stories will be told forever and ever about this modder and mod once it's done :D

I recon it's just about the most anticipated mod for KotOR ever!

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He'll most likely do three things;


a) Announce it's finished here

b) Post a thread in TUCE

c) Upload it at KotOR Files... trust me, you won't miss this being done...

jonathan7, since I just became a member and discovered this site not long ago I have no idea what or where TUCE is. If you would be so kind as to tell me, I would understand your reply better.


P.S. Thank you for the quick reply

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my computer wont run K1 so looks like im stuck waiting for the K2 version instead. keep up the godly work SS

I have a few questions for you whatthehell:


What type of computer do you have? If you could give me that info maybe I can help you. I don't know if my computer controls are the same as yours but the way to access the info on my computer is to Right-Click on My Computer and click properties and a window called System Properties should show up and on the general tab is the info I need so if you post it here I'll take a look at it and get back to you. Also I need to know if you have DirectX 9.0b or later installed.


My next question is: What does the lurker title mean? 'Cause I just became a member and I have no idea what it means.



I'll be glad to help you with this dilema, ZimmMaster

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I have a small question for you Sithspecter. I am an amateur modder, have only been doing some textures and I am very new to KotOR all together - only just began playing it for the time some 4 weeks ago.

I was wondering if the mod will be compatible with existing save games, or will I have to start a new game for the mod to take effect?

I know that I can just use textures I made myself with existing save games, but I don't know if this applies for model files too so... that's why I am asking :)


And lastly I have a question for all of you guys, and one that is somewhat way off topic, but it's a quick one I assure you.

Does Revan appear in the actual storyline of KotOR II or perhaps only as a historical reference?


Thank you in advance.

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