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Bao-Dur, Exile and Atton


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this is from 2005. i remember drawing this. :')

bao-dur. of course it was copied.




bao-dur and the exile. it's a scene from my story - A Jedi and a Zabrak. (or iridonian, because i typed the wrong name by accident!)




atton rand. not really much effort put into this. it was a quick sketch, because ive never really drawn him before. thought i'd find my own individual style. :)




a very skinny version of the exile :S

i dont know how she came out so skinny haha.

oh well.

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Your handwriting reminds me a lot of my one friend who's really into art.


Nice pics.





people always comment on my handwriting saying it looks 'arty' lol

but it just looks scruffy to me XD


thanks for all the comments! and the animation business would be good, IF, i could work a computer well. (:

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